2023-04-03 21:48:55 -04:00

1030 lines
38 KiB

using HarmonyLib;
using RimWorld;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Reflection;
//using AlienRace;
using UnityEngine;
using Verse;
namespace SizedApparel
public class Depth4Offsets
public float south=0;
public float north=0;
public float east=0;
public float west=0;
public Depth4Offsets() { }
public Depth4Offsets(Vector4 arg)
south = arg.x;
north = arg.y;
east = arg.z;
west = arg.w;
public Depth4Offsets(float s, float n, float e, float w)
south = s;
north = n;
east = e;
west = w;
public class Rot4Offsets
//X: right and left
//Y: Frong or Back
//Z: Up and Down
Vector3 South;
Vector3 North;
Vector3 East;
Vector3 West;
public Rot4Offsets(Vector3 vector)
South = vector;
North = vector;
East = vector;
West = vector;
public Rot4Offsets(Vector3 south, Vector3 north, Vector3 east, Vector3 west)
South = south;
North = north;
East = east;
West = west;
public Vector3 GetOffset(Rot4 rotation)
if (rotation == Rot4.East)
return East;
if (rotation == Rot4.West)
return West;
if (rotation == Rot4.South)
return South;
if (rotation == Rot4.North)
return North;
public struct RaceNameAndBodyType
public string raceName;
public string bodyType;
public class BodyWithBodyType
public string bodyType;
public List<BodyPart> Addons = new List<BodyPart>();
public class BodyPart
public string partName = null;
public string customPath = null;
public string defaultHediffName = null; // for missing Hediff
public bool isBreasts = false;
public bool centeredTexture = true;
public bool mustMatchBodyType = false; // TODO
public string boneName = null;
public Bone bone = null; // For Graphic Positioning System
public bool mustHaveBone = true; // when bone is missing, don't draw
public SizedApparelBodyPartOf bodyPartOf = SizedApparelBodyPartOf.None;
public ColorType colorType = ColorType.Skin;
public Depth4Offsets depthOffset = new Depth4Offsets();
public BodyTypeAndOffset offsets = new BodyTypeAndOffset();
public class BodyTypeAndOffset
//public RaceNameAndBodyType bodyTypeData;
public string bodyType;
public Rot4Offsets offsets = new Rot4Offsets(;
public BodyTypeAndOffset()
public BodyTypeAndOffset(bool useCenter)
if (useCenter)
offsets = new Rot4Offsets(;
public BodyTypeAndOffset(Vector3 defaultOffset)
offsets = new Rot4Offsets(defaultOffset);
public enum ColorType
Skin, Hair, Nipple, Custom, None
public enum SizedApparelBodyPartOf
All, Torso, Breasts, Crotch, Penis, Balls, Vagina, Anus, Belly, PubicHair, Udder, Hips, Thighs, hands, feet, None
public static class SizedApparelBodyPartOfExtension
public static bool IsPartOf(this SizedApparelBodyPartOf source, SizedApparelBodyPartOf target)
if (source == SizedApparelBodyPartOf.None)
return false;
switch (target)
case SizedApparelBodyPartOf.All:
return true;
case SizedApparelBodyPartOf.Torso:
if (source == SizedApparelBodyPartOf.hands || source == SizedApparelBodyPartOf.feet)
return false;
return true;
case SizedApparelBodyPartOf.Breasts:
if (source == SizedApparelBodyPartOf.Breasts)
return true;
return false;
case SizedApparelBodyPartOf.Crotch:
if (source == SizedApparelBodyPartOf.Crotch || source == SizedApparelBodyPartOf.Penis || source == SizedApparelBodyPartOf.Vagina || source == SizedApparelBodyPartOf.Anus || source == SizedApparelBodyPartOf.PubicHair || source == SizedApparelBodyPartOf.Balls)
return true;
return false;
case SizedApparelBodyPartOf.Penis:
if (source == SizedApparelBodyPartOf.Penis)
return true;
return false;
case SizedApparelBodyPartOf.Balls:
if (source == SizedApparelBodyPartOf.Balls)
return true;
return false;
case SizedApparelBodyPartOf.Vagina:
if (source == SizedApparelBodyPartOf.Vagina)
return true;
return false;
case SizedApparelBodyPartOf.Anus:
if (source == SizedApparelBodyPartOf.Anus)
