2020-04-29 21:34:15 -07:00

86 lines
3 KiB

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using HarmonyLib;
using rjw;
using Verse;
using RimWorld;
using System.Reflection.Emit;
using System.Reflection;
using UnityEngine;
namespace Rimworld_Animations {
public static class HarmonyPatch_CSL {
static HarmonyPatch_CSL() {
try {
((Action)(() => {
if (LoadedModManager.RunningModsListForReading.Any(x => x.Name == "Children, school and learning")) {
(new Harmony("rjw")).Patch(AccessTools.Method(AccessTools.TypeByName("PawnRenderer_RenderPawnInternal_Patch"), "RenderPawnInternalScaled"),
prefix: new HarmonyMethod(AccessTools.Method(typeof(HarmonyPatch_CSL), "Prefix_CSL")),
transpiler: new HarmonyMethod(AccessTools.Method(typeof(HarmonyPatch_CSL), "Transpiler_CSL")));
catch (TypeLoadException ex) {
public static void Prefix_CSL(PawnRenderer __instance, Pawn pawn, ref Vector3 rootLoc, ref float angle, bool renderBody, ref Rot4 bodyFacing, ref Rot4 headFacing, RotDrawMode bodyDrawType, bool portrait, bool headStump, bool invisible) {
PawnGraphicSet graphics = __instance.graphics;
CompBodyAnimator bodyAnim = pawn.TryGetComp<CompBodyAnimator>();
if (!graphics.AllResolved) {
if (bodyAnim != null && bodyAnim.isAnimating && !portrait) {
pawn.TryGetComp<CompBodyAnimator>().animatePawn(ref rootLoc, ref angle, ref bodyFacing, ref headFacing);
public static IEnumerable<CodeInstruction> Transpiler_CSL(IEnumerable<CodeInstruction> instructions) {
MethodInfo drawMeshNowOrLater = AccessTools.Method(typeof(GenDraw), "DrawMeshNowOrLater");
FieldInfo headGraphic = AccessTools.Field(typeof(PawnGraphicSet), "headGraphic");
List<CodeInstruction> codes = instructions.ToList();
bool forHead = true;
for (int i = 0; i < codes.Count(); i++) {
//Instead of calling drawmeshnoworlater, add pawn to the stack and call my special static method
if (codes[i].OperandIs(drawMeshNowOrLater) && forHead) {
yield return new CodeInstruction(OpCodes.Ldarg_0);
yield return new CodeInstruction(OpCodes.Ldfld, AccessTools.DeclaredField(typeof(PawnRenderer), "pawn"));
yield return new CodeInstruction(OpCodes.Ldarg_2);
yield return new CodeInstruction(OpCodes.Call, AccessTools.DeclaredMethod(typeof(AnimationUtility), nameof(AnimationUtility.RenderPawnHeadMeshInAnimation), new Type[] { typeof(Mesh), typeof(Vector3), typeof(Quaternion), typeof(Material), typeof(bool), typeof(Pawn), typeof(float) }));
//checking for if(graphics.headGraphic != null)
else if (codes[i].opcode == OpCodes.Ldfld && codes[i].OperandIs(headGraphic)) {
forHead = true;
yield return codes[i];
//checking for if(renderbody)
else if (codes[i].opcode == OpCodes.Ldarg_3) {
forHead = false;
yield return codes[i];
else {
yield return codes[i];