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2023-12-18 04:23:37 +00:00
local cbox = cbox
local MsgC = MsgC
local Color = Color
local ipairs = ipairs
local tonumber = tonumber
local tostring = tostring
local color_white = Color(255, 255, 255)
local color_black = Color(0, 0, 0)
2023-12-18 04:23:37 +00:00
local utils = {}
utils.colors = {
BRAND = Color(132, 206, 181),
CLIENT = Color(143, 218, 230),
SERVER = Color(230, 218, 112),
SHARED = Color( 93, 200, 92),
ERROR = Color(255, 90, 90),
2023-12-19 02:18:41 +00:00
---Parses a string into separate numbers
2023-12-18 04:23:37 +00:00
---@param str string Input color as "R G B" or "R G B A"
---@param alpha? boolean Whether to parse alpha or not (default false)
2023-12-19 02:18:41 +00:00
---@return number r
---@return number g
---@return number b
---@return number a
2023-12-18 04:23:37 +00:00
function utils.ParseColorString(str, alpha)
alpha = alpha ~= nil and alpha or false
2023-12-19 02:18:41 +00:00
local r, g, b = str:match("(%d+) (%d+) (%d+)")
local a = 255
if alpha then
a = str:match("%d+ %d+ %d+ (%d+)")
2023-12-18 04:23:37 +00:00
2023-12-19 02:18:41 +00:00
return r, g, b, a
---Parses a string into a color
---@param str string Input color as "R G B" or "R G B A"
---@param alpha? boolean Whether to parse alpha or not (default false)
---@return Color
function utils.ParseColorStringToColor(str, alpha)
local r, g, b, a = utils.ParseColorString(str, alpha)
2023-12-18 04:23:37 +00:00
return Color(r, g, b, a)
---Prints to console with realm prefix
2023-12-18 06:59:16 +00:00
---@param ... any
2023-12-18 04:23:37 +00:00
function utils.RealmPrint(...)
local args = {...}
for i, arg in ipairs(args) do
args[i] = tostring(arg)
MsgC(utils.colors.BRAND, "[cbox -> ")
local realm, realm_color = "???", utils.colors.SHARED
if CLIENT then
realm = "CLIENT"
realm_color = utils.colors.CLIENT
elseif SERVER then
realm = "SERVER"
realm_color = utils.colors.SERVER
MsgC(realm_color, realm)
MsgC(utils.colors.BRAND, "] ")
MsgC(color_white, table.concat(args, " "), "\n")
---Prints to console with the "shared" prefix
2023-12-18 06:59:16 +00:00
---@param ... any
2023-12-18 04:23:37 +00:00
function utils.SharedPrint(...)
local args = {...}
for i, arg in ipairs(args) do
args[i] = tostring(arg)
MsgC(utils.colors.BRAND, "[cbox -> ")
MsgC(utils.colors.SHARED, "SHARED")
MsgC(utils.colors.BRAND, "] ")
MsgC(color_white, table.concat(args, " "), "\n")
---Prints to console with realm prefix, but in red
2023-12-18 06:59:16 +00:00
---@param ... any
2023-12-18 04:23:37 +00:00
function utils.RealmError(...)
local args = {...}
for i, arg in ipairs(args) do
args[i] = tostring(arg)
MsgC(utils.colors.BRAND, "[cbox -> ")
local realm, realm_color = "???", utils.colors.SHARED
if CLIENT then
realm = "CLIENT"
realm_color = utils.colors.CLIENT
elseif SERVER then
realm = "SERVER"
realm_color = utils.colors.SERVER
MsgC(realm_color, realm)
MsgC(utils.colors.BRAND, "] ")
MsgC(utils.colors.ERROR, table.concat(args, " "), "\n")
---Prints to console with the "shared" prefix, but in red
2023-12-18 06:59:16 +00:00
---@param ... any
2023-12-18 04:23:37 +00:00
function utils.SharedError(...)
local args = {...}
for i, arg in ipairs(args) do
args[i] = tostring(arg)
MsgC(utils.colors.BRAND, "[cbox -> ")
MsgC(utils.colors.SHARED, "SHARED")
MsgC(utils.colors.BRAND, "] ")
MsgC(utils.colors.ERROR, table.concat(args, " "), "\n")
---Gets a readable foreground color for a background color based on W3C standards
---@param col Color
---@return Color
function utils.GetReadableColor(col)
return (col.r * 0.299 + col.g * 0.587 + col.b * 0.114) > 186 and color_black or color_white
2023-12-18 04:23:37 +00:00
cbox.utils = utils