return true;
return false;
case SizedApparelBodyPartOf.Belly:
if (source == SizedApparelBodyPartOf.Belly)
return true;
return false;
case SizedApparelBodyPartOf.Udder:
if (source == SizedApparelBodyPartOf.Udder)
return true;
return false;
case SizedApparelBodyPartOf.Hips:
if (source == SizedApparelBodyPartOf.Hips || source == SizedApparelBodyPartOf.Thighs || source == SizedApparelBodyPartOf.Penis || source == SizedApparelBodyPartOf.Vagina || source == SizedApparelBodyPartOf.Anus)
return true;
return false;
case SizedApparelBodyPartOf.Thighs:
if (source == SizedApparelBodyPartOf.Thighs)
return true;
return false;
case SizedApparelBodyPartOf.hands:
if (source == SizedApparelBodyPartOf.hands)
return true;
return false;
case SizedApparelBodyPartOf.feet:
if (source == SizedApparelBodyPartOf.feet)
return true;
return false;
case SizedApparelBodyPartOf.PubicHair:
if (source == SizedApparelBodyPartOf.PubicHair)
return true;
return false;
case SizedApparelBodyPartOf.None:
return false;
Log.Error("[SizedApparel] missing SizedApparelBodyPartOf!");
return false;
public class GraphicPointsDef : Def
public List<TextureWithGraphicPoints> points;
public class TextureWithGraphicPoints
public string texturePath; // texture is already classified with bodytype
public List<GraphicPoint> points = new List<GraphicPoint>();
public class GraphicPoint
public string pointName;
public Vector2 point =;
public class GraphicPointsWithBodyType
public string pointName;
public List<PointWithBodyType> points = new List<PointWithBodyType>();
public class PointWithBodyType
public string bodyTypeName; //null can be used too
public Vector2 point =;
public class BodyPartPoint
string name;
Vector2 position =;//Uv position. not pixel
public struct BodyPartSpline
//Def for Hediff Graphic color options or else.
public class SizedApparelHeddifDef : Def
public HediffDef hediffDef;
//public string hediffDefName;
//Def per graphic(texture)
public class SizedApparelBodyPartGraphicDef : Def
public string graphicPath;
public int severityIndex;
public Vector2 pivot = new Vector2(0.5f, 0.5f); // custom pivot of texture. UV. not pixel
//public Dictionary<string, BodyPartPoint> points = new Dictionary<string, BodyPartPoint>();
//public Dictionary<string, BodyPartSpline> splines = new Dictionary<string, BodyPartSpline>();
//Def per BodyParts
public class SizedApparelBodyPartDef : Def
SizedApparelBodyPartOf bodyPartOf = SizedApparelBodyPartOf.None;
public bool canPose = true;
public List<string> TexturePaths;
public class SizedApparelBodyPart
static MethodInfo overrideMatMethod = AccessTools.Method(typeof(PawnRenderer), "OverrideMaterialIfNeeded");
static Color defaultNippleColor = Color.white;//nipple texture is already colored with pink. so make it white as default to avoid double coloring pink //Strong Pink Color = new ColorInt(255, 121, 121).ToColor
//this is for RGB Channel Edit
static string texturePath_White = "SizedApparel/Masks/White";
static string texturePath_Black = "SizedApparel/Masks/Black";
static string texturePath_Red = "SizedApparel/Masks/Red";
static string texturePath_Green = "SizedApparel/Masks/Green";
static string texturePath_Blue = "SizedApparel/Masks/Blue";
public bool AutoOffsetForFurCoveredBody = true;
public SizedApparelBodyPart(Pawn pawn, ApparelRecorderComp apparelRecorderComp, string bodyPartName, SizedApparelBodyPartOf bodyPartOf, string defaultHediffName, bool isBreast, bool isOverlay, string customPathName = null, ColorType colorOf = ColorType.Skin, bool needBoneToRender = true, Bone parentBone = null, bool isCenteredTexture = false )
this.pawn = pawn; //owner
this.apparelRecorderCompCache = apparelRecorderComp; //for reduce GetComp Call; if it is null, it will try to get pawn's comp.
