joten ff3e5ead39 Added the possibility to minimize windows
... excluding them from tiling
+ fixed bug in doc
2015-03-07 22:49:17 +01:00

15 KiB


  • - deleted
  • ~ changed
  • + added


  1. ~ Renamed the function Manager_toggleDecor to Window_toggleDecor.
  2. ~ Renamed the function View_toggleFloating to View_toggleFloatingWindow.
  3. ~ Migrated the following functions to View_setLayoutProperty: View_setGapWidth, View_setMFactor, View_setMX, View_setMY and View_rotateLayoutAxis.
  4. ~ Revised the following functions to allow setting absolute and relative values: Debug_setLogLevel, Manager_activateMonitor, Manager_setViewMonitor, Manager_setWindowMonitor, Monitor_activateView, Monitor_setWindowTag, View_setGapWidth, View_setLayout, View_setMFactor, View_shuffleWindow.
  5. ~ Revised the interface, i. e. the parameters, of the following functions for setting absolute and relative values -- but did not implement the functionality: Monitor_toggleWindowTag, View_activateWindow.
  6. ~ Revised the bar color scheme.
  7. ~ Revised the rule layout. The third parameter is not compared to the window style anymore, but is a function name, which is called with the window ID as a paramater, when applying the rule.
  8. ~ Revised the default rule set.
  9. + Added the possibility for sending commands to bug.n from another AutoHotkey script.
  10. ~ Removed the function Main_reload and reassigned the hotkey.
  11. + Added the possibility to minimize windows, making them floating and thereby excluded from tiling.
# Configuration variables - Hotkey functions + Hotkey functions
1. #+d::Manager_toggleDecor() #+d::Window_toggleDecor()
2. #+f::View_toggleFloating() #+f::View_toggleFloatingWindow()
3. #Left::View_setMFactor(-0.05) #Left::View_setLayoutProperty("MFactor", 0, -0.05)
#Right::View_setMFactor(+0.05) #Right::View_setLayoutProperty("MFactor", 0, +0.05)
#^t::View_rotateLayoutAxis(1, +1) #^t::View_setLayoutProperty("Axis", 0, +1, 1)
#^Enter::View_rotateLayoutAxis(1, +2) #^Enter::View_setLayoutProperty("Axis", 0, +2, 1)
#^Tab::View_rotateLayoutAxis(2, +1) #^Tab::View_setLayoutProperty("Axis", 0, +1, 2)
#^+Tab::View_rotateLayoutAxis(3, +1) #^+Tab::View_setLayoutProperty("Axis", 0, +1, 3)
#^Up::View_setMY(+1) #^Up::View_setLayoutProperty("MY", 0, +1)
#^Down::View_setMY(-1) #^Down::View_setLayoutProperty("MY", 0, -1)
#^Right::View_setMX(+1) #^Right::View_setLayoutProperty("MX", 0, +1)
#^Left::View_setMX(-1) #^Left::View_setLayoutProperty("MX", 0, -1)
#+Left::View_setGapWidth(-2) #+Left::View_setLayoutProperty("GapWidth", 0, -2)
#+Right::View_setGapWidth(+2) #+Right::View_setLayoutProperty("GapWidth", 0, +2)
4. #^d::Debug_setLogLevel(-1) #^d::Debug_setLogLevel(0, -1)
#^+d::Debug_setLogLevel(+1) #^+d::Debug_setLogLevel(0, +1)
#+Down::View_shuffleWindow(+1) #+Down::View_shuffleWindow(0, +1)
#+Up::View_shuffleWindow(-1) #+Up::View_shuffleWindow(0, -1)
#+Enter::View_shuffleWindow(0) #+Enter::View_shuffleWindow(1)
#+0::Monitor_setWindowTag(0) #+0::Monitor_setWindowTag(10)
#.::Manager_activateMonitor(+1) #.::Manager_activateMonitor(0, +1)
#,::Manager_activateMonitor(-1) #,::Manager_activateMonitor(0, -1)
#+.::Manager_setWindowMonitor(+1) #+.::Manager_setWindowMonitor(0, +1)
#+,::Manager_setWindowMonitor(-1) #+,::Manager_setWindowMonitor(0, -1)
#^+.::Manager_setViewMonitor(+1) #^+.::Manager_setViewMonitor(0, +1)
#^+,::Manager_setViewMonitor(-1) #^+,::Manager_setViewMonitor(0, -1)
5. #Down::View_activateWindow(+1) #Down::View_activateWindow(0, +1)
#Up::View_activateWindow(-1) #Up::View_activateWindow(0, -1)
6. - Config_normBgColor
- Config_normFgColor
- Config_selBgColor
- Config_selFgColor
+ Config_backColor_#1
+ Config_backColor_#2
+ Config_backColor_#3
+ Config_foreColor_#1
+ Config_foreColor_#2
+ Config_foreColor_#3
+ Config_fontColor_#1
+ Config_fontColor_#2
+ Config_fontColor_#3
7. ~ Config_rule_#2
8. ~ Config_rule_#3
~ Config_rule_#4
~ Config_rule_#7
~ Config_rule_#9
~ Config_rule_#10
~ Config_rule_#11
~ Config_rule_#12
+ Config_rule_#13
+ Config_rule_#14
+ Config_rule_#15
+ Config_rule_#16
+ Config_rule_#17
10. #^r::Main_reload()
#^+r::Reload #^r::Reload
11. #^m::Manager_minimizeWindow()


