Solr indexer code cleanup

This commit is contained in:
Cadence Ember 2023-12-12 10:35:49 +13:00
parent aea627b27f
commit 27c9680f5b
1 changed files with 200 additions and 202 deletions

View File

@ -1,202 +1,200 @@
#lang racket #lang cli
(require racket/function (require (for-syntax racket/base))
racket/future (require racket/format
racket/match racket/function
racket/path racket/future
racket/promise racket/match
racket/port racket/path
racket/string racket/promise
file/gunzip racket/port
db racket/runtime-path
db/unsafe/sqlite3 racket/string
net/http-easy file/gunzip
json db
json-pointer db/unsafe/sqlite3
"../lib/html-parsing/main.rkt" net/http-easy
"../lib/xexpr-utils.rkt" json
"../lib/tree-updater.rkt") json-pointer
(define-syntax (seq stx) "../lib/xexpr-utils.rkt"
(syntax-case stx () "../lib/tree-updater.rkt")
[(_ body ...)
#`(for ([op (list (lambda () body) ...)] (flag (read-from-cache?)
[i (in-naturals)]) ("-c" "--read-from-cache" "read from last run cache instead of rebuilding documents")
(define res (op)) (read-from-cache? #t))
(when (>= (response-status-code res) 400)
(error 'seq "op #~a: status code was ~a: ~v" i (response-status-code res) (response-json res))) (define-runtime-path storage-path "../storage/archive")
(define taskuid (json-pointer-value "/taskUid" (response-json res)))
(for/or ([ticks (in-naturals)] ;; ***************************************************************************************************
[res2 (in-producer (lambda () (get (format "http://localhost:7700/tasks/~a" taskuid))))]) ;; Progress bar display
(define status (json-pointer-value "/status" (response-json res2))) ;; ***************************************************************************************************
(case status
[("enqueued" "processing") (struct progress^ (n max title) #:transparent)
(sleep 1)
#f] (define (make-m-s seconds)
[("succeeded") (define-values (eta-m eta-s) (quotient/remainder seconds 60))
(printf "op #~a: ~a (~a ticks)~n" i status ticks) (format "~a:~a" eta-m (~a eta-s #:width 2 #:align 'right #:pad-string "0")))
[else (define (make-progress get-p [history-size 20])
(error 'seq "op #~a: task status was ~a: ~v" i status res2)])))])) (define update-sleep 1)
(define name-width 30)
(define (class-has? attributes substrs) (define max-width 105)
(define cl (or (get-attribute 'class attributes) "")) (define history (make-vector history-size 0))
(ormap (λ (substr) (string-contains? cl substr)) substrs)) (define history-pointer 0)
(define elapsed 0)
(define (updater element element-type attributes children) (define (report-progress)
(cond (define p (get-p))
[(class-has? attributes '("collapsed" "selflink" "label" "toc" "editsection" "reviews")) (define history-cycle (vector-ref history history-pointer))
(list 'div '() '())] (vector-set! history history-pointer (progress^-n p))
[#t (set! history-pointer (modulo (add1 history-pointer) history-size))
(list element-type attributes children)])) (set! elapsed (add1 elapsed))
(define-values (eta-display diff-per-second)
(define slc (sqlite3-connect #:database "../storage/fts-separate.db")) (cond
(sqlite3-load-extension slc "fts5") [((progress^-n p) . >= . (progress^-max p)) (values (format "~a **" (make-m-s elapsed)) (format "** ~a" (quotient (progress^-max p) (max elapsed 1))))]
[(= history-cycle 0) (values "-:--" "--")]
(define (writer tables-mode? page) [else (define diff-per-second (/ (- (progress^-n p) history-cycle) (* history-size update-sleep)))
(define (writer-inner page) (define eta-total
(for ([bit page]) (if (diff-per-second . > . 0)
(cond (floor (round (/ (- (progress^-max p) (progress^-n p)) diff-per-second)))
[(and tables-mode? (pair? bit) (memq (car bit) '(h1 h2 h3 p blockquote q))) (void)] 0))
[(and (not tables-mode?) (pair? bit) (memq (car bit) '(ul ol dl table))) (void)] (values (make-m-s eta-total)
[(memq bit '(div p li td dd dt br)) (displayln "")] (round diff-per-second))]))
[(symbol? bit) (void)] (define left (format "~a/~a ~a/s ~a ~a%"
[(and (pair? bit) (eq? (car bit) '*COMMENT*)) (void)] (~a (progress^-n p) #:width (string-length (~a (progress^-max p))) #:align 'right #:pad-string " ")
[(and (pair? bit) (eq? (car bit) '@)) (void)] (progress^-max p)
[(pair? bit) (writer-inner bit)] diff-per-second
[(string? bit) (display bit)]))) eta-display
(writer-inner page)) (floor (* 100 (/ (progress^-n p) (progress^-max p))))))
(define name-display (~a (progress^-title p) #:max-width name-width #:limit-marker "..."))