this.bodyPartName = bodyPartName;
this.def = DefDatabase<SizedApparelBodyPartDef>.AllDefs.FirstOrDefault(b => b.defName == bodyPartName);
this.bodyPartOf = bodyPartOf;
this.defaultHediffName = defaultHediffName;
this.isBreast = isBreast;
this.isOverlay = isOverlay;
this.customPath = customPathName;
this.colorType = colorOf;
this.bone = parentBone;
this.mustHaveBone = needBoneToRender;
this.centeredTexture = isCenteredTexture;
public void SetCenteredTexture(bool isCentered)
this.centeredTexture = isCentered;
public Vector2 OffsetFromUVOffset(Vector2 vector, Mesh mesh , bool isFliped = false)
//treat mesh as plane
//Vector3 width = mesh.vertices[2] - mesh.vertices[1];
//Vector3 height = mesh.vertices[1] - mesh.vertices[2];
return new Vector2((mesh.vertices[2].x - mesh.vertices[0].x)*vector.x,(mesh.vertices[0].z - mesh.vertices[2].z)*vector.y);
return new Vector2((mesh.vertices[2].x - mesh.vertices[0].x)*vector.x, (mesh.vertices[2].z - mesh.vertices[0].z)*vector.y);
* Vector2 loc = new Vector2(0.5f, 0.5f) - vector;
return new Vector2(Mathf.Lerp(mesh.vertices[0].x, mesh.vertices[2].x, loc.x), Mathf.Lerp(mesh.vertices[0].z, mesh.vertices[2].z, loc.y));
return new Vector2(Mathf.Lerp(mesh.vertices[3].x, mesh.vertices[1].x, loc.x), Mathf.Lerp(mesh.vertices[3].z, mesh.vertices[1].z, loc.y));
//public Vector2 OffestFromUVOffset(Vector2 vector, Vector2 drawSize, bool isFliped = false)
public SizedApparelBodyPartDef def;
public Pawn pawn;
public ApparelRecorderComp apparelRecorderCompCache; // for reduce getComp call;
public Bone bone;
private bool mustHaveBone;
public bool centeredTexture = false; // false to keep original position from mesh. and consider this graphics pivot as bone position
public string bodyPartName; //breast, penis, belly, pubichair... etc. just name. not like architech something
public string customPath = null;
public SizedApparelBodyPartOf bodyPartOf = SizedApparelBodyPartOf.None;
public string defaultHediffName;
public bool isBreast = false;
public bool isOverlay = false; //write z cache?
public string currentHediffName;
public bool isVisible = true;
public int lastPoseTick = -1;
public ColorType colorType = ColorType.Skin;
public Color? customColorOne;
public Color? customColorTwo;
public string customPose = null;
public Vector2? lookAnLocation = null;
public Rot4? rotOverride = null;
public string variation = null;
public Color? variationColor;
public colorOverrideMode variationColorMode = colorOverrideMode.Default;
//TODO. age setting?
