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2021-07-23 04:29:22 +00:00
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<member name="T:HugsLib.Core.Dialog_LibraryUpdateRequired">
Informs the player about a mod that requires a later version of HugsLib than the one running.
Also has button to open the download link in the Steam or system browser.
<member name="T:HugsLib.Core.HugsLibMod">
Entry point for the library.
Instantiated by the game at the start of DoPlayLoad().
<member name="T:HugsLib.Core.HugsLibTextures">
Loads and stores textures from the HugsLib /Textures folder
<member name="T:HugsLib.Core.KeyBindingHandler">
Handles the key presses for key bindings added by HugsLib
<member name="T:HugsLib.Core.LibraryVersionChecker">
Checks the current version of the library against the About.xml -> requiredLibraryVersion of all mods.
Shows a popup window (<see cref="T:HugsLib.Core.Dialog_LibraryUpdateRequired"/>) if one of the loaded mods requires a
more recent version of the library.
<member name="M:HugsLib.Core.LoadOrderChecker.ValidateLoadOrder">
Ensures that the library comes after Core in the load order and displays a warning dialog otherwise.
<member name="T:HugsLib.Core.ManifestFile">
Provides support for reading version information from Manifest.xml files.
These files are used in mods by Fluffy and a a few other authors.
<member name="M:HugsLib.Core.ManifestFile.TryParse(Verse.ModContentPack,System.Boolean)">
Attempts to read and parse the manifest file for a mod.
Returns null if reading or parsing fails for any reason.
<member name="M:HugsLib.Core.ManifestFile.Parse(Verse.ModContentPack)">
Reads and parses the manifest file for a mod.
Returns null if the file does not exist.
<member name="T:HugsLib.Core.QuickRestarter">
Checks for Dev mode and bypasses the Restart message box.
Holding Shift will prevent the automatic restart.
<member name="T:HugsLib.Core.StaticInitializer">
Provides an entry point for late controller setup during static constructor initialization.
<member name="T:HugsLib.Core.HugsTickProxy">
Forwards ticks to the controller. Will not be saved and is never spawned.
<member name="T:HugsLib.Core.HugsLibKeyBindings">
Holds references to key binding defs used by the library.
<member name="T:HugsLib.Core.PersistentDataManager">
A base for managers that save data in xml format, to be stored in the save data folder
<member name="T:HugsLib.Core.UnityProxyComponent">
This is added as a component to the GameObject on scene to forward events to the controller.
<member name="T:HugsLib.Core.VersionFile">
Represents the information stored in the About/Version.xml file.
Since we cannot update the version of the library assembly, we have to store the version externally.
<member name="T:HugsLib.Core.VersionShort">
A shorter, invariable alternative to System.Version in the format of major.minor.patch
Also known as a semantic version number.
System.Version can be implicitly cast to this type.
VersionShort is no longer used by HugsLib internally, and the type is retained for backwards compatibility.
<member name="T:HugsLib.News.Dialog_UpdateFeaturesFiltered">
The extended update news dialog, with filtering by mod and a menu button in entry headers for dev mode actions.
<member name="T:HugsLib.News.UpdateFeatureDefLoader">
Handles the custom loading mechanics of <see cref="T:HugsLib.UpdateFeatureDef"/>s.
<member name="T:HugsLib.News.UpdateFeatureDefFilteringProvider">
Filters <see cref="T:HugsLib.UpdateFeatureDef"/>s by their mod identifier.
<member name="T:HugsLib.News.UpdateFeaturesDevMenu">
Provides the options for the dev tools dropdown menu in the extended update news dialog.
<member name="T:HugsLib.News.Dialog_UpdateFeatures">
Displays a list to update feature defs with basic image and formatting support. See <see cref="T:HugsLib.UpdateFeatureDef"/> for proper syntax.
<member name="T:HugsLib.News.UpdateFeatureManager">
Stores the highest displayed update news version for all mods that provide update news via <see cref="T:HugsLib.UpdateFeatureDef"/>.
Defs are loaded from the News folder in the root mod directory.
<member name="M:HugsLib.News.UpdateFeatureManager.TryShowDialog(System.Boolean)">
Shows the news dialog window when there are not yet displayed news items available.
<param name="manuallyOpened">Pass true to disable filtering based on what has
and has not been seen and open the dialog with all available news items.</param>
<returns>true, if there have been found news items that were not displayed before, and the dialog has been opened</returns>
<member name="T:HugsLib.Patches.UIRoot_OnGUI_Patch">
Hooks into the flow of the vanilla MonoBehavior.OnGUI()
This allows to take advantage of automatic UI scaling and prevents GUI updates during a loading screen.
<member name="T:HugsLib.Patches.DebugWindowsOpener_Patch">
Adds an entry point to draw and additional debug button on the toolbar.
The infix is necessary to catch the WidgetRow that the stock buttons are drawn to.
<member name="T:HugsLib.Patches.DevToolStarterOnGUI_Patch">
Extends the width of the immediate window the dev toolbar buttons are drawn to to accommodate an additional button
<member name="T:HugsLib.Patches.Game_FillComponents_Patch">
Adds a hook for the early initialization of a Game.
<member name="T:HugsLib.Patches.LanguageDatabase_Patch">
Forces a game restart after a language change.
This is necessary to avoid creating problems for running mods caused by reloaded graphics and defs.
<member name="T:HugsLib.Patches.Game_DeinitAndRemoveMap_Patch">
Adds a hook for discarding maps.
<member name="T:HugsLib.Patches.Dialog_Options_Patch">
Replaces the "Mod Settings" button in the Options dialog with our own.
<member name="T:HugsLib.Patches.EditWindow_Log_Patch">
Adds extra buttons to the Log window.
<member name="T:HugsLib.Patches.Game_FinalizeInit_Patch">
Adds a hook to produce the WorldLoaded callback for ModBase mods.
<member name="T:HugsLib.Patches.MapComponentUtility_MapGenerated_Patch">
Adds a hook to produce the MapGenerated callback for ModBase mods.
<member name="T:HugsLib.Patches.Map_ConstructComponents_Patch">
Adds a hook to produce the MapComponentsInitializing callback for ModBase mods.
<member name="T:HugsLib.Patches.Map_FinalizeInit_Patch">
Adds a hook to produce the MapLoaded callback for ModBase mods.
<member name="T:HugsLib.Patches.ModsConfig_RestartFromChangedMods_Patch">
Restarts the game automatically, bypassing the message dialog, if changes in the mod configuration have been made and dev mode is on.
Holding Shift will prevent the restart, while allowing the config changes to still be saved.
<member name="T:HugsLib.Patches.PlayDataLoader_Patch">
Adds a hook to produce the DefsLoaded callback for ModBase mods.
<member name="T:HugsLib.Patches.RootPlay_TestPlay_Patch">
Adds an entry point during map quickstart for the quickstarter system.
Will replace the standard scenario and map size if the quickstarter is enabled.
<member name="T:HugsLib.Patches.Root_Patch">
Hooks into the flow of the vanilla MonoBehavior.Update()
<member name="T:HugsLib.Patches.Root_OnGUI_Patch">
Hooks into the flow of the vanilla MonoBehavior.OnGUI().