(define (write-and-post-process tables-mode? page) (define remaining-space (- max-width name-width (string-length left) 2))
(define text (with-output-to-string (λ () (writer tables-mode? page)))) (define bar-width
;; (define text-no-numbers (regexp-replace* #px"(?:-|[+$£€¥] *)?[0-9,.]{2,}%?\\s*" text "")) (floor (* (sub1 remaining-space)
(define shrink-text (regexp-replace* #px"([ \t]*\r?\n+)+" text "\n")) (/ (progress^-n p) (progress^-max p)))))
shrink-text) (define bar (string-append (make-string bar-width #\=)
(define wikiname "bloons") (make-string (- remaining-space bar-width) #\ )))
(define tablename (format "page_~a" wikiname)) (printf "\e[2K\r~a~a~a" left bar name-display)
(define ((extract f)) ; f - filename (define (report-progress-loop)
(with-handlers (sleep update-sleep)
([exn:fail? (λ (err) (println f) (raise err))]) (report-progress)
(define j (report-progress-loop))
(case (path-get-extension f) (define t (thread report-progress-loop))
[(#".json") (define (quit)
(with-input-from-file f (λ () (read-json)))] (kill-thread t)
[(#".gz") (report-progress)
(define-values (in out) (make-pipe)) (displayln ""))
(with-input-from-file f (λ () (gunzip-through-ports (current-input-port) out))) quit)
(read-json in)]
[else #f])) ;; ***************************************************************************************************
(define title (json-pointer-value "/parse/title" j)) ;; Page text extractor
(define pageid (json-pointer-value "/parse/pageid" j)) ;; ***************************************************************************************************
(define page-html (preprocess-html-wiki (json-pointer-value "/parse/text" j)))
(define page (update-tree updater (html->xexp page-html))) (define (class-has? attributes substrs)
(define body (write-and-post-process #f page)) (define cl (or (get-attribute 'class attributes) ""))
(define table (write-and-post-process #t page)) (ormap (λ (substr) (string-contains? cl substr)) substrs))
(values title body table pageid)))
(define (updater element element-type attributes children)
(define results (cond
(for/list ([f (directory-list (format "../storage/archive/~a" wikiname) #:build? #t)] [(class-has? attributes '("collapsed" "selflink" "label" "toc" "editsection" "reviews"))
#:when (member (path-get-extension f) '(#".json" #".gz"))) (list 'div '() '())]
(extract f))) [#t
(list element-type attributes children)]))
;; ***************************************************************************************************
;; TESTING WRITER (define (writer tables-mode? page)
;; *************************************************************************************************** (define (writer-inner page)
#;(for/first ([fut results] (for ([bit page])
[i (in-naturals 1)] (cond
#:when (i . >= . 4859)) [(and tables-mode? (pair? bit) (memq (car bit) '(h1 h2 h3 p blockquote q))) (void)]
(define-values (title body table pageid) (fut)) [(and (not tables-mode?) (pair? bit) (memq (car bit) '(ul ol dl table))) (void)]
(println title) [(memq bit '(div p li td dd dt br)) (displayln "")]
(println body) [(symbol? bit) (void)]
(println table)) [(and (pair? bit) (eq? (car bit) '*COMMENT*)) (void)]
[(and (pair? bit) (eq? (car bit) '@)) (void)]
(println "inserting...") [(pair? bit) (writer-inner bit)]
[(string? bit) (display bit)])))
;; *************************************************************************************************** (writer-inner page))
;; SQLite FTS5
;; *************************************************************************************************** (define (write-and-post-process tables-mode? page)
#;(begin (define text (with-output-to-string (λ () (writer tables-mode? page))))
(query-exec slc "begin transaction") ;; (define text-no-numbers (regexp-replace* #px"(?:-|[+$£€¥] *)?[0-9,.]{2,}%?\\s*" text ""))
#;(query-exec slc (format "create virtual table \"~a\" using fts5 (title, body, tokenize='porter unicode61')" wikiname)) (define shrink-text (regexp-replace* #px"([ \t]*\r?\n+)+" text "\n"))
(time shrink-text)
(for ([fut results]
[i (in-naturals 1)]) (define ((extract f)) ; f - filename
(display "-") (with-handlers
(when (and (> i 0) (= (modulo i 100) 0)) ([exn:fail? (λ (err) (printf "extract: ~a: ~v~n" f err))])
(println i)) (define j
(define-values (title shrink-text) (fut)) (case (path-get-extension f)
(query-exec slc (format "insert into \"~a\" (title, body) values (?, ?)" tablename) title shrink-text))) [(#".json")
(with-input-from-file f (λ () (read-json)))]
