
236 lines
7.8 KiB

import { Embed, Message } from '../../mod.ts'
import { awaitSync } from "../utils/mixedPromise.ts"
import { Client, ClientOptions } from './client.ts'
import { CommandContext, CommandsManager, parseCommand } from './command.ts'
type PrefixReturnType = string | string[] | Promise<string | string[]>
export interface CommandClientOptions extends ClientOptions {
prefix: string | string[]
mentionPrefix?: boolean
getGuildPrefix?: (guildID: string) => PrefixReturnType
getUserPrefix?: (userID: string) => PrefixReturnType
isGuildBlacklisted?: (guildID: string) => boolean | Promise<boolean>
isUserBlacklisted?: (guildID: string) => boolean | Promise<boolean>
isChannelBlacklisted?: (guildID: string) => boolean | Promise<boolean>
spacesAfterPrefix?: boolean
betterArgs?: boolean
owners?: string[]
allowBots?: boolean
allowDMs?: boolean
caseSensitive?: boolean
type CommandText = string | Embed
export interface CommandTexts {
GUILD_ONLY?: CommandText
OWNER_ONLY?: CommandText
DMS_ONLY?: CommandText
ERROR?: CommandText
export const DefaultCommandTexts: CommandTexts = {
GUILD_ONLY: 'This command can only be used in a Server!',
OWNER_ONLY: 'This command can only be used by Bot Owners!',
DMS_ONLY: "This command can only be used in Bot's DMs!",
ERROR: 'An error occured while executing command!'
interface Replaces {
[name: string]: string
export const massReplace = (text: string, replaces: Replaces): string => {
Object.entries(replaces).forEach(replace => {
text = text.replace(new RegExp(`{{${replace[0]}}}`, 'g'), replace[1])
return text
export class CommandClient extends Client implements CommandClientOptions {
prefix: string | string[]
mentionPrefix: boolean
getGuildPrefix: (guildID: string) => PrefixReturnType
getUserPrefix: (userID: string) => PrefixReturnType
isGuildBlacklisted: (guildID: string) => boolean | Promise<boolean>
isUserBlacklisted: (guildID: string) => boolean | Promise<boolean>
isChannelBlacklisted: (guildID: string) => boolean | Promise<boolean>
spacesAfterPrefix: boolean
betterArgs: boolean
owners: string[]
allowBots: boolean
allowDMs: boolean
caseSensitive: boolean
commands: CommandsManager = new CommandsManager(this)
texts: CommandTexts = DefaultCommandTexts
constructor(options: CommandClientOptions) {
this.prefix = options.prefix
this.mentionPrefix =
options.mentionPrefix === undefined ? false : options.mentionPrefix
this.getGuildPrefix =
options.getGuildPrefix === undefined
? (id: string) => this.prefix
: options.getGuildPrefix
this.getUserPrefix =
options.getUserPrefix === undefined
? (id: string) => this.prefix
: options.getUserPrefix
this.isUserBlacklisted =
options.isUserBlacklisted === undefined
? (id: string) => false
: options.isUserBlacklisted
this.isGuildBlacklisted =
options.isGuildBlacklisted === undefined
? (id: string) => false
: options.isGuildBlacklisted
this.isChannelBlacklisted =
options.isChannelBlacklisted === undefined
? (id: string) => false
: options.isChannelBlacklisted
this.spacesAfterPrefix =
options.spacesAfterPrefix === undefined
? false
: options.spacesAfterPrefix
this.betterArgs =
options.betterArgs === undefined ? false : options.betterArgs
this.owners = options.owners === undefined ? [] : options.owners
this.allowBots = options.allowBots === undefined ? false : options.allowBots
this.allowDMs = options.allowDMs === undefined ? true : options.allowDMs
this.caseSensitive =
options.caseSensitive === undefined ? false : options.caseSensitive
async (msg: Message) => await this.processMessage(msg)
async processMessage(msg: Message): Promise<any> {
if (!this.allowBots && msg.author.bot === true) return
const isUserBlacklisted = await awaitSync(this.isUserBlacklisted(msg.author.id))
if (isUserBlacklisted === true) return
const isChannelBlacklisted = await awaitSync(this.isChannelBlacklisted(msg.channel.id))
if (isChannelBlacklisted === true) return
if (msg.guild !== undefined) {
const isGuildBlacklisted = await awaitSync(this.isGuildBlacklisted(msg.guild.id))
if (isGuildBlacklisted === true) return
let prefix: string | string[] = this.prefix
if (msg.guild !== undefined) {
prefix = await awaitSync(this.getGuildPrefix(msg.guild.id))
} else {
prefix = await awaitSync(this.getUserPrefix(msg.author.id))
let mentionPrefix = false
if (typeof prefix === 'string') {
if (msg.content.startsWith(prefix) === false) {
if (this.mentionPrefix) mentionPrefix = true
else return
} else {
const usedPrefix = prefix.find(v => msg.content.startsWith(v))
if (usedPrefix === undefined) {
if (this.mentionPrefix) mentionPrefix = true
else return
else prefix = usedPrefix
if (mentionPrefix) {
if (msg.content.startsWith(this.user?.mention as string) === true) prefix = this.user?.mention as string
else if (msg.content.startsWith(this.user?.nickMention as string) === true) prefix = this.user?.nickMention as string
else return
if (typeof prefix !== 'string') return
const parsed = parseCommand(this, msg, prefix)
const command = this.commands.find(parsed.name)
if (command === undefined) return
const baseReplaces: Replaces = {
command: command.name,
nameUsed: parsed.name,
username: msg.author.username,
tag: msg.author.tag,
mention: msg.author.mention,
id: msg.author.id
if (command.guildOnly === true && msg.guild === undefined) {
if (this.texts.GUILD_ONLY !== undefined)
return this.sendProcessedText(msg, this.texts.GUILD_ONLY, baseReplaces)
if (command.dmOnly === true && msg.guild !== undefined) {
if (this.texts.DMS_ONLY !== undefined)
return this.sendProcessedText(msg, this.texts.DMS_ONLY, baseReplaces)
if (command.ownerOnly === true && !this.owners.includes(msg.author.id)) {
if (this.texts.OWNER_ONLY !== undefined)
return this.sendProcessedText(msg, this.texts.OWNER_ONLY, baseReplaces)
const ctx: CommandContext = {
client: this,
name: parsed.name,
args: parsed.args,
argString: parsed.argString,
message: msg,
author: msg.author,
channel: msg.channel,
guild: msg.guild
try {
this.emit('commandUsed', { context: ctx })
const beforeExecute = await awaitSync(command.beforeExecute(ctx))
if (beforeExecute === false) return
const result = await awaitSync(command.execute(ctx))
command.afterExecute(ctx, result)
} catch (e) {
if (this.texts.ERROR !== undefined)
return this.sendProcessedText(
Object.assign(baseReplaces, { error: e.message })
this.emit('commandError', { command, parsed, error: e })
sendProcessedText(msg: Message, text: CommandText, replaces: Replaces): any {
if (typeof text === 'string') {
text = massReplace(text, replaces)
return msg.channel.send(text)
} else {
if (text.description !== undefined)
text.description = massReplace(text.description, replaces)
if (text.title !== undefined)
text.description = massReplace(text.title, replaces)
if (text.author?.name !== undefined)
text.description = massReplace(text.author.name, replaces)
if (text.footer?.text !== undefined)
text.description = massReplace(text.footer.text, replaces)
return msg.channel.send(text)