Unlike the <see cref="T:HugsLib.Patches.UIRoot_OnGUI_Patch"/> patch, this hook also
allows to receive OnGUI events during loading screens.
<member name="T:HugsLib.Quickstart.QuickstartStatusBox">
Displays at game startup when the quickstarter is scheduled to run.
Shows the pending operation and allows to abort or disable the quickstart.
<member name="T:HugsLib.Quickstart.Dialog_QuickstartSettings">
Allows to change settings related to the custom quickstart functionality.
Strings are not translated, since this is a tool exclusively for modders.
<member name="T:HugsLib.Quickstart.QuickstartController">
Manages the custom quickstart functionality.
Will trigger map loading and generation when the appropriate settings are present, and draws an additional dev toolbar button.
<member name="T:HugsLib.Quickstart.QuickstartSettings">
Wraps settings related to the Quickstart system for storage in a SettingHandle.
<member name="T:HugsLib.Settings.CachedLabel">
Caches the result of a string translation for performance.
Also caches the calculated size of the label that would accomodate the translated string.
<member name="T:HugsLib.Settings.ContextMenuEntry">
Contains data used for the creation of a <see cref="T:Verse.FloatMenuOption"/>.
<member name="P:HugsLib.Settings.ContextMenuEntry.Label">
A name for the entry to show to the player.
<member name="P:HugsLib.Settings.ContextMenuEntry.Action">
The delegate that will be called when the menu entry is clicked.
<member name="P:HugsLib.Settings.ContextMenuEntry.Disabled">
Set to true to make a greyed-out, non-selectable menu entry.
<member name="M:HugsLib.Settings.ContextMenuEntry.#ctor(System.String,System.Action)">
<param name="label"><inheritdoc cref="P:HugsLib.Settings.ContextMenuEntry.Label"/></param>
<param name="action"><inheritdoc cref="P:HugsLib.Settings.ContextMenuEntry.Action"/></param>
<member name="T:HugsLib.Settings.Dialog_ConfirmReset">
Shown when selecting the reset option from a mod settings dialog context menu.
Has an option to include hidden settings in the reset.
<member name="T:HugsLib.Settings.ModSettingsWidgets">
Helper methods for drawing elements and controls that appear in the <see cref="T:HugsLib.Settings.Dialog_ModSettings"/> window.
<member name="M:HugsLib.Settings.ModSettingsWidgets.DrawHandleHoverMenu(UnityEngine.Vector2,System.String,System.Boolean,System.Boolean)">
Draws a hovering menu of 2 buttons: info and menu.
<param name="topRight"></param>
<param name="infoTooltip">Text for the info button tooltip. Null to disable.</param>
<param name="menuEnabled">When false, the menu button is semi-transparent and non-interactable</param>
<param name="extraMenuOptions">When true, uses menu-with-plus-badge icon for the button</param>
<returns>true if the menu button was clicked</returns>
<returns>true if the menu button was clicked</returns>
<member name="M:HugsLib.Settings.ModSettingsWidgets.DrawHoverMenuButton(UnityEngine.Vector2,System.Boolean,System.Boolean)">
Draws the menu button for the hovering menu.
<param name="topRight"></param>
<param name="enabled">When false, the button is semi-transparent and non-interactable</param>
<param name="extraMenuOptions">When true, uses menu-with-plus-badge icon for the button</param>
<returns>true if the menu button was clicked</returns>
<member name="T:HugsLib.Settings.ModSettingsWindowState">
Used to preserve the state of the Mod Settings window between multiple openings.
State is not persisted between game restarts.
<member name="T:HugsLib.Settings.Dialog_VanillaModSettings">
Displays custom settings controls for mods that use the vanilla mod settings system.
The dialog shows the controls for a single mod only and is opened through Dialog_ModSettings.
<member name="T:HugsLib.Settings.SettingHandleConvertibleUtility">
Utility methods for SettingHandleConvertible data objects.
These are useful for packing and unpacking your custom fields into a string without bothering with manual serialization.
<member name="M:HugsLib.Settings.SettingHandleConvertibleUtility.DeserializeValuesFromString(System.String,System.Object)">
Deserializes an XML string into an existing object instance.
<param name="serializedValues">The serialized values to fill the object with</param>
<param name="targetObject">The object to receive the deserialized values</param>
<member name="M:HugsLib.Settings.SettingHandleConvertibleUtility.SerializeValuesToString(System.Object)">
Serializes an object into a compact XML string.
Whitespace and namespace declarations are omitted.
Make sure the object is annotated with SerializableAttribute and the fields to serialize with XmlElementAttribute.
<param name="targetObject">The object to serialize</param>
<member name="T:HugsLib.Settings.Dialog_ModSettings">
An options window for all configurable settings exposed by mods using the library
<member name="T:HugsLib.Settings.OptionsDialogInjection">
Injects the "Mod Settings" button into the Options dialog.
<member name="T:HugsLib.Settings.SettingHandleConvertible">
Base type for all custom SettingHandle types.
Allows complex data structures to be stored in setting values by converting them to and from their string representation.
See <see cref="T:HugsLib.Settings.SettingHandleConvertibleUtility"/> for an easy way to serialize complex types to XML.
<member name="P:HugsLib.Settings.SettingHandleConvertible.ShouldBeSaved">
Return false to prevent this object from serializing and being written to file.
<member name="M:HugsLib.Settings.SettingHandleConvertible.FromString(System.String)">
Called when settings handles of this type load an existing value.
Should deserialize and restore the state of the object using the provided string.
<member name="M:HugsLib.Settings.SettingHandleConvertible.ToString">
Called when handles of this type are being saved, and only if <see cref="P:HugsLib.Settings.SettingHandleConvertible.ShouldBeSaved"/> return true.
Should serialize the state of the object into a string so it can be restored later.
<member name="T:HugsLib.Settings.Validators">
A set of useful value constraints for use with SettingHandle
<member name="T:HugsLib.Settings.ModSettingsPack">
A group of settings values added by a mod. Each mod has their own ModSettingsPack.
Loaded values are stored until they are "claimed" by their mod by requesting a handle for a setting with the same name.
<member name="P:HugsLib.Settings.ModSettingsPack.ModId">
Identifier of the mod that owns this pack
<member name="P:HugsLib.Settings.ModSettingsPack.EntryName">
The name of the owning mod that will display is the Mod Settings dialog
<member name="P:HugsLib.Settings.ModSettingsPack.DisplayPriority">
Special display order for the mod in the Mod Settings dialog.
Mods are generally ordered by name. Please leave this at Normal unless you have a good reason to change it.
<member name="P:HugsLib.Settings.ModSettingsPack.ContextMenuEntries">
Additional context menu options for this entry in the mod settings dialog.
Will be shown when the hovering menu button for this entry is clicked.
<member name="P:HugsLib.Settings.ModSettingsPack.HasUnsavedChanges">
Returns true if any handles retrieved from this pack have had their values changed.
Resets to false after the changes are saved.
<member name="P:HugsLib.Settings.ModSettingsPack.Handles">
Enumerates the handles that have been registered with this pack up to this point.