public int minDrawAge = -1;
public int maxDrawAge = -1;
public void SetBone(Bone bone)
this.bone = bone;
public void SetCustomPose(string newPose, bool autoUpdate = true, bool autoSetPawnGraphicDirty = false)
if (customPose == newPose)
Log.Message("[SizedApparel] Setting Custom Pose : " + newPose);
customPose = newPose;
if (autoUpdate)
this.lastPoseTick = Find.TickManager.TicksGame;
if (pawn == null)
public bool CheckCanPose(string targetPose, bool checkApparels, bool checkBodyParts, bool mustMatchSize, bool mustMatchBodytype, bool mustMatchRace)
if (checkApparels)
if (!SizedApparelUtility.CanPoseApparels(pawn, targetPose, currentHediffName, currentSeverityInt, cappedSeverityInt))
return false;
if (checkBodyParts)
Graphic graphic = GetBodyPartGraphics(false, mustMatchSize, mustMatchBodytype, mustMatchRace);
Graphic graphicH = GetBodyPartGraphics(true, mustMatchSize, mustMatchBodytype, mustMatchRace);
if (graphic != null || graphicH != null)
return true;
return false;
return true;
public int currentSeverityInt = -1;
public int cappedSeverityInt = 1000; // supported severity from worn apparel graphics
public Vector2 pivot =;
public Vector2 position =;//offset from pivot //UV. not pixel
public SizedApparelTexturePointDef points;
public SizedApparelTexturePointDef pointsHorny;
public float rotation = 0; // +: rotate right, -: rotate left
public float scale = 1f;
public Graphic bodyPartGraphic;
public Graphic bodyPartGraphicHorny;
public Vector2 positionOffset =; //offset from position //UV. not pixel
public Vector2 positionOffsetSouth =;
public Vector2 positionOffsetNorth =;
public Vector2 positionOffsetEast =;
public Vector2 positionOffsetWest =;
public float depthOffset = 0f;
public float depthOffsetEast = 0.008f;
public float depthOffsetWest = 0.008f;
public float depthOffsetSouth = 0.008f;
public float depthOffsetNorth = 0.008f;
//bigger = in front
public void SetDepthOffsets(float south, float north, float east, float west)
depthOffsetSouth = south;
depthOffsetNorth = north;
depthOffsetEast = east;
depthOffsetWest = west;
public void SetDepthOffsets(Depth4Offsets oppsets)
depthOffsetSouth = oppsets.south;
depthOffsetNorth = oppsets.north;
depthOffsetEast = oppsets.east;
depthOffsetWest = oppsets.west;
public void SetPositionOffsets(Vector2 south, Vector2 north, Vector2 east, Vector2 west)
positionOffsetSouth = south;
positionOffsetNorth = north;
positionOffsetEast = east;
positionOffsetWest = west;
public Graphic GetBodyPartGraphics(bool isHorny, bool mustMatchSize = false, bool mustMatchBodytype = false, bool mustMatchRace = false, string poseOverride = null)
SizedApparelTexturePointDef var;
return GetBodyPartGraphics(isHorny, out var, mustMatchBodytype, mustMatchSize, mustMatchRace, poseOverride);
public Graphic GetBodyPartGraphics(bool isHorny, out SizedApparelTexturePointDef outPoints, bool mustMatchSize = false, bool mustMatchBodyType = false , bool mustMatchRace = false ,string poseOverride = null, string variationOverride = null)
if (pawn == null)
outPoints = null;
return null;
var comp = apparelRecorderCompCache;
if (comp == null)
comp = pawn.GetComp<ApparelRecorderComp>();
if (comp == null)
outPoints = null;
return null;
string bodyTypeString = pawn.story?.bodyType?.defName;
var key = new SizedApparelsDatabase.BodyPartDatabaseKey(pawn.def.defName, bodyTypeString, currentHediffName, customPath==null?bodyPartName: customPath, pawn.gender, Math.Min(currentSeverityInt, cappedSeverityInt), isHorny, poseOverride==null?customPose:poseOverride, variationOverride==null?variation: variationOverride);
