
385 lines
16 KiB
Raw Normal View History

2022-10-27 05:56:04 +00:00
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Xml;
using System.Xml.Serialization;
using UnityEngine;
namespace RimWorldAnimationStudio
public class PawnAnimationClip
// Data to/from animationDef
public string layer = "Pawn";
[XmlArray("addons"), XmlArrayItem("li")] public List<ActorAddon> addons;
[XmlAttribute("Class")] public string className = "Rimworld_Animations.PawnAnimationClip";
[XmlArray("keyframes"), XmlArrayItem("li")] public List<PawnKeyframe> keyframes;
[XmlArray("tags"), XmlArrayItem("li")] public List<string> tags;
// Data serialization control
public bool ShouldSerializeaddons() { return addons.Where(x => x.Render)?.Any() == true; }
public bool ShouldSerializekeyframes() { return keyframes.NotNullOrEmpty(); }
public bool ShouldSerializetags() { return tags.NotNullOrEmpty(); }
// Data helper functions
[XmlIgnore] public string Layer
get { return layer; }
set { layer = value; EventsManager.OnPawnAnimationClipChanged(this); }
[XmlIgnore] public List<ActorAddon> Addons
get { return addons.NullOrEmpty() ? addons = new List<ActorAddon>() : addons; }
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set { addons = value.NotNullOrEmpty() ? value : null; }
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[XmlIgnore] public List<PawnKeyframe> Keyframes
get { return keyframes.NullOrEmpty() ? keyframes = new List<PawnKeyframe>() : keyframes; }
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set { keyframes = value.NotNullOrEmpty() ? value : null; }
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public List<string> Tags
get { return tags.NullOrEmpty() ? tags = new List<string>() : tags; }
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set { tags = value.NotNullOrEmpty() ? value : null; }
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// Local data
[XmlIgnore] public int duration { get { return Keyframes.Max(x => x.atTick.Value); } }
[XmlIgnore] public SimpleCurve GenitalAngle = new SimpleCurve();
[XmlIgnore] public SimpleCurve BodyAngle = new SimpleCurve();
[XmlIgnore] public SimpleCurve HeadAngle = new SimpleCurve();
[XmlIgnore] public SimpleCurve HeadBob = new SimpleCurve();
[XmlIgnore] public SimpleCurve BodyOffsetX = new SimpleCurve();
[XmlIgnore] public SimpleCurve BodyOffsetZ = new SimpleCurve();
[XmlIgnore] public SimpleCurve HeadFacing = new SimpleCurve();
[XmlIgnore] public SimpleCurve BodyFacing = new SimpleCurve();
// Methods
public void BuildSimpleCurves()
// Clear simple curve data
foreach (ActorAddon addon in Addons)
// Start
int keyframePosition = 0;
int duration = 0;
Keyframes[Keyframes.Count - 1].TickDuration = 1;
foreach (PawnKeyframe frame in Keyframes)
{ duration += frame.TickDuration; }
for (int i = 0; i < Keyframes.Count; i++)
PawnKeyframe keyframe = Keyframes[i];
if (keyframe.atTick.HasValue)
if (keyframe.HasValidKeyframeID() == false)
{ keyframe.GenerateKeyframeID(Workspace.animationDef.AnimationStages[Workspace.StageID].AnimationClips.IndexOf(this)); }
BodyAngle.Add((float)keyframe.atTick / (float)duration, keyframe.BodyAngle, true);
HeadAngle.Add((float)keyframe.atTick / (float)duration, keyframe.HeadAngle, true);
BodyOffsetX.Add((float)keyframe.atTick / (float)duration, keyframe.BodyOffsetX, true);
BodyOffsetZ.Add((float)keyframe.atTick / (float)duration, keyframe.BodyOffsetZ, true);
HeadFacing.Add((float)keyframe.atTick / (float)duration, keyframe.HeadFacing, true);
BodyFacing.Add((float)keyframe.atTick / (float)duration, keyframe.BodyFacing, true);
HeadBob.Add((float)keyframe.atTick / (float)duration, keyframe.HeadBob, true);
GenitalAngle.Add((float)keyframe.atTick / (float)duration, keyframe.GenitalAngle, true);
foreach (ActorAddon addon in Addons)
if (keyframe.AddonKeyframes.Any(x => x.AddonName == addon.AddonName) == false)
{ keyframe.AddonKeyframes.Add(new AddonKeyframe(addon.AddonName)); }
addon.PosX.Add((float)keyframe.atTick / (float)duration, keyframe.GetAddonKeyframe(addon.AddonName).PosX, true);
addon.PosZ.Add((float)keyframe.atTick / (float)duration, keyframe.GetAddonKeyframe(addon.AddonName).PosZ, true);
addon.Rotation.Add((float)keyframe.atTick / (float)duration, keyframe.GetAddonKeyframe(addon.AddonName).Rotation, true);
if (i + 1 < Keyframes.Count)
{ Keyframes[i].TickDuration = Keyframes[i + 1].atTick.Value - Keyframes[i].atTick.Value; }