<member name="F:HugsLib.Settings.ModSettingsPack.AlwaysExpandEntry">
Set to true to disable the collapsing of setting handles in the Mod Settings dialog.
<member name="M:HugsLib.Settings.ModSettingsPack.GetHandle``1(System.String,System.String,System.String,``0,HugsLib.Settings.SettingHandle.ValueIsValid,System.String)">
Retrieves an existing SettingHandle from the pack, or creates a new one.
Loaded settings will only display in the Mod Settings dialog after they have been claimed using this method.
<typeparam name="T">The type of setting value you are creating.</typeparam>
<param name="settingName">Unique identifier for the setting. Must be unique for this specific pack only.</param>
<param name="title">A display name for the setting that will show up next to it in the Mod Settings dialog. Recommended to keep this short.</param>
<param name="description">A description for the setting that will appear in a tooltip when the player hovers over the setting in the Mod Settings dialog.</param>
<param name="defaultValue">The value the setting will assume when newly created and when the player resets the setting to its default.</param>
<param name="validator">An optional delegate that will be called when a new value is about to be assigned to the handle. Receives a string argument and must return a bool to indicate if the passed value is valid for the setting.</param>
<param name="enumPrefix">Used only for Enum settings. Enum values are displayed in a readable format by the following method: Translate(prefix+EnumValueName)</param>
<member name="M:HugsLib.Settings.ModSettingsPack.GetHandle``1(System.String)">
Returns a handle that was already created.
Will return null if the handle does not exist yet.
<exception cref="T:System.InvalidCastException">Throws an exception if the referenced handle does not match the provided type</exception>
<param name="settingName">The name of the handle to retrieve</param>
<member name="M:HugsLib.Settings.ModSettingsPack.PeekValue(System.String)">
Attempts to retrieve a setting value by name.
If a handle for that value has already been created, returns that handle's StringValue.
Otherwise will return the unclaimed value that was loaded from the XML file.
Will return null if the value does not exist.
<param name="settingName">The name of the setting the value of which should be retrieved</param>
<member name="M:HugsLib.Settings.ModSettingsPack.ValueExists(System.String)">
Returns true, if there is a setting value that can be retrieved with PeekValue.
This includes already created handles and unclaimed values.
<param name="settingName">The name of the setting to check</param>
<member name="M:HugsLib.Settings.ModSettingsPack.TryRemoveUnclaimedValue(System.String)">
Deletes a setting loaded from the xml file before it is claimed using GetHandle.
Useful for cleaning up settings that are no longer in use.
<param name="name">The identifier of the setting (handle identifier)</param>
<member name="M:HugsLib.Settings.ModSettingsPack.SaveChanges">
Prompts the <see cref="T:HugsLib.Settings.ModSettingsManager"/> to save changes if any or the registered
<see cref="T:HugsLib.Settings.ModSettingsPack"/>s have handles with unsaved changes
<member name="T:HugsLib.Settings.ModSettingsManager">
A central place for mods to store persistent settings. Individual settings are grouped by mod using ModSettingsPack
<member name="E:HugsLib.Settings.ModSettingsManager.BeforeModSettingsSaved">
Fires when <see cref="M:HugsLib.Settings.ModSettingsManager.SaveChanges"/> is called and changes are about to be saved.
Use <see cref="P:HugsLib.Settings.ModSettingsManager.ModSettingsPacks"/> and <see cref="P:HugsLib.Settings.ModSettingsPack.HasUnsavedChanges"/> to identify changed packs,
and <see cref="P:HugsLib.Settings.ModSettingsPack.Handles"/> with <see cref="P:HugsLib.Settings.SettingHandle.HasUnsavedChanges"/> to identify changed handles.
<member name="E:HugsLib.Settings.ModSettingsManager.AfterModSettingsSaved">
Fires when <see cref="M:HugsLib.Settings.ModSettingsManager.SaveChanges"/> is called and the settings file has just been written to disk.
<member name="P:HugsLib.Settings.ModSettingsManager.ModSettingsPacks">
Enumerates the <see cref="T:HugsLib.Settings.ModSettingsPack"/>s that have been registered up to this point.
<member name="P:HugsLib.Settings.ModSettingsManager.HasUnsavedChanges">
Returns true when there are handles with values that have changed since the last time settings were saved.
<member name="M:HugsLib.Settings.ModSettingsManager.GetModSettings(System.String,System.String)">
Retrieves the <see cref="T:HugsLib.Settings.ModSettingsPack"/> for a given mod identifier.
<param name="modId">The unique identifier of the mod that owns the pack</param>
<param name="displayModName">If not null, assigns the <see cref="P:HugsLib.Settings.ModSettingsPack.EntryName"/> property of the pack.
This will be displayed in the Mod Settings dialog as a header.</param>
<member name="M:HugsLib.Settings.ModSettingsManager.SaveChanges">
Saves all settings to disk and notifies all ModBase mods by calling SettingsChanged()
<member name="M:HugsLib.Settings.ModSettingsManager.TryRemoveModSettings(System.String)">
Removes a settings pack for a mod if it exists. Use SaveChanges to apply the change afterward.
<param name="modId">The identifier of the mod owning the pack</param>
<member name="T:HugsLib.Settings.SettingHandle">
An individual persistent setting owned by a mod.
The extra layer of inheritance allows for type abstraction and storing SettingHandles in lists.
<member name="P:HugsLib.Settings.SettingHandle.Name">
Unique identifier of the setting.
<member name="P:HugsLib.Settings.SettingHandle.Title">
Name displayed in the settings menu.
<member name="P:HugsLib.Settings.SettingHandle.Description">
Displayed as a tooltip in the settings menu.
<member name="P:HugsLib.Settings.SettingHandle.Validator">
Should return true if the passed value is valid for this setting. Optional.
<member name="P:HugsLib.Settings.SettingHandle.EnumStringPrefix">
The string identifier prefix used to display enum values in the settings menu (e.g. "prefix_" for "prefix_EnumValue")
<member name="P:HugsLib.Settings.SettingHandle.VisibilityPredicate">
Return true to make this setting visible in the menu. Optional.
An invisible setting can still be reset to default using the Reset All button.
<member name="P:HugsLib.Settings.SettingHandle.CustomDrawer">
Draw a custom control for the settings menu entry. Entry name is already drawn when this is called.
Optional. Return value indicates if the handle value was changed during the drawer call.
<member name="P:HugsLib.Settings.SettingHandle.CustomDrawerFullWidth">
Fully override the drawing of the settings menu entry for this handle.
This replaces both the title and the control half of the entry.
Optional. Return value indicates if the handle value was changed during the drawer call.
The following built-in handle drawing features are also disabled when this property is assigned:
hovering info/menu buttons (<see cref="M:HugsLib.Settings.ModSettingsWidgets.DrawHandleHoverMenu(UnityEngine.Vector2,System.String,System.Boolean,System.Boolean)"/>).
<member name="P:HugsLib.Settings.SettingHandle.NeverVisible">
When true, setting will never appear. For serialized data.
