
1.6 KiB

Booting `wukkOS basic kernel'
WARNING: no console will be available to OS
error: no suitable video mode found.
using serial port 0 as console
debug: setup GDT
debug: GDT loaded
debug: CS set
debug: SS set
debug: TSS loaded
debug: IDT loaded

welcome to wukkOS!
(c) 2022 Real Microsoft, LLC
initialising mapper...[OK]
initialising frame allocator...[OK]
initialising heap...[OK]
testing heap...[OK]
checking for apic compatibility...[OK]
disabling PIC...[OK]
initialising apic...[debug] read_phys_memory32: addr fee000f0 not mapped
[debug] allocated frame: PhysFrame[4KiB](0x1c000)
[debug] mapped page: Page[4KiB](0xfee00000)
[debug] map_to_result: Ok(MapperFlush(Page[4KiB](0xfee00000)))
setting up apic interrupts...[debug] write_phys_memory32: addr fec00000 not mapped
[debug] allocated frame: PhysFrame[4KiB](0x1f000)
[debug] mapped page: Page[4KiB](0xfec00000)
[debug] map_to_result: Ok(MapperFlush(Page[4KiB](0xfec00000)))
[debug] keyboard interrupt
double fault!
stack frame: InterruptStackFrame {
instruction_pointer: VirtAddr(
code_segment: 8,
cpu_flags: 0x200002,
stack_pointer: VirtAddr(
stack_segment: 16,