
376 lines
12 KiB

/* eslint-disable @typescript-eslint/method-signature-style */
import { User } from '../structures/user.ts'
import { GatewayIntents } from '../types/gateway.ts'
import { Gateway } from '../gateway/index.ts'
import { RESTManager } from './rest.ts'
import { EventEmitter } from '../../deps.ts'
import { DefaultCacheAdapter, ICacheAdapter } from './cacheAdapter.ts'
import { UsersManager } from '../managers/users.ts'
import { GuildManager } from '../managers/guilds.ts'
import { ChannelsManager } from '../managers/channels.ts'
import { ClientPresence } from '../structures/presence.ts'
import { EmojisManager } from '../managers/emojis.ts'
import { ActivityGame, ClientActivity } from '../types/presence.ts'
import { Extension } from './extensions.ts'
import { SlashClient } from './slashClient.ts'
import { Interaction } from '../structures/slash.ts'
import { SlashModule } from './slashModule.ts'
import type { ShardManager } from './shard.ts'
import { Application } from '../structures/application.ts'
import { Invite } from '../structures/invite.ts'
import { INVITE } from '../types/endpoint.ts'
import { ClientEvents } from '../gateway/handlers/index.ts'
/** OS related properties sent with Gateway Identify */
export interface ClientProperties {
os?: 'darwin' | 'windows' | 'linux' | 'custom_os' | string
browser?: 'harmony' | string
device?: 'harmony' | string
/** Some Client Options to modify behaviour */
export interface ClientOptions {
/** ID of the Client/Application to initialize Slash Client REST */
id?: string
/** Token of the Bot/User */
token?: string
/** Gateway Intents */
intents?: GatewayIntents[]
/** Cache Adapter to use, defaults to Collections one */
cache?: ICacheAdapter
/** Force New Session and don't use cached Session (by persistent caching) */
forceNewSession?: boolean
/** Startup presence of client */
presence?: ClientPresence | ClientActivity | ActivityGame
/** Force all requests to Canary API */
canary?: boolean
/** Time till which Messages are to be cached, in MS. Default is 3600000 */
messageCacheLifetime?: number
/** Time till which Message Reactions are to be cached, in MS. Default is 3600000 */
reactionCacheLifetime?: number
/** Whether to fetch Uncached Message of Reaction or not? */
fetchUncachedReactions?: boolean
/** Client Properties */
clientProperties?: ClientProperties
/** Enable/Disable Slash Commands Integration (enabled by default) */
enableSlash?: boolean
export declare interface Client {
on<K extends keyof ClientEvents>(
event: K,
listener: (...args: ClientEvents[K]) => void
): this
on(event: string | symbol, listener: (...args: any[]) => void): this
once<K extends keyof ClientEvents>(
event: K,
listener: (...args: ClientEvents[K]) => void
): this
once(event: string | symbol, listener: (...args: any[]) => void): this
emit<K extends keyof ClientEvents>(
event: K,
...args: ClientEvents[K]
): boolean
emit(event: string | symbol, ...args: any[]): boolean
off<K extends keyof ClientEvents>(
event: K,
listener: (...args: ClientEvents[K]) => void
): this
off(event: string | symbol, listener: (...args: any[]) => void): this
* Discord Client.
