if exists('g:loaded_kite') || &cp finish endif if has('nvim') if !has('nvim-0.3') echoerr 'Kite requires Neovim 0.3 or greater' finish endif else if v:version < 800 || !has('patch-8.0.0027') echoerr 'Kite requires Vim 8.0.0027 or greater' finish endif endif let g:loaded_kite = 1 filetype on " The list of languages / file types for which we want Kite's completions. if !exists('g:kite_supported_languages') let g:kite_supported_languages = ['python'] endif if !exists('g:kite_auto_complete') let g:kite_auto_complete = 1 endif if !exists('g:kite_snippets') let g:kite_snippets = 1 endif if !exists('g:kite_previous_placeholder') let g:kite_previous_placeholder = '' endif if !exists('g:kite_next_placeholder') let g:kite_next_placeholder = '' endif if !exists('g:kite_documentation_continual') let g:kite_documentation_continual = 0 endif if !exists('g:kite_completions') let g:kite_completions = 1 endif if !exists('g:kite_log') let g:kite_log = 0 endif if !exists('g:kite_short_timeout') let g:kite_short_timeout = 120 " ms endif if !exists('g:kite_long_timeout') let g:kite_long_timeout = 400 " ms endif if !exists('g:kite_completion_max_width') let g:kite_completion_max_width = 75 endif if !(has('nvim') || has('job')) call kite#utils#warn('disabled - requires nvim or vim with the +job feature') finish endif if !(has('nvim') || has('timers')) call kite#utils#warn('disabled - requires nvim or vim with the +timers feature') finish endif " Nvim-QT if exists('g:GuiLoaded') GuiPopupmenu 0 endif augroup Kite autocmd! autocmd BufEnter * call kite#bufenter() autocmd VimEnter * if g:kite_completions | call kite#configure_completeopt() | endif autocmd VimEnter * nested if kite#utils#kite_running() && &filetype !~# '^git' | call kite#onboarding#call(0) | endif augroup END nnoremap (kite-docs) :call kite#docs#docs() command! KiteDocsAtCursor call kite#docs#docs() command! KiteOpenCopilot call kite#client#copilot() command! KiteGeneralSettings call kite#client#settings() command! KitePermissions call kite#client#permissions() command! KiteTutorial call kite#onboarding#call(1) command! KiteDisableAutoStart call kite#disable_auto_start() command! KiteEnableAutoStart call kite#enable_auto_start() command! KiteShowPopularPatterns call kite#signature#show_popular_patterns() command! KiteHidePopularPatterns call kite#signature#hide_popular_patterns() command! KiteGotoDefinition call kite#hover#goto_definition() command! KiteFindRelatedCodeFromFileExperimental call kite#codenav#from_file() command! KiteFindRelatedCodeFromLineExperimental call kite#codenav#from_line()