No longer affects value resetting, see <see cref="P:HugsLib.Settings.SettingHandle.CanBeReset"/>
<member name="P:HugsLib.Settings.SettingHandle.CanBeReset">
When true (true by default), the setting can be reset to its default value by the player.
If the handle is visible, this can be done through the right-click menu, or using the "Reset all" button.
Disabling this is generally not recommended, except for specific use cases (for example, content unlocked by the player).
<member name="P:HugsLib.Settings.SettingHandle.Unsaved">
When true, will not save this setting to the xml file. Useful in conjunction with CustomDrawer for placing buttons in the settings menu.
<member name="P:HugsLib.Settings.SettingHandle.SpinnerIncrement">
Specifies by how much the + and - buttons should change a numeric setting.
<member name="P:HugsLib.Settings.SettingHandle.CustomDrawerHeight">
When CustomDrawer is used, specifies the height of the row for the handle. Leave at 0 for default height.
<member name="P:HugsLib.Settings.SettingHandle.DisplayOrder">
Affects the order in which handles appear in the settings menu. Lower comes first, default is 0.
<member name="P:HugsLib.Settings.SettingHandle.HasUnsavedChanges">
Returns true if the <see cref="P:HugsLib.Settings.SettingHandle`1.Value"/> of this handle has been modified
after the creation of the handle or the last time its value was saved.
Automatically resets to false when <see cref="T:HugsLib.Settings.ModSettingsManager"/> saves changes.
Can be manually toggled when e.g. replacing null with an instance in a <see cref="T:HugsLib.Settings.SettingHandleConvertible"/> handle.
<member name="P:HugsLib.Settings.SettingHandle.ContextMenuEntries">
Additional context menu options for the entry of this handle in the mod settings dialog.
Will be shown when the hovering menu button for this entry is clicked.
The "Reset to default" option is always present, but will be disabled if <see cref="P:HugsLib.Settings.SettingHandle.CanBeReset"/> is false.
<member name="M:HugsLib.Settings.SettingHandle.ForceSaveChanges">
Marks the handle as modified and forces all settings to be saved.
This is necessary for <see cref="T:HugsLib.Settings.SettingHandleConvertible"/> values, as changes in reference types cannot be automatically detected.
<member name="E:HugsLib.Settings.SettingHandle.ValueChanged">
Dispatched after the Value of the handle changes.
<member name="M:HugsLib.Settings.SettingHandle`1.op_Implicit(HugsLib.Settings.SettingHandle{`0})~`0">
Implicitly cast handles to the Value they carry.
<member name="P:HugsLib.Settings.SettingHandle`1.OnValueChanged">
Called when the Value of the handle changes. Optional.
<member name="P:HugsLib.Settings.SettingHandle`1.Value">
The actual value of the setting.
This is converted to its string representation when settings are saved.
Assigning a new value will trigger the OnValueChanged delegate.
<member name="P:HugsLib.Settings.SettingHandle`1.DefaultValue">
The value the setting assumes when initially created or reset.
<member name="P:HugsLib.Settings.SettingHandle`1.StringValue">
Retrieves the string representation of the setting or assigns a new setting value using a string.
Will trigger the Validator delegate if assigned and change the Value property if the validation passes.
<member name="P:HugsLib.Settings.SettingHandle`1.ValueType">
Returns the type of the handle Value property.
<member name="M:HugsLib.Settings.SettingHandle`1.ResetToDefault">
Assigns the default value to the Value property.
Ignores the <see cref="P:HugsLib.Settings.SettingHandle.CanBeReset"/> property.
<member name="M:HugsLib.Settings.SettingHandle`1.HasDefaultValue">
Returns true if the handle is set to its default value.
<member name="T:HugsLib.Spotter.ModSpottingManager">
Keeps track of mod packageIds that ever were loaded together with HugsLib
by the player and the first/last time they were seen.
<member name="M:HugsLib.Spotter.ModSpottingManager.SetFirstTimeSeen(System.String,System.Boolean)">
Sets the "first time seen" status of a packageId until the game is restarted.
<exception cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException">Throws on null packageId</exception>
<member name="M:HugsLib.Spotter.ModSpottingManager.FirstTimeSeen(System.String)">
Returns true if the provided packageId was recorded for the first time during the current run.
<exception cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException">Throws on null packageId</exception>
<member name="M:HugsLib.Spotter.ModSpottingManager.AnytimeSeen(System.String)">
Returns true if the provided mod packageId was at any time seen running together with HugsLib.
<exception cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException">Throws on null packageId</exception>
<member name="T:HugsLib.Spotter.ModSpottingManager.TrackingEntry">
Used by <see cref="T:HugsLib.Spotter.ModSpottingManager"/> to track mod packageIds loaded from the XML file.
<member name="T:HugsLib.EarlyInitAttribute">
Used to indicate that a <see cref="T:HugsLib.ModBase"/> type should be instantiated at the earliest moment possible.
Specifically, when <see cref="T:Verse.Mod"/> classes are instantiated (see <see cref="T:Verse.PlayDataLoader"/>.DoPlayLoad()).
If <see cref="P:HugsLib.ModBase.HarmonyAutoPatch"/> is true, Harmony patching will also happen at that time.
<member name="T:HugsLib.Logs.Dialog_PublishLogs">
The front-end for LogPublisher.
Shows the status of the upload operation, provides controls and shows the produced URL.
<member name="T:HugsLib.Logs.LogPublisher">
Collects the game logs and loaded mods and posts the information on GitHub as a gist.
<member name="T:HugsLib.Logs.LogWindowExtensions">
Allows adding custom buttons to the EditWindow_Log window.
<member name="T:HugsLib.Logs.LogWindowExtensions.WidgetAlignMode">
Alignment side for custom widgets.
<member name="T:HugsLib.Logs.LogWindowExtensions.WidgetDrawer">
Callback to draw log window widgets in.
<param name="logWindow">The log window being dawn.</param>
<param name="widgetArea">Window area for custom widgets.</param>
<param name="selectedLogMessage">The currently selected log message, or null.</param>
<param name="widgetRow">Draw your widget using this to automatically align it with the others.</param>
<member name="M:HugsLib.Logs.LogWindowExtensions.AddLogWindowWidget(HugsLib.Logs.LogWindowExtensions.WidgetDrawer,HugsLib.Logs.LogWindowExtensions.WidgetAlignMode)">
Adds a new drawing callback to the log window widget drawer.
<param name="drawerDelegate">The delegate called each OnGUI to draw the widget.</param>
<param name="align">The side of the WidgetRow this widget should be drawn into.</param>
<member name="T:HugsLib.Shell.Shell">
Commands start a new process on the target machine using platform specific commands and args to pass to the shell.
Refer to the Microsoft documentation for dotNet 3.5 for more info on a process.
<member name="T:HugsLib.Shell.ShellOpenDirectory">
A command to open a directory in the systems default file explorer.
Since Unity's OpenUrl() is broken on OS X, we can use a shell to do it correctly.
<member name="T:HugsLib.Shell.ShellOpenLog">
A Command to open the log file in the systems default text editor.