var result = SizedApparelsDatabase.GetSupportedBodyPartPath(key, isBreast, customPath == null ? bodyPartName : customPath, defaultHediffName);
if (mustMatchSize)
if (Math.Min(currentSeverityInt, cappedSeverityInt) != result.size)
outPoints = null;
return null;
if (mustMatchBodyType)
if(result.bodyType != pawn.story?.bodyType?.defName)
outPoints = null;
return null;
if (mustMatchRace)
if (result.raceName != pawn.def.defName)
outPoints = null;
return null;
if (result.pathWithSizeIndex == null)
outPoints = null;
return null;
outPoints = result.points;
return GraphicDatabase.Get<Graphic_Multi>(result.pathWithSizeIndex);
public void UpdateGraphic()
bodyPartGraphic = GetBodyPartGraphics(false, out points, false);
bodyPartGraphicHorny = GetBodyPartGraphics(true, out pointsHorny, false);
public void UpdateGraphic(int index, int indexCapped = 1000)
this.currentSeverityInt = index;
this.cappedSeverityInt = indexCapped;
public void ResetTransform()
this.position =;
this.scale = 1f;
this.rotation = 0;
public void ClearGraphics()
this.bodyPartGraphic = null;
this.bodyPartGraphicHorny = null;
this.points = null;
this.pointsHorny = null;
public void Clear()
currentHediffName = null;
currentSeverityInt = -1;
cappedSeverityInt = 1000;
customPose = null;
rotOverride = null;
public void SetHediffData(string name, int severityIndex , string variation = null)
currentHediffName = name;
currentSeverityInt = severityIndex;
public void SetHediffData(string name, int severityIndex, int cappedSeverityIndex = 1000, string variation = null)
currentHediffName = name;
currentSeverityInt = severityIndex;
this.cappedSeverityInt = cappedSeverityIndex;
this.variation = variation;
public void DrawBodyPart (Vector3 rootLoc, float angle, Rot4 facing, RotDrawMode bodyDrawType, PawnRenderFlags flags, Mesh bodyMesh)
if (!isVisible)
if (scale == 0f)
return; //Don't draw if scale is zero
if (pawn == null)
if (mustHaveBone && bone == null)
if (bodyMesh == null)
if (SizedApparelSettings.Debug)
Log.Warning("[SizedApparel] DrawBodyParts But Null Body Mesh! : " + pawn.Name);
PawnRenderer pawnRenderer = pawn.Drawer.renderer;
Shader shader = shader = ShaderDatabase.CutoutSkinOverlay;
Color drawColor1 = Color.white;
Color drawColor2 = Color.white;
bool forceWriteZ = true;
bool HasFurSkin = false;
//Furskin Check
if ( != null)
HasFurSkin = true;
if (colorType == ColorType.Skin)
forceWriteZ = true;
if (bodyDrawType == RotDrawMode.Fresh)
if (HasFurSkin)
shader =;
if (!ShaderUtility.SupportsMaskTex(shader))
shader = shader = ShaderDatabase.CutoutSkinOverlay;
shader =;
drawColor1 =;
drawColor2 =;
shader =;
if (!ShaderUtility.SupportsMaskTex(shader))
shader = shader = ShaderDatabase.CutoutSkinOverlay;
drawColor1 =;
drawColor2 =;
else if (bodyDrawType == RotDrawMode.Rotting)
shader =;
if (!ShaderUtility.SupportsMaskTex(shader))
shader = shader = ShaderDatabase.CutoutSkinOverlay;
drawColor1 =;
drawColor2 =;
else if (colorType == ColorType.Nipple)
forceWriteZ = true;
//Get SkinColor first.
if (bodyDrawType == RotDrawMode.Fresh)
if (HasFurSkin)
shader =;
if (!ShaderUtility.SupportsMaskTex(shader))
shader = ShaderDatabase.CutoutSkinOverlay;
shader =;
drawColor1 =;
drawColor2 =;
shader =;
if (!ShaderUtility.SupportsMaskTex(shader))
shader = shader = ShaderDatabase.CutoutSkinOverlay;
drawColor1 =;
drawColor2 =;
else if (bodyDrawType == RotDrawMode.Rotting)