(println "running optimize...") [(#".gz")
(query-exec slc (format "insert into \"~a\" (\"~a\") values ('optimize')" tablename tablename)) (define-values (in out) (make-pipe))
(with-input-from-file f (λ () (gunzip-through-ports (current-input-port) out)))
(println "committing...") (read-json in)]
(query-exec slc "commit")) [else #f]))
(define title (json-pointer-value "/parse/title" j))
;; *************************************************************************************************** (define pageid (json-pointer-value "/parse/pageid" j))
;; Solr (define page-html (preprocess-html-wiki (json-pointer-value "/parse/text" j)))
;; *************************************************************************************************** (define page (update-tree updater (html->xexp page-html)))
(begin (define body (write-and-post-process #f page))
(define data (define table (write-and-post-process #t page))
(cond (list title body table pageid)))
#;[(file-exists? "cache.rkt")
(println "reading in...") ;; ***************************************************************************************************
(with-input-from-file "cache.rkt" (λ () (read)))] ;; Program, loop, Solr APIs
[else ;; ***************************************************************************************************
(define data
(for/list ([fut results] (program
[i (in-naturals 1)]) (start [wikiname "wikiname to download"])
(display "-")
(when (and (> i 0) (= (modulo i 100) 0)) (define results
(println i)) (for/list ([f (directory-list (build-path storage-path wikiname) #:build? #t)]
(define-values (title body table pageid) (fut)) #:when (member (path-get-extension f) '(#".gz")))
(define len (string-length body)) (extract f)))
`#hasheq((id . ,(number->string pageid))
(title . ,title) (define data
(body . ,body) (cond
(table . ,table) [(and (read-from-cache?) (file-exists? "cache.rkt"))
(len . ,len)))) (displayln "Reading in...")
(with-input-from-file "cache.rkt" (λ () (read)))]
(println "writing out...") [else
(with-output-to-file "cache.rkt" (λ () (write data)) #:exists 'truncate/replace) (define x (box (progress^ 0 1 "...")))
data])) (define quit (make-progress (λ () (unbox x))))
(define data
(println "posting...") (for/list ([fut results]
(define res [i (in-naturals 1)]
(post (format "http://localhost:8983/solr/~a/update?commit=true" wikiname) #:do [(define page (fut))]
#:json data))) #:when (not (void? page)))
(match-define (list title body table pageid) page)
;; *************************************************************************************************** (define len (string-length body))
;; Meilisearch (set-box! x (progress^ i (length results) title))
;; *************************************************************************************************** `#hasheq((id . ,(number->string pageid))
#;(begin (title . ,title)
(seq (body . ,body)
(put (format "http://localhost:7700/indexes/~a/settings/searchable-attributes" wikiname) (table . ,table)
#:json '("title" "body")) (len . ,len))))
(put (format "http://localhost:7700/indexes/~a/settings/ranking-rules" wikiname) (quit)
#:json '("words" "typo" #;"proximity" "attribute" "sort" "exactness" #;"len:desc"))
(call-with-input-file "stop-words.json" (display "Writing out... ")
(λ (in) (flush-output)
(put (format "http://localhost:7700/indexes/~a/settings/stop-words" wikiname) (with-output-to-file "cache.rkt" (λ () (write data)) #:exists 'truncate/replace)
#:headers '#hasheq((Content-Type . "application/json")) data]))
#:data in))))
(define data (display "Converting... ")
(for/list ([fut results] (flush-output)
[i (in-naturals 1)]) (define ser (jsexpr->bytes data))
(display "-") (define ser-port (open-input-bytes ser))
(when (and (> i 0) (= (modulo i 100) 0)) (define quit (make-progress (λ () (progress^ (ceiling (/ (file-position ser-port) 64 1024))
(println i)) (ceiling (/ (bytes-length ser) 64 1024))
(define-values (title body pageid) (fut)) "Posting..."))
(define len (string-length body)) 2))
`#hasheq((id . ,pageid) (define res
(title . ,title) (post (format "http://localhost:8983/solr/~a/update?commit=true" wikiname)
(body . ,body) #:data ser-port
(len . ,len)))) #:headers '#hasheq((Content-Type . "application/json"))
(define res #:timeouts (make-timeout-config #:lease 5 #:connect 5 #:request 300)))
(post (format "http://localhost:7700/indexes/~a/documents" wikiname) (quit)
#:json data)) (displayln (response-status-line res)))
(seq res)
(println (response-json res))) (run start)
(disconnect slc)