**Alpha / Beta Genes** that you can only have one alpha, and the alpha makes mostly beta children (1:10). This might fit with the xenotypes below. As this is an RJW mod, this should also somewhat affect sex (e.g. betas cannot impregnate betas).
- [X] Should look like a nice green-yellow alien as we all know fuckable insects would look like.
- [X] There can only be one Hive Mother, some penalties if there are others. This could be implement with an "Alpha Gene" that gives heavy penalties when other Alpha exists.
- Streamline Filenames / Names to either be LifeForce or Fertilin (e.g. `Hediffs_Fertilin.xml` but `Pawnkind_LifeForce.xml`). I think most things are called LifeForce.
- Similar cleanup for the patches, and make a note what to find where in the patches
- Change Project structure to the 1.3, 1.4 Structure of other mods