<member name="T:HugsLib.Shell.ShellRestartRimWorld">
A Command to cleanly restart RimWorld on the target machine.
<member name="T:HugsLib.HugsLibController">
The hub of the library. Instantiates classes that extend ModBase and forwards some of the more useful events to them.
The assembly version of the library should reflect the current major Rimworld version, i.e.: for B18.
This gives us the ability to release updates to the library without breaking compatibility with the mods that implement it.
See Core.HugsLibMod for the entry point.
<member name="T:HugsLib.ModBase">
The base class for all mods using HugsLib library. All classes extending ModBase will be instantiated
automatically by <see cref="T:HugsLib.HugsLibController"/> at game initialization.
Can be annotated with <see cref="T:HugsLib.EarlyInitAttribute"/> to initialize the mod at <see cref="T:Verse.Mod"/>
initialization time and have <see cref="M:HugsLib.ModBase.EarlyInitialize"/> be called.
<member name="P:HugsLib.ModBase.Logger">
This can be used to log messages specific to your mod.
It will prefix everything with your ModIdentifier.
<member name="P:HugsLib.ModBase.Settings">
The ModSettingsPack specific to your mod.
Use this to create settings handles that represent the values of saved settings.
<member name="P:HugsLib.ModBase.HarmonyAutoPatch">
Override this and return false to prevent a Harmony instance from being automatically created and scanning your assembly for patches.
<member name="P:HugsLib.ModBase.HarmonyInst">
The reference to Harmony instance that applied the patches in your assembly.
<member name="P:HugsLib.ModBase.ModIdentifier">
A unique identifier used both as <see cref="P:HugsLib.ModBase.SettingsIdentifier"/> and <see cref="P:HugsLib.ModBase.LogIdentifier"/>.
Override them separately if different identifiers are needed or no <see cref="T:HugsLib.Settings.ModSettingsPack"/> should be assigned to <see cref="P:HugsLib.ModBase.Settings"/>.
Must start with a letter and contain any of [A-z, 0-9, -, _, :] (identifier must be valid as an XML tag name).
This is no longer used to identify mods since 7.0 (Rimworld 1.1). Use ModBase.ModContentPack.PackageId to that end instead.
<member name="P:HugsLib.ModBase.SettingsIdentifier">
A unique identifier to use as a key when settings are stored for this mod by <see cref="T:HugsLib.Settings.ModSettingsManager"/>.
Must start with a letter and contain any of [A-z, 0-9, -, _, :] (identifier must be valid as an XML tag name).
By default uses the PackageId of the implementing mod.
Returning null will prevent the <see cref="P:HugsLib.ModBase.Settings"/> property from being assigned.
<member name="P:HugsLib.ModBase.LogIdentifier">
A readable identifier for the mod, used as a prefix by <see cref="P:HugsLib.ModBase.Logger"/> and in various error messages.
Appear as "[LogIdentifier] message" when using <see cref="P:HugsLib.ModBase.Logger"/>.
By default uses the non-lowercase PackageId of the implementing mod or the type name if that is not set.
<member name="P:HugsLib.ModBase.LogIdentifierSafe">
The null-checked version of <see cref="P:HugsLib.ModBase.LogIdentifier"/>.
Returns the type name if <see cref="P:HugsLib.ModBase.LogIdentifier"/> is null.
<member name="P:HugsLib.ModBase.ModContentPack">
The content pack for the mod containing the assembly this class belongs to
<member name="P:HugsLib.ModBase.ModIsActive">
Can be false if the mod was enabled at game start and then disabled in the mods menu.
Always true, unless the <see cref="T:Verse.ModContentPack"/> of the declaring mod can't be
identified for some unexpected reason.
<member name="P:HugsLib.ModBase.VersionInfo">
Contains the AssemblyVersion and AssemblyFileVersion of the mod. Used by <see cref="M:HugsLib.ModBase.GetVersion"/>.
<member name="M:HugsLib.ModBase.GetVersion">
Return the override version from the Version.xml file if specified,
or the higher one between AssemblyVersion and AssemblyFileVersion
<member name="M:HugsLib.ModBase.EarlyInitialize">
Called during HugsLib <see cref="T:Verse.Mod"/> instantiation, accounting for mod load order.
Load order among mods implementing <see cref="T:HugsLib.ModBase"/> is respected.
and only if the implementing class is annotated with <see cref="T:HugsLib.EarlyInitAttribute"/>.
<member name="M:HugsLib.ModBase.StaticInitialize">
Called when HugsLib receives the <see cref="T:Verse.StaticConstructorOnStartup"/> call.
Load order among mods implementing <see cref="T:HugsLib.ModBase"/> is respected.
Called after the static constructors for non-HugsLib mods have executed. Is not called again on def reload
<member name="M:HugsLib.ModBase.Initialize">
An alias for <see cref="M:HugsLib.ModBase.StaticInitialize"/>, both or either can be used,
although <see cref="M:HugsLib.ModBase.StaticInitialize"/> makes for clearer code by indicating when the method is called.
<member name="M:HugsLib.ModBase.Tick(System.Int32)">
Called on each tick when in Play scene
<param name="currentTick">The sequential number of the tick being processed</param>
<member name="M:HugsLib.ModBase.Update">
Called each frame
<member name="M:HugsLib.ModBase.FixedUpdate">
Called each unity physics update
<member name="M:HugsLib.ModBase.OnGUI">
Called on each unity gui event, after UIRoot.UIRootOnGUI.
Respects UI scaling and screen fading. Will not be called during loading screens.
This is a good place to listen for hotkey events.
<member name="M:HugsLib.ModBase.WorldLoaded">
Called when GameState.Playing has been entered and the world is fully loaded in the Play scene.
Will not be called during world generation and landing site selection.
<member name="M:HugsLib.ModBase.MapComponentsInitializing(Verse.Map)">
Called right after Map.ConstructComponents() (before MapLoaded)
<param name="map">The map being initialized</param>
<member name="M:HugsLib.ModBase.MapGenerated(Verse.Map)">
Called right after a new map has been generated.
This is the equivalent of MapComponent.MapGenerated().
<param name="map">The new map that has just finished generating</param>
<member name="M:HugsLib.ModBase.MapLoaded(Verse.Map)">
Called when the map was fully loaded
<param name="map">The map that has finished loading</param>
<member name="M:HugsLib.ModBase.MapDiscarded(Verse.Map)">
Called after a map has been abandoned or otherwise made inaccessible.
Works on player bases, encounter maps, destroyed faction bases, etc.
<param name="map">The map that has been discarded</param>
<member name="M:HugsLib.ModBase.SceneLoaded(UnityEngine.SceneManagement.Scene)">
Called after each scene change
<param name="scene">The scene that has been loaded</param>
<member name="M:HugsLib.ModBase.SettingsChanged">
Called after settings menu changes have been confirmed.
This is called for all mods, regardless if their own settings have been modified, or not.
<member name="M:HugsLib.ModBase.DefsLoaded">
Called after StaticInitialize and when defs have been reloaded. This is a good place to inject defs.
Get your settings handles here, so that the labels will properly update on language change.
If the mod is disabled after being loaded, this method will STILL execute. Use ModIsActive to check.
