2020-04-13 14:28:53 +10:00

166 lines
4.5 KiB

const ytdl = require('ytdl-core-discord')
const fetch = require('node-fetch')
module.exports = client => {
client.music = { guilds: {} }
client.createTimestamp = function (duration) {
var hrs = ~~(duration / 60 / 60)
var min = ~~(duration / 60) % 60
var sec = ~~(duration - min * 60)
if (String(hrs).length < 2) {
hrs = '0' + String(hrs) + ':'
if (String(min).length < 2) {
min = '0' + String(min)
if (String(sec).length < 2) {
sec = '0' + String(sec)
if (hrs === '00:') {
hrs = ''
var time = hrs + min + ':' + sec
return time
client.music.getGuild = function (id) {
let guild = client.music.guilds[id]
if (!guild) {
guild = {}
guild.dispatcher = null
guild.playing = false
guild.queue = []
client.music.guilds[id] = guild
return guild
client.music.isYouTubeLink = function (query) {
return query.startsWith('https://youtube.com/') || query.startsWith('http://youtube.com/') || query.startsWith('https://youtu.be/') || query.startsWith('http://youtu.be/') || query.startsWith('https://m.youtube.com/') || query.startsWith('http://m.youtube.com/') || query.startsWith('https://www.youtube.com/') || query.startsWith('http://www.youtube.com/')
client.music.getLinkFromID = function (id) {
return 'https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=' + id
client.music.getVideoByQuery = async function (query) {
const isLink = client.music.isYouTubeLink(query)
let response
if (isLink) {
response = await fetch('https://www.googleapis.com/youtube/v3/search?key=' + client.config.keys.yt + '&part=id,snippet&maxResults=1&type=video&id=' + id)
} else {
// TODO: replace this workaround
response = await fetch('https://www.googleapis.com/youtube/v3/search?key=' + client.config.keys.yt + '&part=id,snippet&maxResults=1&type=video&q=**' + encodeURIComponent(query) + '**')
const parsed = await response.json()
if (parsed.items) {
const video = parsed.items[0]
if (video) {
return video
} else {
return false
} else {
return false
client.music.play = async function (message, query, ignoreQueue) {
const guild = client.music.getGuild(message.guild.id)
if (!message.member.voice.channel && !guild.voiceChannel) {
return message.reply('you are not in a voice channel!')
const vc = message.member.voice.channel
let video
if (!ignoreQueue) {
video = await client.music.getVideoByQuery(query)
if (video || ignoreQueue) {
if (!ignoreQueue) {
// Fix the bot if somehow broken
// music "playing", nothing in queue
if ((guild.playing || guild.dispatcher) && guild.queue.length === 0) {
guild.playing = false
guild.dispatcher = null
// music not playing, something is in queue
} else if (!guild.playing && !guild.dispatcher && guild.queue.length > 0) {
guild.queue = []
// Add video to queue
guild.queue.push({ video: video, requestedBy: message.member.id })
// Figure out if the bot should add it to queue or play it right now
if (guild.playing) {
message.reply('added **' + video.snippet.title + '** to the queue')
} else {
guild.playing = true
guild.voiceChannel = vc
const connection = await vc.join()
const v = guild.queue[0]
guild.dispatcher = connection.play(await ytdl(client.music.getLinkFromID(v.video.id.videoId), { highWaterMark: 1024 * 1024 * 32 }), { type: 'opus' })
message.channel.send('Playing **' + v.video.snippet.title + '**')
// play next in queue on end
guild.dispatcher.once('finish', () => {
guild.playing = false
if (guild.queue.length > 0) {
client.music.play(message, null, true)
} else {
guild.dispatcher = null
} else {
return message.reply('failed to find the video!')
client.music.setVolume = function (guild, target) {
const g = client.music.getGuild(guild.id)
if (g.dispatcher) {
client.music.skip = function (guild, reason) {
const g = client.music.getGuild(guild.id)
if (g.dispatcher) {