2021-08-21 21:00:07 +02:00

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<title>zoe bat - contact</title>
<link rel="shortcut icon" type="image/png" href="media/images/favicon.webp"> <meta name="description" content="this is where you can find my socials. last.fm, matrix, telegram and egirls.gay fediverse"> </head>
<div class="container"> <h1>about</h1>
<p>- this is where you can find my socials! -</p>
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<a name="me"></a>
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<img class="cover" alt="glitchy selfie of me sticking out my tongue" src="./media/images/selfie.webp"></img>
hey, i'm zoe (fae / faer, they / them or she / her). known nonbinary, trans, bi lesbian who loves <a class="bouncy" href="https://rawtess.gay" >faer girlfriend</a>.
all of the music on here is free to download and licensed under <a class="bouncy" href="https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0/">CC BY-NC-SA 4.0</a>, but feel free to buy it on bandcamp if you really want.
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<h3>talk 2 me</h3>
<a class="bouncy" href="https://egirls.gay/@pastelpunkbandit">egirls.gay</a><br>
<a class="bouncy" href="https://matrix.to/#/@pastelpunkbandit:egirls.gay">matrix.to</a><br>
<a class="bouncy" href="https://telegram.me/pastelpunkbandit">telegram.me</a><br>
<a class="bouncy" href="https://www.last.fm/user/zoebat">last.fm</a>
<a name="thisSite"></a>
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<h2>this site</h2>
powered with love by zoe bat mainframe gay agenda broadcasting station #1
<h3>y2k compliant certified</h3>
remember: turn your computer off before midnight on 12/31/99
this code may not be used for any purpose. be gay, do crime<br>
(<a class="bouncy" href="https://tilde.team/~barrow/LICENSE.txt">this license is stolen btw</a>)
<h3>there is no javascript on this website</h3>
do not go looking for it! it's not here! i wrote this entirely in html, css and server side includes.<br><br>
a terrible fate will befall you if you do! stop! this website was coded <i>entirely in vim</i> with my <i>bare hands</i> and i will not have any of this! you villain! you fool!<br><br>
i am so mad right now
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