shader =;
if (!ShaderUtility.SupportsMaskTex(shader))
shader = shader = ShaderDatabase.CutoutSkinOverlay;
drawColor1 =;
drawColor2 =;
if(apparelRecorderCompCache != null)
if(apparelRecorderCompCache.nippleColor != null)
drawColor1 = apparelRecorderCompCache.nippleColor.Value; //* drawColor1;
drawColor2 = apparelRecorderCompCache.nippleColor.Value; //* drawColor2; //maybe can be issue
//nipple Color is null
//Ust Default Color for Nipple with SkinColor
drawColor1 = defaultNippleColor * drawColor1;
drawColor2 = defaultNippleColor * drawColor2;
else if (colorType == ColorType.Hair)
forceWriteZ = false;
shader = ShaderDatabase.Transparent;
if(pawn.story != null)
drawColor1 = pawn.story.HairColor;
else if (colorType == ColorType.Custom)
forceWriteZ = true;
shader = ShaderDatabase.Transparent;
if(customColorOne != null)
drawColor1 = customColorOne.Value;
if (customColorTwo != null)
drawColor2 = customColorTwo.Value;
else if (colorType == ColorType.None)
forceWriteZ = false;
shader = ShaderDatabase.Cutout;
if (isOverlay)
if (shader == ShaderDatabase.Cutout)
shader = ShaderDatabase.Transparent;
else if (shader == ShaderDatabase.CutoutSkin || shader == ShaderDatabase.CutoutSkinColorOverride)
shader = ShaderDatabase.CutoutSkinOverlay;
shader = ShaderDatabase.Transparent;
Mesh scaledBodyMesh;
BoneTransform boneTransform = null;
if(bone != null)
if (facing == Rot4.South)
boneTransform = bone.south;
else if (facing == Rot4.North)
boneTransform = bone.north;
else if (facing == Rot4.East)
boneTransform = bone.east;
else if (facing == Rot4.West)
boneTransform = bone.west;
if (boneTransform == null)
boneTransform = bone.east;
float drawScale = scale;
float drawRotation = angle;
Vector3 drawPosition = rootLoc;
if (this.pawn.ageTracker.CurLifeStage.bodyDrawOffset != null)
drawPosition += this.pawn.ageTracker.CurLifeStage.bodyDrawOffset.Value;
if (boneTransform != null)
//TODO fixed angle for IK?
float width = (bodyMesh.vertices[2].x - bodyMesh.vertices[0].x);
if (centeredTexture)
bool westUsingEast = false;
if (facing == Rot4.West && bone.west == null)
westUsingEast = true;
drawRotation = boneTransform.InitialAngle + boneTransform.angleOffset;
//not sure it work correct
Vector3 v = (boneTransform.InitialPosition + boneTransform.positionOffset) * width;
var q = Quaternion.AngleAxis (westUsingEast? -angle : angle, Vector3.up);
v = q * v;
drawPosition = (v) ; // calculate rotated point
if (westUsingEast)
//already scaled with "width"?
//its using east as west. so flip position
drawPosition.Scale(new Vector3(-1f,0f,1f));
//drawRotation = boneTransform.InitialAngle - boneTransform.angleOffset;
drawPosition += rootLoc;
drawRotation += angle ;
//NotCentered Texture not yet support Rotation System.
Vector3 v =;
bool westUsingEast = false;
if (facing == Rot4.West && bone.west == null)
westUsingEast = true;
drawRotation = boneTransform.InitialAngle; // + boneTransform.angleOffset
//not sure it work correct
//Vector3 v = (boneTransform.InitialPosition); //initialpos as custom pivot
//var q = Quaternion.AngleAxis(westUsingEast ? -drawRotation : drawRotation, Vector3.up);
//var q2 = Quaternion.AngleAxis(westUsingEast ? -angle : angle, Vector3.up);
//v = q * v; // calculate final draw position with torso angle
//v = v + boneTransform.InitialPosition + boneTransform.positionOffset;
//v = q2 * v; //NotCentered Texture not yet support Rotation System.
drawPosition = (v) * width;
if (westUsingEast)
//already scaled with "width"?