BodyAngle.Add((float)keyframePosition / (float)duration, keyframe.BodyAngle, true);
HeadAngle.Add((float)keyframePosition / (float)duration, keyframe.HeadAngle, true);
BodyOffsetX.Add((float)keyframePosition / (float)duration, keyframe.BodyOffsetX, true);
BodyOffsetZ.Add((float)keyframePosition / (float)duration, keyframe.BodyOffsetZ, true);
HeadFacing.Add((float)keyframePosition / (float)duration, keyframe.HeadFacing, true);
BodyFacing.Add((float)keyframePosition / (float)duration, keyframe.BodyFacing, true);
HeadBob.Add((float)keyframePosition / (float)duration, keyframe.HeadBob, true);
GenitalAngle.Add((float)keyframePosition / (float)duration, keyframe.GenitalAngle, true);
foreach (ActorAddon addon in Addons)
if (keyframe.AddonKeyframes.Any(x => x.AddonName == addon.AddonName) == false)
{ keyframe.AddonKeyframes.Add(new AddonKeyframe(addon.AddonName)); }
addon.PosX.Add((float)keyframePosition / (float)duration, keyframe.GetAddonKeyframe(addon.AddonName).PosX, true);
addon.PosZ.Add((float)keyframePosition / (float)duration, keyframe.GetAddonKeyframe(addon.AddonName).PosZ, true);
addon.Rotation.Add((float)keyframePosition / (float)duration, keyframe.GetAddonKeyframe(addon.AddonName).Rotation, true);
keyframe.atTick = keyframePosition + Constants.minTick;
keyframePosition += keyframe.TickDuration;
public void AddActorAddon(string addonName, float scale = 1f)
if (Addons.Any(x => x.AddonName == addonName) == false)
Addons.Add(new ActorAddon(addonName, scale));
foreach (PawnKeyframe keyframe in Keyframes)
if (keyframe.AddonKeyframes.Any(x => x.AddonName == addonName) == false)
{ keyframe.AddonKeyframes.Add(new AddonKeyframe(addonName)); }
public void ShowOrHideActorAddon(string addonName, bool flag)
ActorAddon addon = GetActorAddon(addonName);
if (addon != null)
{ addon.Render = flag; }
public bool IsActorAddonVisible(string addonName)
ActorAddon addon = GetActorAddon(addonName);
if (addon != null)
{ return addon.Render; }
return false;
public ActorAddon GetActorAddon(string addonName)
return Addons.FirstOrDefault(x => x.AddonName == addonName);
public int GetOwningActorID()
if (Workspace.animationDef == null) return -1;
return Workspace.GetCurrentAnimationStage().AnimationClips.IndexOf(this);
public void AddPawnKeyframe()
PawnAnimationClip clip = Workspace.GetCurrentPawnAnimationClip();
List<PawnKeyframe> keyframes = clip?.Keyframes;
if (clip == null || keyframes == null)
{ Debug.LogWarning("Cannot add pawn keyframe - the AnimationDef is invalid"); return; }
if (keyframes.FirstOrDefault(x => x.atTick == Workspace.StageTick) != null)
{ Debug.LogWarning("Cannot add pawn keyframe - a keyframe already exists at this tick"); return; }
float clipPercent = (float)(Workspace.StageTick % clip.duration) / clip.duration;
PawnKeyframe keyframe = new PawnKeyframe();
keyframe.BodyAngle = clip.BodyAngle.Evaluate(clipPercent);
keyframe.HeadAngle = clip.HeadAngle.Evaluate(clipPercent);
keyframe.HeadBob = clip.HeadBob.Evaluate(clipPercent);
keyframe.BodyOffsetX = clip.BodyOffsetX.Evaluate(clipPercent);
keyframe.BodyOffsetZ = clip.BodyOffsetZ.Evaluate(clipPercent);
keyframe.HeadFacing = (int)clip.HeadFacing.Evaluate(clipPercent);
keyframe.BodyFacing = (int)clip.BodyFacing.Evaluate(clipPercent);
keyframe.GenitalAngle = clip.GenitalAngle.Evaluate(clipPercent);
keyframe.atTick = Workspace.StageTick;
PawnKeyframe nextKeyframe = keyframes.FirstOrDefault(x => x.atTick > Workspace.StageTick);
if (nextKeyframe != null)
{ keyframes.Insert(keyframes.IndexOf(nextKeyframe), keyframe); }
{ keyframes.Add(keyframe); }
Workspace.RecordEvent("Keyframe addition");
public void ClonePawnKeyframe()
List<PawnKeyframe> keyframesToClone = Workspace.GetPawnKeyframesByID(Workspace.keyframeID);
foreach (PawnKeyframe keyframe in keyframesToClone)
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PawnAnimationClip clip = Workspace.GetAnimationClipThatOwnsKeyframe(keyframe.keyframeID);
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if (clip == null)
{ Debug.LogWarning("Cannot clone pawn keyframe - no clip owns this keyframe"); continue; }
if (clip.Keyframes.FirstOrDefault(x => x.atTick == Workspace.StageTick) != null)
{ Debug.LogWarning("Cannot clone pawn keyframe - a keyframe already exists at this tick"); return; }
PawnKeyframe cloneFrame = keyframe.Copy();