  1. + Session auto-save and restore. Layout and Window information is stored periodically so that it may be recovered after a restart.
  2. + Toggling the overflow window of the 'notify icons' by hotkey.
  3. + Manual tiling.
  4. + Increasing MFactor Resizing Over Time
  5. + Bar transparency
  6. + Reading in the sound volume and mute status and displaying it in the status bar.
# Configuration variables Hotkeys
2. #+y::Monitor_toggleNotifyIconOverflowWindow()
3. Config_largeFontSize=24 !Down::View_moveWindow(0, +1)
Config_areaTraceTimeout=1000 !Up::View_moveWindow(0, -1)
Config_continuouslyTraceAreas=0 !+Enter::Manager_maximizeWindow()
Config_dynamicTiling=1 !<n>::View_moveWindow(<n>)
4. Config_mFactCallInterval=700 View_setMFactor(d, dFact=1)
5. Config_barTransparency=off
6. Config_readinVolume


  • ~ Changed the command line argument from specifying 'the path to the Config.ini' to 'the path to the general data directory containing the Config.ini and log.txt'.
  • + Multi-dimensional tiling of the master area. The user may now specify X and Y dimensions independently up to 9 x 9.
  • + Created bug.n log to record major and debugging events and window information.
  • + 'View margins' allowing a layout to occupy a limited space of the monitor.
  • + 'Single window action', which allows to close or maximize windows based on rules.
  • + 'Reload' hotkey, which reloads the whole script.
  • + Re-Setting the 'Reload' and 'ExitApp' hotkey in 'Config.ini'-
  • + Added the configuration variable Config_viewNames, with which views can be named and the number of views can be set. The configuration variable Config_viewCount therewith becomes obsolete.
  • - Removed the configuration variable Config_viewCount.
  • - Removed the explicit listing of commands in the Bar_cmdGui.
  • - Removed the default rules for Gimp, since from version 2.8 onwards Gimp can use a single application window instead of three and more.


  • + feature #005446: Reload function (reloading bug.n without changing the current association of windows to views/tags)
  • + workaround bug #018364: (Evernote: new note) Introducing the configuration variable Config_onActiveHiddenWnds to set the behaviour of bug.n for already existing but hidden windows on redraw


  • - Config_addRunCommands (the 'Run' item in 'command GUI').
  • - Config_sessionFilePath
  • - Config_topBar (replaced by Config_verticalBarPos.
  • ~ The default values for the color (Config_normBgColor, Config_normFgColor, Config_selBgColor and Config_selFgColor) and font size (Config_fontSize) of the status bar are now retrieved from the system settings.
  • + Default rules
  • + Config_hotkey (setting hotkeys in 'Config.ini').
  • + Config_horizontalBarPos (The horizontal position of the bar: center, left or right side of the monitor or an offset in pixel (px) from the left (>= 0) or right (< 0).
  • + Config_verticalBarPos (The vertical position of the bar: top or bottom of the monitor, tray = sub-window of the task bar.
  • + Config_barWidth (The width of the bar in pixel (px) or with a per cent sign (%) as a percentage.
  • + Config_singleRowBar (If false, the bar will have to rows, one for the window title and one for all other GUI controls.
  • + Config_spaciousBar (If true, the height of the bar will be set to a value equal to the height of an edit control, else it will be set to the text height.
  • + Config_syncMonitorViews (The number of monitors (2 or more), for which views should be activated, when using the accordant hotkey. If set to 1, the views are actiated for all monitors. If set to 0, views are activated independently (only on the active monitor).
  • ~ Changed hotkeys
    • #s => #^s::Config_saveSession()
    • #+r => #^r::Reload
    • #+q => #^q::ExitApp
  • + #y::Bar_toggleCommandGui() (Open the command GUI for executing programmes or bug.n functions.)
  • + #^e::Run, edit, %Config_sessionFilePath% (Open the session file in the standard text editor.
  • + "<" and ">" as an argument for Monitor_activateView.
  • + "<" and ">" as an argument for Monitor_setWindowTag.
  • + Manager_maximizeWindow() to 'command GUI'
  • ~ The number of windows on a view is not indicated by different background colors anymore, but by a progress bar.
  • ~ The battery status is also indicated with a progress bar.
  • + A monitor with no windows on it can now be activated by cklicking on the desktop and therewith changing the active window.


  • - Config_showTitleBars
  • ~ Config_rules have two more parameters (window style and if the window is decorated; this replaces Config_showTitleBars).
  • + LWin+Shift+X maximizes a window to the bug.n workspace.
  • + You may now use Monitor_activateView(">") for cycling through the views and View_setLayout(">") for cycling through the layouts.