//its using east as west. so flip position
drawPosition.Scale(new Vector3(-1f, 0f, 1f));
//drawRotation = boneTransform.InitialAngle - boneTransform.angleOffset;
drawPosition += rootLoc ; // adjust with result
drawRotation += angle;
if (drawScale != 1f)
// scale Only Rimworld Plane Mesh
if(bodyMesh.vertexCount == 4)
float width = (bodyMesh.vertices[2].x - bodyMesh.vertices[0].x);
var meshSet = MeshPool.GetMeshSetForWidth(scale * width);
scaledBodyMesh = meshSet.MeshAt(facing);
scaledBodyMesh = bodyMesh;
scaledBodyMesh = bodyMesh;
Quaternion quaternion = Quaternion.AngleAxis(drawRotation, Vector3.up);
Rot4 targetRot = facing;
if (rotOverride != null)
targetRot = rotOverride.Value;
if (targetRot == Rot4.South)
var loc = OffsetFromUVOffset(positionOffsetSouth, scaledBodyMesh);
drawPosition.x += loc.x;
drawPosition.z += loc.y;
drawPosition.y += depthOffsetSouth;
else if(targetRot == Rot4.North)
var loc = OffsetFromUVOffset(positionOffsetNorth, scaledBodyMesh);
drawPosition.x += loc.x;
drawPosition.z += loc.y;
drawPosition.y += depthOffsetNorth;
else if (targetRot == Rot4.East)
var loc = OffsetFromUVOffset(positionOffsetEast, scaledBodyMesh);
drawPosition.x += loc.x;
drawPosition.z += loc.y;
drawPosition.y += depthOffsetEast;
else if (targetRot == Rot4.West)
var loc = OffsetFromUVOffset(positionOffsetWest, scaledBodyMesh);
drawPosition.x += loc.x;
drawPosition.z += loc.y;
drawPosition.y += depthOffsetWest;
Graphic graphic = null;
if (SizedApparelUtility.IsHorny(pawn))
graphic = bodyPartGraphicHorny;
if (graphic == null)
graphic = bodyPartGraphic;
if (graphic == null)
if(bodyDrawType == RotDrawMode.Fresh && HasFurSkin && AutoOffsetForFurCoveredBody)
//vector.y += 0.009187258f; //in PawnRenderer, it adds 0.009187258f.
//graphic.maskPath does error? need to check
// worn fur body and naked fur body has different offsets... wtf
//TODO Need to Fix
Material mat;
//If ForceWriteDepth, draw Cutout mesh for write depth. this is for avoid problem of body addons drawing under other meshes. such as breasts front of body but behind tail.
if (forceWriteZ || (!flags.FlagSet(PawnRenderFlags.Cache) && !isOverlay))// //(!flags.FlagSet(PawnRenderFlags.Cache) && !isOverlay)
Graphic Zgraphic = graphic.GetColoredVersion(ShaderDatabase.CutoutComplex, drawColor1, drawColor2); // ShaderDatabase.Cutout
Vector3 drawPositionZ = drawPosition;
drawPositionZ.y = 0; //Send Back of body, but it can still write depth.
mat = flags.FlagSet(PawnRenderFlags.Cache) ? Zgraphic.MatAt(targetRot) : (Material)overrideMatMethod.Invoke(pawnRenderer, new object[] { Zgraphic.MatAt(facing), pawn, flags.FlagSet(PawnRenderFlags.Portrait) });
GenDraw.DrawMeshNowOrLater(scaledBodyMesh, drawPositionZ, quaternion, mat, flags.FlagSet(PawnRenderFlags.DrawNow)); // draw for writeZ data to solve shadow issue
//shader must be mask
graphic = graphic.GetColoredVersion(shader, drawColor1, drawColor2);
if (graphic.maskPath == null)
//graphic.maskPath = texturePath_Red;
//drawPosition.y += 0.00001f;
mat = flags.FlagSet(PawnRenderFlags.Cache) ? graphic.MatAt(targetRot) : (Material)overrideMatMethod.Invoke(pawnRenderer, new object[] { graphic.MatAt(facing), pawn, flags.FlagSet(PawnRenderFlags.Portrait) });
GenDraw.DrawMeshNowOrLater(scaledBodyMesh, drawPosition, quaternion, mat, flags.FlagSet(PawnRenderFlags.DrawNow));
//TODO: Torso Pose?
public class BodyDef : Def
//public List<SizedApparelBodyPartDef> BodyParts;
//defName = raceName ?? could it work?
public List<BodyWithBodyType> bodies = new List<BodyWithBodyType>();
//public List<BodyTypeAndOffset> penisOffset;
//public List<BodyTypeAndOffset> vaginaOffset;
//public List<BodyTypeAndOffset> pubicHairOffset;
//public List<BodyTypeAndOffset> udderOffset;
//public List<BodyTypeAndOffset> bellyOffset;
//public List<BodyTypeAndOffset> breastsOffset;
//public List<BodyTypeAndOffset> anusOffset;
public class SizedApparelBody
public string customPoseOfBody = null;
public bool canCustomPose()
//check apparels
return false;
public class SizedApparelBodyPartOfssetDef : Def
//defName IsRaceName