2022-04-29 13:19:12 +00:00
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2022-04-29 13:19:12 +00:00
< title > untitled plant game@bat< / title >
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< p > < a href = "https://bathearttiger.itch.io/untitled-plant-game" > itch.io< / a > < a href = "https://git.kittycat.homes/BatHeartTiger/untitled-plant-game" > git< / a > < / p >
< p > there’ s not really a lot to do here, but you get to watch a randomly generated plant grow and talk to it!
i made this game together with < a href = "/links/buddies/#tess" > tess< / a > for the < a href = "https://www.procjam.com/" > procjam 21< / a >
< figure > < img src = "/img/plantgame.webp"
alt="plantgame screenshot, there' s a randomly generated plant in front of a window, theres also a dialogue box where the plant is talking to you!"/>
< / figure >
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< p > we made it in godot and it was a very pleasent experience you can play it in the browser on < a href = "https://bathearttiger.itch.io/untitled-plant-game" > itch.io< / a > !< / p >
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