There is no scenario in which defs are reloaded without the game restarting, save for a mod manually initiating a reload.
When def reloading is not an issue, anything done by this method can be safely done in StaticInitialize.
<member name="M:HugsLib.ModBase.ApplicationQuit">
Called before the game process shuts down.
"Quit to OS", clicking the "X" button on the window, and pressing Alt+F4 all execute this event.
There are still ways to forcibly terminate the game process, so this callback is not 100% reliable.
Modified <see cref="T:HugsLib.Settings.SettingHandle"/>s are automatically saved after this call.
<member name="T:HugsLib.UpdateFeatureDef">
Describes a single update news item.
Recommended to be placed in the /News folder in the root directory of the mod.
Can be loaded from the /Defs folder, but any <see cref="T:HugsLib.UpdateFeatureDef"/> placed
in the /News folder will unload all <see cref="T:HugsLib.UpdateFeatureDef"/>s loaded from /Defs.
<member name="F:HugsLib.UpdateFeatureDef.modIdentifier">
An optional unique identifier to reference the mod that adds this news item.
If not set, the PackageId of the mod will be used.<para/>
Must start with a letter and contain any of [A-z, 0-9, -, _, :]
Used to preserve compatibility with pre-RW1.1 HugsLib news data, such as already displayed news items and ignored news providers.<para/>
Previously used to reference a BodBase.ModIdentifier which had to be loaded for the defining news def to be displayed.
<member name="F:HugsLib.UpdateFeatureDef.modNameReadable">
Displayed in the title of the news item
<member name="F:HugsLib.UpdateFeatureDef.titleOverride">
Optional complete replacement for the news item title
<member name="F:HugsLib.UpdateFeatureDef.assemblyVersion">
The version number associated with the news item. Format: major.minor.patch<para/>
Used to sort news items and determine which items have not been displayed yet.
For example, after an item with version 3.2.1 has been displayed, adding an item with version 3.2.0 will not cause the
New Mod Features dialog to automatically open. However, both items will still appear the next time the dialog is opened.<para/>
The version of the mod adding the news item is no longer required to be equal or higher for a news item to be displayed.
<member name="F:HugsLib.UpdateFeatureDef.content">
The text of the news item. Can contain text and images, supports Unity html markup (only recommended for highlighting).<para/>
The text can contain the following formatting markers:<para/>
| -> (pipe) splits the content into segments. A segment can be a paragraph or image sequence<para/>
img:name1,name2 -> Displays a horizontal image sequence. Image names are file names without the extension.<para/>
caption:text -> Attaches a text paragraph on the right side of the preceding image<para/>
Everything else is treated as plain text and creates a paragraph.<para/>
<example>Paragraph1|Paragraph2|img:singleImage|caption:caption\ntext|img:sequence1,sequence2|More text</example>
<member name="F:HugsLib.UpdateFeatureDef.trimWhitespace">
When set to true (true by default), leading and trailing whitespace characters (spaces, tabs, newlines)
are removed from content captions and paragraphs.
This makes it easier lay out your content and not have to cram everything into one line.
<member name="F:HugsLib.UpdateFeatureDef.linkUrl">
Optional link to a forum post/info page for this update, or the whole mod. Displayed in the news item title.
<member name="F:HugsLib.UpdateFeatureDef.targetAudience">
Specifies which players of the mod the news item should be only shown to- new players, returning players, or both.
Defaults to <see cref="F:HugsLib.UpdateFeatureTargetAudience.ReturningPlayers"/>.
<member name="P:HugsLib.UpdateFeatureDef.OwningModId">
Returns the Id of the owning mod.
<see cref="F:HugsLib.UpdateFeatureDef.modIdentifier"/> is used if defined, and ModContentPack.PackageId otherwise.
<member name="T:HugsLib.Utils.AssemblyVersionInfo">
Provides a convenient way to read, compare and print out the assembly version and file version of assemblies.
<member name="M:HugsLib.Utils.AssemblyVersionInfo.ReadAssembly(System.Reflection.Assembly,System.String)">
Tries to read the file assembly version in addition to the already known assembly version.
<param name="assembly">The assembly to read</param>
<param name="overrideLocation">The full path to the assembly file, if <see cref="P:System.Reflection.Assembly.Location"/> is not set</param>
<returns>An <see cref="T:HugsLib.Utils.AssemblyVersionInfo"/> with only AssemblyVersion set if an exception was encountered</returns>
<member name="M:HugsLib.Utils.AssemblyVersionInfo.ReadModAssembly(System.Reflection.Assembly,Verse.ModContentPack)">
Reads assembly version information for a mod assembly.
Mod assemblies require special treatment, since they are loaded from byte arrays and their <see cref="P:System.Reflection.Assembly.Location"/> is null.
<param name="assembly">The assembly to read</param>
<param name="contentPack">The content pack the assembly was loaded from</param>
<returns>See <see cref="M:HugsLib.Utils.AssemblyVersionInfo.ReadAssembly(System.Reflection.Assembly,System.String)"/></returns>
<member name="T:HugsLib.Utils.DoLaterScheduler">
A way to schedule single-use callbacks for an upcoming event.
Useful to break the stack and ensure code is run in the main thread.
Access via HugsLibController.Instance.DoLater
<member name="M:HugsLib.Utils.DoLaterScheduler.DoNextTick(System.Action)">
Schedule a callback to be executed at the start of the next tick
<member name="M:HugsLib.Utils.DoLaterScheduler.DoNextUpdate(System.Action)">
Schedule a callback to be executed at the start of the next frame
<member name="M:HugsLib.Utils.DoLaterScheduler.DoNextOnGUI(System.Action)">
Schedule a callback to be executed at the start of the next OnGUI
<member name="M:HugsLib.Utils.DoLaterScheduler.DoNextMapLoaded(System.Action{Verse.Map})">
Schedule a callback to be executed the next time a map has finished loading
<param name="action">The callback receives the map that has finished loading</param>
<member name="T:HugsLib.Utils.TickDelayScheduler">
A performance-friendly way to execute code at arbitrary tick intervals.
Optimized for one-off timed callbacks with variable callback delay.
Use DistributedTickScheduler instead if you have many recipients with recurring callbacks and constant time.
Callbacks are called at tick time, which means a game must be loaded and running for them to be processed.
<member name="M:HugsLib.Utils.TickDelayScheduler.ScheduleCallback(System.Action,System.Int32,Verse.Thing,System.Boolean)">
Registers a delegate to be called in a given number of ticks.
<param name="callback">The delegate to be called</param>
<param name="dueInTicks">The delay in ticks before the delegate is called</param>
<param name="owner">Optional owner of the delegate. Callback will not fire if the Thing is not spawned at call time.</param>
<param name="repeat">If true, the callback will be rescheduled after each call until manually unscheduled</param>
<member name="M:HugsLib.Utils.TickDelayScheduler.TryUnscheduleCallback(System.Action)">
Manually remove a callback to abort a delay or clear a recurring callback.
Silently fails if the callback is not found.
