forked from distok/cutthecord
Ave Ozkal
Had to rewrite spoilerimg related parts of supplemental as they moved okhttp3 code to discord's own codebase. However, one benefit of this for us is that it now shows SPOILER_ while you're uploading too.
61 lines
706 B
61 lines
706 B
## DisTok CutTheCord: Square Avatars Patch
This patch turns the circle avatars to their full square versions, letting you see the whole image.
A very small amount of rounding is applied to make it look a little better.
#### Available and tested on:
- 8.3.5g
- 8.3.6g
- 8.3.9g
- 8.4.1g
- 8.4.2g
- 8.4.3g
- 8.4.4g
- 8.4.5g
- 8.4.8
- 8.5.0
- 8.5.1
- 8.5.3
- 8.5.4
- 8.5.5
- 8.5.6
- 8.7.6
- 8.8.4
- 8.8.8
- 8.9.6
- 8.9.7
- 8.9.8
- 8.9.9
- 9.0.0
- 9.0.1
- 9.0.2
- 9.0.3
- 9.0.4
- 9.0.6
- 9.0.9
- 9.1.0
- 9.3.8-SAO-Heathcliff
- 9.3.9
- 9.4.0
- 9.4.2-SA
- 9.4.3-SA
- 9.4.5
- 9.4.6
- 9.4.7
- 9.4.8
- 9.6.3
- 9.6.4
- 9.6.5
- 9.6.6
- 9.6.7
- 9.6.8
- 9.7.0
- 9.8.0
- 9.8.4
- 9.8.6
- 9.9.1
- 9.9.2
- 9.9.3
- 9.9.4