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cloneFrame.atTick = Workspace.StageTick;
PawnKeyframe nextKeyframe = clip.Keyframes.FirstOrDefault(x => x.atTick > Workspace.StageTick);
if (nextKeyframe != null)
{ clip.Keyframes.Insert(clip.Keyframes.IndexOf(nextKeyframe), cloneFrame); }
{ clip.Keyframes.Add(cloneFrame); }
Workspace.RecordEvent("Keyframe clone");
public void CopyPawnKeyframes()
List<PawnKeyframe> keyframesToClone = Workspace.GetPawnKeyframesByID(Workspace.keyframeID);
foreach (PawnKeyframe keyframe in keyframesToClone)
{ Workspace.copiedKeyframes.Add(keyframe.Copy()); }
public void PastePawnKeyframes()
int originalWindowSize = Workspace.StageWindowSize;
List<int> actorsInvolved = Workspace.copiedKeyframes.Select(x => x.actorID)?.ToList();
actorsInvolved = actorsInvolved?.Distinct()?.ToList();
if (actorsInvolved.NullOrEmpty()) { Debug.Log("Cannot paste keyframes - there were no copied keyframes to paste"); return; }
if (actorsInvolved.Count > 1 && actorsInvolved.Contains(Workspace.ActorID) == false) { Debug.Log("Cannot paste keyframes - keyframes copied across multiple timelines can only be pasted back into these source timelines"); return; }
int earliestTick = actorsInvolved.Count == 1 ? Workspace.GetEarliestAtTickInCopiedKeyframes(actorsInvolved[0]) : Workspace.GetEarliestAtTickInCopiedKeyframes(Workspace.ActorID);
if (earliestTick < 1) { Debug.Log("Unknown error occured during keyframe paste operation"); return; }
foreach (PawnKeyframe copiedKeyframe in Workspace.copiedKeyframes)
int tickToPasteAt = Workspace.StageTick + (copiedKeyframe.atTick.Value - earliestTick);
if (tickToPasteAt < 1) continue;
if (tickToPasteAt > Workspace.StageWindowSize)
if (Workspace.stretchKeyframes)
{ Workspace.GetCurrentAnimationStage().ResizeStageWindow(tickToPasteAt); }
else continue;
int targetActorID = actorsInvolved.Count == 1 ? Workspace.ActorID : copiedKeyframe.actorID;
if (Workspace.DoesPawnKeyframeExistAtTick(Workspace.StageID, targetActorID, tickToPasteAt))
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PawnKeyframe oldKeyframe = Workspace.GetPawnAnimationClip(targetActorID).Keyframes.First(x => x.atTick == tickToPasteAt);
Workspace.GetAnimationClipThatOwnsKeyframe(oldKeyframe.keyframeID).RemovePawnKeyframe(oldKeyframe.keyframeID, true);
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PawnKeyframe clonedKeyframe = copiedKeyframe.Copy();
clonedKeyframe.atTick = tickToPasteAt;
PawnAnimationClip clip = Workspace.animationDef.AnimationStages[Workspace.StageID].AnimationClips[targetActorID];
PawnKeyframe nextKeyframe = clip.Keyframes.FirstOrDefault(x => x.atTick > tickToPasteAt);
if (nextKeyframe != null)
{ clip.Keyframes.Insert(clip.Keyframes.IndexOf(nextKeyframe), clonedKeyframe); }
{ clip.Keyframes.Add(clonedKeyframe); }
if (originalWindowSize != Workspace.StageWindowSize)
Workspace.RecordEvent("Keyframe pasted");
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public void RemovePawnKeyframe(int keyframeID, bool force = false)
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PawnKeyframe keyframe = Workspace.GetPawnKeyframe(keyframeID);
if (keyframe == null || IsOwnerOfKeyframe(keyframeID) == false) return;
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if (keyframe.atTick == Constants.minTick && force == false)
{ Debug.LogWarning("Cannot delete key frame - the first key frame of an animation clip cannot be deleted"); return; }
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if (Keyframes.Count <= 2 && force == false)
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{ Debug.LogWarning("Cannot delete key frame - an animation clip must have two or more keyframes"); return; }
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Workspace.RecordEvent("Keyframe deletion");
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public bool IsOwnerOfKeyframe(int keyframeID)
return Keyframes.Any(x => x.keyframeID == keyframeID);
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public float GetStageTickPercentage()
return (float)(Workspace.StageTick % duration) / duration;
// Pre-save / post-load
public void OnPreSave()
foreach (ActorAddon addon in Addons)
if (addon.Render)
{ addons.Add(addon); }
public void OnPostLoad()
Addons = addons.Copy();
foreach (PawnKeyframe keyframe in Keyframes)
AddActorAddon("left hand", 0.667f);
AddActorAddon("right hand", 0.667f);