home on bat https://zoe.kittycat.homes/ Recent content in home on bat Hugo -- gohugo.io eng Fri, 29 Apr 2022 14:50:29 +0200 trainyard trouble https://zoe.kittycat.homes/games/trainyard-trouble/ Fri, 29 Apr 2022 14:50:29 +0200 https://zoe.kittycat.homes/games/trainyard-trouble/ itch.io git tess and i also made this game for a game jam! you manage a cargo train terminal with three trains and your goal is to survive as long as you can without the storage area overflowing we made this for a godot wildjam and it was a bit messy! the plan was to try out godot 4, which was in alpha 4 at that point, and most of the things worked fine until we tried to export the game… the macos version had sound, but no video, the windows version had video but no sound, but the linux version worked fine so that’s great! untitled plant game https://zoe.kittycat.homes/games/plantgame/ Fri, 29 Apr 2022 14:02:25 +0200 https://zoe.kittycat.homes/games/plantgame/ itch.io git there’s not really a lot to do here, but you get to watch a randomly generated plant grow and talk to it! i made this game together with tess for the procjam 21 we made it in godot and it was a very pleasent experience you can play it in the browser on itch.io! wisdom https://zoe.kittycat.homes/software/wisdom/ Sat, 16 Apr 2022 22:54:41 +0200 https://zoe.kittycat.homes/software/wisdom/ the wisdom website is an incredible experience for the whole family! you can get cooking recipes, or get philosophical with jonathan frakes of “beyond belief: fact or fiction” fame. take a look at wisdom.kittycat.homes  huh? it’s actually just a markov chain. i made it to learn rocket. rocket is great though :) things that make me happy https://zoe.kittycat.homes/links/nice_things/ Fri, 15 Apr 2022 20:01:01 +0200 https://zoe.kittycat.homes/links/nice_things/  my girlfriend!!! hehe fae is so cute  videos  a whole tray of peas she just eats the entire tray of peas!!! impressive! the raw energy of this is just amazing find me https://zoe.kittycat.homes/links/contact/ Fri, 15 Apr 2022 16:19:04 +0200 https://zoe.kittycat.homes/links/contact/ you can find me on a few different platforms! ﬧ matrix  git  bandcamp  gotosocial  itch.io bat  tiger buddies https://zoe.kittycat.homes/links/buddies/ Mon, 01 Jan 0001 00:00:00 +0000 https://zoe.kittycat.homes/links/buddies/  tess!!! fae is my girlfriend and is really perfect!!! like there has been no other person like faer in existence and its rlly nice! i’m gay! anyways look at faer website (very important) this site also has free cat pics!!! and fae makes really good twitch streams! what’s stopping you from taking a look! we also made a bunch of games together hehe  armisael webring this website is part of the armisael webring!