<param name="callback">The scheduled callback</param>
<member name="M:HugsLib.Utils.TickDelayScheduler.GetAllPendingCallbacks">
Only for debug purposes
<member name="T:HugsLib.Utils.Dialog_Confirm">
A classic A15-style confirm dialog with Esc and Enter key support.
<member name="T:HugsLib.Utils.Dialog_Message">
A compact message dialog with a title and a custom close button label.
<member name="M:HugsLib.Utils.Dialog_Message.#ctor(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.Action)">
<param name="title">A title to display in the dialog</param>
<param name="message">A message to display in the dialog</param>
<param name="closeButtonText">A custom label to the close button. Optional- when null, the default label will be used instead.</param>
<param name="postCloseAction">A callback to call when the dialog is closed</param>
<member name="T:HugsLib.Utils.DistributedTickScheduler">
A ticking scheduler for things that require a tick only every so often.
Distributes tick calls uniformly over multiple frames to reduce the workload.
Optimized for many tick recipients with the same tick interval.
<member name="M:HugsLib.Utils.DistributedTickScheduler.RegisterTickability(System.Action,System.Int32,Verse.Thing)">
Registers a delegate to be called every tickInterval ticks.
<param name="callback">The delegate that will be called</param>
<param name="tickInterval">The interval between the calls (for example 30 to have the delegate be called 2 times a second)</param>
<param name="owner">The Thing the delegate is attached to. The callback will be automatically unregistered if the owner is found to be despawned at call time.</param>
<member name="M:HugsLib.Utils.DistributedTickScheduler.UnregisterTickability(Verse.Thing)">
Manually removes a delegate to prevent further calls.
<exception cref="T:System.ArgumentException">Throws if the provided owner is not registered. Use IsRegistered() to check.</exception>
<param name="owner">The Thing the delegate was registered with</param>
<member name="M:HugsLib.Utils.DistributedTickScheduler.IsRegistered(Verse.Thing)">
Returns true if the passed Thing is registered as the owner of a delegate.
<param name="owner"></param>
<member name="M:HugsLib.Utils.DistributedTickScheduler.DebugGetAllEntries">
Returns all registered tick recipients
<member name="M:HugsLib.Utils.DistributedTickScheduler.DebugCountLastTickCalls">
Returns the number of calls issued across all intervals during the last tick
<member name="M:HugsLib.Utils.DistributedTickScheduler.DebugGetNumTickers">
Returns the number of active tickers (intervals)
<member name="T:HugsLib.Utils.HarmonyUtility">
Tools for working with the Harmony library.
<member name="M:HugsLib.Utils.HarmonyUtility.DescribeAllPatchedMethods">
Produces a human-readable list of all methods patched by all Harmony instances and their respective patches.
<member name="M:HugsLib.Utils.HarmonyUtility.DescribePatchedMethods(HarmonyLib.Harmony)">
Produces a human-readable list of all methods patched by a single Harmony instance and their respective patches.
<param name="instance">A Harmony instance that can be queried for patch information.</param>
<member name="M:HugsLib.Utils.HarmonyUtility.DescribePatchedMethodsList(System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable{System.Reflection.MethodBase})">
Produces a human-readable list of Harmony patches on a given set of methods.
<member name="M:HugsLib.Utils.HarmonyUtility.DescribeHarmonyVersions(HarmonyLib.Harmony)">
Produces a human-readable list of all Harmony versions present and their respective owners.
<param name="instance">A Harmony instance that can be queried for version information.</param>
<member name="M:HugsLib.Utils.HarmonyUtility.LogHarmonyPatchIssueErrors">
Logs an error if any issues with Harmony patches are detected
<member name="T:HugsLib.Utils.HugsLibUtility">
A catch-all place for extension methods and other useful stuff
<member name="P:HugsLib.Utils.HugsLibUtility.ShiftIsHeld">
Returns true if the left or right Shift keys are currently pressed.
<member name="P:HugsLib.Utils.HugsLibUtility.AltIsHeld">
Returns true if the left or right Alt keys are currently pressed.
<member name="P:HugsLib.Utils.HugsLibUtility.ControlIsHeld">
Returns true if the left or right Control keys are currently pressed.
Mac command keys are supported, as well.
<member name="M:HugsLib.Utils.HugsLibUtility.ListElements(System.Collections.IEnumerable)">
Returns an enumerable as a comma-separated string.
<param name="list">A list of elements to string together</param>
<member name="M:HugsLib.Utils.HugsLibUtility.Join(System.Collections.IEnumerable,System.String,System.Boolean)">
Returns an enumerable as a string, joined by a separator string. By default null values appear as an empty string.
<param name="list">A list of elements to string together</param>
<param name="separator">A string to inset between elements</param>
<param name="explicitNullValues">If true, null elements will appear as "[null]"</param>
<member name="M:HugsLib.Utils.HugsLibUtility.ToShortString(System.Version)">
Returns a version as major.minor.patch formatted string.
<member name="M:HugsLib.Utils.HugsLibUtility.HasDesignation(Verse.Thing,Verse.DesignationDef)">
Checks if a Thing has a designation of a given def.
<param name="thing"></param>
<param name="def">The designation def to check for</param>
<member name="M:HugsLib.Utils.HugsLibUtility.ToggleDesignation(Verse.Thing,Verse.DesignationDef,System.Boolean)">
Adds or removes a designation of a given def on a Thing. Fails silently if designation is already in the desired state.
<param name="thing">The thing to designate</param>
<param name="def">The DesignationDef to apply or remove</param>
<param name="enable">True to add the designation, false to remove</param>
<member name="M:HugsLib.Utils.HugsLibUtility.HasDesignation(Verse.IntVec3,Verse.DesignationDef,Verse.Map)">
Checks if a cell has a designation of a given def
<param name="pos">The map position to check</param>
<param name="def">The DesignationDef to detect</param>
<param name="map">The map to look on. When null, defaults to VisibleMap.</param>
<member name="M:HugsLib.Utils.HugsLibUtility.ToggleDesignation(Verse.IntVec3,Verse.DesignationDef,System.Boolean,Verse.Map)">
Adds or removes a designation of a given def on a cell. Fails silently if designation is already in the desired state.
<param name="pos">The position to designate</param>
<param name="def">The DesignationDef to apply or remove</param>
<param name="enable">True to add the designation, false to remove</param>
<param name="map">The map to operate on. When null, defaults to VisibleMap.</param>
<member name="M:HugsLib.Utils.HugsLibUtility.MethodMatchesSignature(System.Reflection.MethodInfo,System.Type,System.Type[])">
Returns true, if a MethodInfo matches the provided signature.
<remarks>Note: instance methods always take their parent type as the first parameter.</remarks>
<param name="method">The method to check</param>
<param name="expectedReturnType">Expected return type of the checked method</param>
<param name="expectedParameters">Expected parameter types of the checked method</param>
<member name="M:HugsLib.Utils.HugsLibUtility.TryGetAttributeSafely``1(System.Reflection.MemberInfo)">
Returns an attribute from a member, if it exists.
Mods could include attributes from libraries that are not loaded, which would throw an exception, so error checking is included.
