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## Default hotkeys
### General description
The hotkeys, as you can set them in `Config.ini`, are noted in the format
`Config_hotkey=<modifier><key>::<function>(<argument>)`; you may copy the
string from ` ` and use it as a template for a new line in `Config.ini`.
Possible modifiers are the following:
* `!` <kbd>Alt</kbd>
* `^` <kbd>Ctrl</kbd>, Control
* `#` <kbd>Win</kbd> / LWin, the left Windows key
* `+` <kbd>Shift</kbd>
You will have to press all keys of a hotkey at the same time beginning with the
modifier for calling the associated function, e. g. `#^q` means pressing the
left 'Windows key' and the 'Control key' and the 'Q key'
(<kbd>Win</kbd><kbd>Ctrl</kbd><kbd>Q</kbd>) for quitting bug.n.
### Window management
`Config_hotkey=#Down::View_activateWindow(0, +1)`
: Activate the next window in the active view.
`Config_hotkey=#Up::View_activateWindow(0, -1)`
: Activate the previous window in the active view.
`Config_hotkey=#+Down::View_shuffleWindow(0, +1)`
: Move the active window to the next position in the window list of the view.
`Config_hotkey=#+Up::View_shuffleWindow(0, -1)`
: Move the active window to the previous position in the window list of the view.
: Move the active window to the first position in the window list of the view.
> You may also move the active window to any other absolute position in the
window list by using the first parameter.
: Close the active window.
: Show / Hide the title bar of the active window.
: Toggle the floating status of the active window.
> The floating status effects the tiling of the active window (i. e. dis- /
regard it).
: Minimize the active window.
> This implicitly makes the window floating.
: Move the active window by key (only floating windows).
: Resize the active window by key (only floating windows).
: Move and resize the active window to the size of the work area (only floating
: Get information for the active window.
> The information being id, title, class, process name, style, geometry, tags and
floating state.
: Get a window list for the active view.
> The list contains information about the window id, title and class.
`Config_hotkey=!Down::View_moveWindow(0, +1)`
: Manually move the active window to the next area in the layout.
`Config_hotkey=!Up::View_moveWindow(0, -1)`
: Manually move the active window to the previous area in the layout.
: Move and resize the active window to the size of the work area (only floating
: Manually move the active window to the n<sup><small>th</small></sup> area in
the layout (n = 1..9).
: Manually move the active window to the n<sup><small>th</small></sup> area in
the layout.
: Toggle the stack area of the layout.
> If the stack area is disabled, the master area takes up the whole view.
### Window debugging
: Dump window information on the windows of the active view to the log.
: Dump window information on the contents of the managed window list to the log.
> The list contains the floating and tiled windows of all views.
: Print a description of the formatting (column headings) used in the previous
two log messages to the log.
> The previous two hotkeys being `Manager_logViewWindowList` and
`Config_hotkey=#^d::Debug_setLogLevel(0, -1)`
: Decrement the debug log level.
> This results in showing fewer debug messages. You may also set the debug log
level to an absolute value by using the first parameter.
`Config_hotkey=#^+d::Debug_setLogLevel(0, +1)`
: Increment the debug log level.
> This results in showing more debug messages. You may also set the debug log
level to an absolute value by using the first parameter.
### Layout management
: Set the previously set layout.
> You may also use `View_setLayout(0, +1)` for setting the next or
`View_setLayout(0, -1)` for setting the previous layout in the layout array.
: Set the floating layout.
: Set the monocle layout.
: Set the tile layout.
`Config_hotkey=#Left::View_setLayoutProperty(MFactor, 0, -0.05)`
: Reduce the size of the master area in the active view (only for the "tile"
> You may also set an additional parameter for accelerating the third one. E. g.
with `Config_hotkey=#Left::View_setLayoutProperty(MFactor, 0, -0.05, 2)` the
first step, by which the master area is reduced, is -0.0016% and will be
doubled with consecutive calls until it reaches -0.05%.
With the second parameter you may set an absolute value, e. g.
`View_setLayoutProperty(MFactor, 0.5, 0)` splits the view in half.
`Config_hotkey=#Right::View_setLayoutProperty(MFactor, 0, +0.05)`
: Enlarge the size of the master area in the active view (only for the "tile"
> You may also set a additional parameter for accelerating the third one. E. g.
with `Config_hotkey=#Right::View_setLayoutProperty(MFactor, 0, +0.05, 0.5)` the
first step, by which the master area is reduced, is 0.05%, but with consecutive
calls it will be halved until it reaches 0.0016%.
With the second parameter you may set an absolute value, e. g.
`View_setLayoutProperty(MFactor, 0.67, 0)` makes the master area two thirds
and the stacking area one third the size of the view.
`Config_hotkey=#^t::View_setLayoutProperty(Axis, 0, +1, 1)`
: Rotate the layout axis (only for the "tile" layout).
> I. e. 2 -> 1 = vertical layout, 1 -> 2 = horizontal layout.
`Config_hotkey=#^Enter::View_setLayoutProperty(Axis, 0, +2, 1)`
: Mirror the layout axis (only for the "tile" layout).
> I. e. -1 -> 1 / 1 -> -1 = master on the left / right side,
-2 -> 2 / 2 -> -2 = master at top / bottom.
