Daniel Seiller 5f341ae5f1 Update README.md
add "+nightly" to cargo commands
2019-06-29 12:21:36 +02:00

672 B

Elite: Dangerous Long Range Router (Rust Version)


  1. download bodies.json and systemsWithCoordinates.json from https://www.edsm.net/en/nightly-dumps/ and place them in the dumps folder
  2. run cargo +nightly install --path . or cargo +nightly install --git https://gitlab.com/Earthnuker/ed_lrr.git
  3. run ed_lrr_pp --bodies dumps/bodies.json --systems dumps/systemsWithCoordinates.json
    • Alternatively run process.py in the dumps folder
  4. run ed_lrr --help


  • Working nightly Rust Compiler (tested with rustc 1.37.0-nightly (5d8f59f4b 2019-06-04))
  • ~8GB of free RAM
  • Optional:
    • Python 3.7
    • Pandas
    • uJSON