<typeparam name="T">The type of the attribute to fetch</typeparam>
<param name="member">The member to fetch the attribute from</param>
<member name="M:HugsLib.Utils.HugsLibUtility.GetAllActiveAssemblies">
Enumerates all loaded assemblies, including stock and enabled mods.
<member name="M:HugsLib.Utils.HugsLibUtility.IsModActive(System.String)">
Returns true if the mod with a matching name is currently loaded in the mod configuration.
<param name="modName">The ModMetaData.Name to match</param>
<member name="M:HugsLib.Utils.HugsLibUtility.CopyToClipboard(System.String)">
Copies a string to the system copy buffer and displays a confirmation message.
<member name="M:HugsLib.Utils.HugsLibUtility.TryReplaceUserDirectory(System.String)">
Expands a shorthand unix user directory path with its full system path.
<member name="M:HugsLib.Utils.HugsLibUtility.SurroundWithDoubleQuotes(System.String)">
Adds double quotes to the start and end of a string.
<member name="M:HugsLib.Utils.HugsLibUtility.TryGetLogFilePath">
Attempts to return the path of the log file Unity is writing to.
<member name="M:HugsLib.Utils.HugsLibUtility.AwaitUnityWebResponse(UnityEngine.Networking.UnityWebRequest,System.Action{System.String},System.Action{System.Exception},System.Net.HttpStatusCode,System.Single)">
Sends a constructed UnityWebRequest, waits for the result, and returns the data via callbacks.
<param name="request">Use UnityWebRequest or WWW to construct a request. Do not call Send().</param>
<param name="onSuccess">Called with the response body if server replied with status 200.</param>
<param name="onFailure">Called with the error message in case of a network error or if server replied with status other than 200.</param>
<param name="successStatus">The expected status code in the response for the request to be considered successful</param>
<param name="timeout">How long to wait before aborting the request</param>
<member name="M:HugsLib.Utils.HugsLibUtility.GetModAssemblyFileInfo(System.String,Verse.ModContentPack)">
Tries to find the file handle for a given mod assembly name.
<remarks>This is a replacement for <see cref="P:System.Reflection.Assembly.Location"/> mod assemblies are loaded from byte arrays.</remarks>
<param name="assemblyName">The <see cref="P:System.Reflection.AssemblyName.Name"/> of the assembly</param>
<param name="contentPack">The content pack the assembly was presumably loaded from</param>
<returns>Returns null if the file is not found</returns>
<member name="M:HugsLib.Utils.HugsLibUtility.TryGetModAssemblyFileInfo(System.String,Verse.ModContentPack)">
Same as <see cref="M:HugsLib.Utils.HugsLibUtility.GetModAssemblyFileInfo(System.String,Verse.ModContentPack)"/> but suppresses all exceptions.
<member name="M:HugsLib.Utils.HugsLibUtility.OpenModSettingsDialog">
Opens the HugsLib Mod Settings dialog and restores its last known state (expanded entries, scroll position).
<member name="T:HugsLib.Utils.InjectedDefHasher">
Adds a hash to a manually instantiated def to avoid def collisions.
<member name="M:HugsLib.Utils.InjectedDefHasher.GiveShortHashToDef(Verse.Def,System.Type)">
Give a short hash to a def created at runtime.
Short hashes are used for proper saving of defs in compressed maps within a save file.
<param name="newDef"></param>
<param name="defType">The type of defs your def will be saved with. For example, use typeof(ThingDef) if your def extends ThingDef.</param>
<member name="M:HugsLib.Utils.MapComponentUtility.EnsureIsActive(Verse.MapComponent)">
Injects a map component into the current map if it does not already exist.
Required for new MapComponents that were not active at map creation.
The injection is performed at ExecuteWhenFinished to allow calling this method in MapComponent constructors.
<param name="mapComponent">The MapComponent that is expected to be present is the map's component list</param>
<member name="M:HugsLib.Utils.MapComponentUtility.GetMapComponent``1(Verse.Map)">
Gets the map component of the given type from a map.
Will throw an exception if a component of the requested type is not found.
<typeparam name="T">The type of your MapComponent</typeparam>
<param name="map">The map to get the component from</param>
<member name="T:HugsLib.Utils.ModLogger">
A logger that prefixes all messages with the identifier of the issuing mod.
<member name="M:HugsLib.Utils.ModLogger.Message(System.String,System.Object[])">
Writes a message to the log, prefixing it with the issuing mod identifier.
<param name="message">The message to write</param>
<param name="substitutions">Optional substitution values for the message</param>
<member name="M:HugsLib.Utils.ModLogger.Warning(System.String,System.Object[])">
Same as Message(), but the console will display the message as a warning.
<member name="M:HugsLib.Utils.ModLogger.Error(System.String,System.Object[])">
Same as Message(), but the console will display the message as an error.
This will open the Log window in in Dev mode.
<member name="M:HugsLib.Utils.ModLogger.Trace(System.Object[])">
Writes a message only if Dev mode is enabled.
Message is written using Tracer.Trace with the addition of the ModIdentifier as the first value.
<param name="strings">The strings to display</param>
<member name="M:HugsLib.Utils.ModLogger.TraceFormat(System.String,System.Object[])">
Same as Trace(), but formats the message and replaces substitution variables.
<member name="M:HugsLib.Utils.ModLogger.ReportException(System.Exception,System.String,System.Boolean,System.String)">
Writes an error to the log to report an exception.
The message will contain the name of the method that caused the exception if a location is not provided.
<param name="e">The exception that occurred</param>
<param name="modIdentifier">Optional identifier of the mod that caused the exception</param>
<param name="reportOnceOnly">True, if the exception should only be reported once for that specific location. Useful for errors that will trigger each frame or tick.</param>
<param name="location">Optional name of the location where the exception occurred. Will display as "exception during (location)"</param>
<member name="T:HugsLib.Utils.PlatformUtility">
A tool to identify the platform the game is running on.
<member name="T:HugsLib.Utils.Tracer">
Utility methods for displaying debug messages during development.
<member name="M:HugsLib.Utils.Tracer.Trace(System.Object[])">
Writes comma-separated log messages if the game is in Dev mode.
Any non-strings will be converted to strings, and null values will appear explicitly.
<param name="messages">Messages to output</param>
<member name="M:HugsLib.Utils.Tracer.TraceFormat(System.String,System.Object[])">
Similar to Trace, but feeds the messages through String.Format first.
<param name="format">The string to interpolate</param>
<param name="formatArgs">Interpolation arguments</param>
<member name="T:HugsLib.Utils.UtilityWorldObject">
Base type for utility WorldObjects repurposed to store data. See UtilityWorldObjectManager for more info.
<member name="T:HugsLib.Utils.UtilityWorldObjectManager">
Handles utility WorldObjects of custom types.
Utility WorldObjects are a map-independent storage method for custom data.
All UWOs share the same def and aren't visible on the world, but are saved and loaded with it.
<member name="M:HugsLib.Utils.UtilityWorldObjectManager.GetUtilityWorldObject``1">
Returns an existing UWO or creates a new one, adding it to the world.
<typeparam name="T">Your custom type that extends UtilityWorldObject</typeparam>