`Config_hotkey=#^Tab::View_setLayoutProperty(Axis, 0, +1, 2)`
: Rotate the master axis (only for the "tile" layout).
> I. e. 3 -> 1 = x-axis = horizontal stack, 1 -> 2 = y-axis = vertical stack,
2 -> 3 = z-axis = monocle.
`Config_hotkey=#^+Tab::View_setLayoutProperty(Axis, 0, +1, 3)`
: Rotate the stack axis (only for the "tile" layout).
> I. e. 3 -> 1 = x-axis = horizontal stack, 1 -> 2 = y-axis = vertical stack,
2 -> 3 = z-axis = monocle.
`Config_hotkey=#^Up::View_setLayoutProperty(MY, 0, +1)`
: Increase the master Y dimension by 1 (only for the "tile" layout).
> This results in an increased number of windows in the master area by X.
Maximum of 9.
`Config_hotkey=#^Down::View_setLayoutProperty(MY, 0, -1)`
: Decrease the master Y dimension by 1 (only for the "tile" layout).
> This results in a decreased number of windows in the master area by X.
Minimum of 1.
`Config_hotkey=#^Right::View_setLayoutProperty(MX, 0, +1)`
: Increase the master X dimension by 1 (only for the "tile" layout).
> This results in an increased number of windows in the master area by Y.
Maximum of 9.
`Config_hotkey=#^Left::View_setLayoutProperty(MX, 0, +1)`
: Decrease the master X dimension by 1 (only for the "tile" layout).
> This results in a decreased number of windows in the master area by Y.
Minimum of 1.
`Config_hotkey=#+Left::View_setLayoutProperty(GapWidth, 0, -2)`
: Decrease the gap between windows in "monocle" and "tile" layout.
> You may also set an absolute value for the gap width by using the first
parameter, e. g. `View_setLayoutProperty(GapWidth, 0, 0)` will eliminate the
gap and `View_setLayoutProperty(GapWidth, 20, 0)` will set it to 20px.
`Config_hotkey=#+Right::View_setLayoutProperty(GapWidth, 0, +2)`
: Increase the gap between windows in "monocle" and "tile" layout.
### View / Tag management
: Toggle the view margins.
> These are set by the configuration variable `Config_viewMargins`.
: Activate the previously activated view.
> You may also use `Monitor_activateView(0, -1)` or `Monitor_activateView(0, +1)`
for activating the previous or next adjacent view.
: Tag the active window with all tags (n = 1..`Config_viewCount`).
> You may also use `Monitor_setWindowTag(0, -1)` or `Monitor_setWindowTag(0, +1)`
for setting the tag of the previous or next adjacent to the current view.
: Activate the n<sup><small>th</small></sup> view (n = 1..`Config_viewCount`).
: Tag the active window with the n<sup><small>th</small></sup> tag (n =
: Add / Remove the n<sup><small>th</small></sup> tag (n = 1..`Config_viewCount`)
for the active window, if it is not / is already set.
### Monitor management
`Config_hotkey=#.::Manager_activateMonitor(0, +1)`
: Activate the next monitor in a multi-monitor environment.
> You may also activate a specific monitor by using the first parameter, e. g.
`Manager_activateMonitor(1)` will activate the first monitor.
`Config_hotkey=#,::Manager_activateMonitor(0, -1)`
: Activate the previous monitor in a multi-monitor environment.
`Config_hotkey=#+.::Manager_setWindowMonitor(0, +1)`
: Set the active window's view to the active view on the next monitor in a
multi-monitor environment.
> You may also set the active window on a specific monitor by using the first
parameter, e. g. `Manager_setWindowMonitor(1)` will set the active window on
the first monitor.
`Config_hotkey=#+,::Manager_setWindowMonitor(0, -1)`
: Set the active window's view to the active view on the previous monitor in a
multi-monitor environment.
`Config_hotkey=#^+.::Manager_setViewMonitor(0, +1)`
: Set all windows of the active view on the active view of the next monitor in
a multi-monitor environment.
> You may also set all windows of the active view on a specific monitor by using
the first parameter, e. g. `Manager_setViewMonitor(1)` will set all windows of
the active view on the first monitor.
`Config_hotkey=#^+,::Manager_setViewMonitor(0, -1)`
: Set all windows of the active view on the active view of the previous monitor
in a multi-monitor environment.
### GUI management
: Hide / Show the bar (bug.n status bar) on the active monitor.
: Hide / Show the task bar.
: Open the command GUI for executing programmes or bug.n functions.
: Toggle the overflow window of the 'notify icons'.
: Indicate the areas of the "tile" layout.
### Administration
`Config_hotkey=#^e::Run, edit <Config_filePath>`
: Open the configuration file in the standard text editor.
> If you want to set this hotkey in `Config.ini`, you have to replace
`<Config_filePath>` with an explicit file path.
: Save the current state of monitors, views, layouts to the configuration file.
: Reload bug.n (i. e. the whole script).
> This resets i. a. the configuration and internal variables of bug.n, including
the window lists. It is like Quitting and restarting bug.n.
If `Config_autoSaveSession` is not set to `off`, the window lists can be
restored and windows are put to their associated monitor and views.
: Quit bug.n, restore the default Windows UI and show all windows.