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using LicentiaLabs;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using Verse;
using Verse.AI;
using UnityEngine;
using System;
using rjw;
using RimWorld;
namespace RJW_Genes
/// <summary>
/// Shamelessly stolen from LicentaLabs
/// [Jaals Fork] https://gitgud.io/Jaaldabaoth/licentia-labs/-/blob/master/Source/LicentiaLabs/LicentiaLabs/JobDriver_VomitCum.cs
/// </summary>
class JobDriver_ProcessingCumbucket : JobDriver_Vomit
public override bool CanBeginNowWhileLyingDown()
return true;
protected override IEnumerable<Toil> MakeNewToils()
if (!ModsConfig.IsActive("rjw.sexperience"))
yield break;
Toil toil = new Toil();
toil.initAction = delegate ()
this.ticksLeft = Rand.Range(150, 600);
int num = 0;
IntVec3 c;
for (; ; )
c = this.pawn.Position + GenAdj.AdjacentCellsAndInside[Rand.Range(0, 9)];
if (num > 12)
if (c.InBounds(this.pawn.Map) && c.Standable(this.pawn.Map))
// DevNote: I am not 100% what this all means, but IL_77 is a jump to the case below (it says IL_77).
// basically, this calls the next part of the function, but I am not super sure why this has to be like this.
// JobDrivers are scary.
goto IL_77;
c = this.pawn.Position;
this.job.targetA = c;
toil.tickAction = delegate ()
if (this.ticksLeft % 150 == 149)
if (!sourceName.NullOrEmpty())
if (ModsConfig.IsActive("LustLicentia.RJWLabs"))
FilthMaker.TryMakeFilth(this.job.targetA.Cell, base.Map, Licentia.ThingDefs.FilthCum, sourceName);
SpawnCum(this.pawn, this.job.targetA.Cell, base.Map);
if (ModsConfig.IsActive("LustLicentia.RJWLabs"))
FilthMaker.TryMakeFilth(this.job.targetA.Cell, base.Map, Licentia.ThingDefs.FilthCum);
SpawnCum(this.pawn, this.job.targetA.Cell, base.Map);
if (this.ticksLeft <= 0)
TaleRecorder.RecordTale(Licentia.TaleDefs.VomitedCum, new object[]
toil.defaultCompleteMode = ToilCompleteMode.Never;
toil.WithEffect(EffecterDefOf.Vomit, TargetIndex.A, new Color(100f, 100f, 100f, 0.5f));
toil.PlaySustainerOrSound(() => SoundDefOf.Vomit, 1f);
yield return toil;
yield break;
private void SpawnCum(Pawn pawn, IntVec3 cell, Map map)
ThingDef cumDef = DefDatabase<ThingDef>.GetNamed("GatheredCum", true);
Hediff hediff = pawn.health.hediffSet.GetFirstHediffOfDef(HediffDefOf.rjw_genes_filled_living_cumbucket);
if (hediff == null)
ModLog.Warning($"{pawn} has the JobDriver_ProcessCumbucket but does not have the Hediff for filled cumbucket.");
// Case 1: "Normal Severity", just puke out a bit of cum here and there.
if (hediff.Severity <= 10)
Thing cum = ThingMaker.MakeThing(cumDef);
cum.Position = cell;
int stacks = Math.Max(1, (int)(hediff.Severity * 1.5));
stacks = Math.Min(stacks, 75); // 75 is the default max stacksize ...
cum.stackCount = stacks;
cum.SpawnSetup(map, false);
hediff.Severity -= (stacks / 50);
} else
// Case 2: Reserviour mode, put out a lot of cum at once but less often.
int stacks = Math.Max(1, (int)(hediff.Severity * 1.5));
while (stacks > 0)
Thing cum = ThingMaker.MakeThing(cumDef);
cum.Position = cell;
var curStacks = Math.Min(stacks, 75); // 75 is the default max stacksize ...
cum.stackCount = stacks;
cum.SpawnSetup(map, false);
hediff.Severity -= (curStacks / 50);
stacks -= curStacks;
private int ticksLeft;
public string sourceName;