export class Client extends EventEmitter {
/** Gateway object */
gateway?: Gateway
/** REST Manager - used to make all requests */
rest: RESTManager = new RESTManager(this)
/** User which Client logs in to, undefined until logs in */
user?: User
/** WebSocket ping of Client */
ping = 0
/** Token of the Bot/User */
token?: string
/** Cache Adapter */
cache: ICacheAdapter = new DefaultCacheAdapter()
/** Gateway Intents */
intents?: GatewayIntents[]
/** Whether to force new session or not */
forceNewSession?: boolean
/** Time till messages to stay cached, in MS. */
messageCacheLifetime: number = 3600000
/** Time till messages to stay cached, in MS. */
reactionCacheLifetime: number = 3600000
/** Whether to fetch Uncached Message of Reaction or not? */
fetchUncachedReactions: boolean = false
/** Client Properties */
clientProperties: ClientProperties
/** Slash-Commands Management client */
slash: SlashClient
users: UsersManager = new UsersManager(this)
guilds: GuildManager = new GuildManager(this)
channels: ChannelsManager = new ChannelsManager(this)
emojis: EmojisManager = new EmojisManager(this)
/** Whether the REST Manager will use Canary API or not */
canary: boolean = false
/** Client's presence. Startup one if set before connecting */
presence: ClientPresence = new ClientPresence()
_decoratedEvents?: {
[name: string]: (...args: any[]) => void
_decoratedSlash?: Array<{
name: string
guild?: string
parent?: string
group?: string
handler: (interaction: Interaction) => any
_decoratedSlashModules?: string[]
_id?: string
/** Shard on which this Client is */
shard: number = 0
/** Shard Manager of this Client if Sharded */
shardManager?: ShardManager
constructor(options: ClientOptions = {}) {
this._id = options.id
this.token = options.token
this.intents = options.intents
this.forceNewSession = options.forceNewSession
if (options.cache !== undefined) this.cache = options.cache
if (options.presence !== undefined)
this.presence =
options.presence instanceof ClientPresence
? options.presence
: new ClientPresence(options.presence)
if (options.canary === true) this.canary = true
if (options.messageCacheLifetime !== undefined)
this.messageCacheLifetime = options.messageCacheLifetime
if (options.reactionCacheLifetime !== undefined)
this.reactionCacheLifetime = options.reactionCacheLifetime
if (options.fetchUncachedReactions === true)
this.fetchUncachedReactions = true
if (
this._decoratedEvents !== undefined &&
Object.keys(this._decoratedEvents).length !== 0
) {
Object.entries(this._decoratedEvents).forEach((entry) => {
this.on(entry[0], entry[1])
this._decoratedEvents = undefined
this.clientProperties =
options.clientProperties === undefined
? {
os: Deno.build.os,
browser: 'harmony',
device: 'harmony'
: options.clientProperties
this.slash = new SlashClient({
id: () => this.getEstimatedID(),
client: this,
enabled: options.enableSlash
* Sets Cache Adapter
* Should NOT be set after bot is already logged in or using current cache.
* Please look into using `cache` option.
setAdapter(adapter: ICacheAdapter): Client {
this.cache = adapter
return this
/** Changes Presence of Client */
setPresence(presence: ClientPresence | ClientActivity | ActivityGame): void {
if (presence instanceof ClientPresence) {
this.presence = presence
} else this.presence = new ClientPresence(presence)
/** Emits debug event */
debug(tag: string, msg: string): void {
this.emit('debug', `[${tag}] ${msg}`)
getEstimatedID(): string {
if (this.user !== undefined) return this.user.id
else if (this.token !== undefined) {
try {
return atob(this.token.split('.')[0])
} catch (e) {
return this._id ?? 'unknown'
} else {
return this._id ?? 'unknown'
/** Fetch Application of the Client */
async fetchApplication(): Promise<Application> {
const app = await this.rest.api.oauth2.applications['@me'].get()
return new Application(this, app)
/** Fetch an Invite */
async fetchInvite(id: string): Promise<Invite> {
return await new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
.then((data) => {
resolve(new Invite(this, data))
.catch((e) => reject(e))
* This function is used for connecting to discord.
* @param token Your token. This is required.
* @param intents Gateway intents in array. This is required.
connect(token?: string, intents?: GatewayIntents[]): void {
if (token === undefined && this.token !== undefined) token = this.token
else if (this.token === undefined && token !== undefined) {
this.token = token
} else throw new Error('No Token Provided')
if (intents !== undefined && this.intents !== undefined) {
'Intents were set in both client and connect function. Using the one in the connect function...'
} else if (intents === undefined && this.intents !== undefined) {
intents = this.intents
} else if (intents !== undefined && this.intents === undefined) {
this.intents = intents
} else throw new Error('No Gateway Intents were provided')
this.gateway = new Gateway(this, token, intents)
/** Wait for an Event (optionally satisfying an event) to occur */
async waitFor<K extends keyof ClientEvents>(
event: K,
checkFunction: (...args: ClientEvents[K]) => boolean,
timeout?: number
): Promise<ClientEvents[K] | []> {
return await new Promise((resolve) => {
let timeoutID: number | undefined
if (timeout !== undefined) {
timeoutID = setTimeout(() => {
this.off(event, eventFunc)
}, timeout)
const eventFunc = (...args: ClientEvents[K]): void => {
if (checkFunction(...args)) {
this.off(event, eventFunc)
if (timeoutID !== undefined) clearTimeout(timeoutID)
this.on(event, eventFunc)
/** Event decorator to create an Event handler from function */
export function event(name?: keyof ClientEvents) {
return function (client: Client | Extension, prop: keyof ClientEvents) {
const listener = ((client as unknown) as {
[name in keyof ClientEvents]: (...args: ClientEvents[name]) => any
if (typeof listener !== 'function')
throw new Error('@event decorator requires a function')
if (client._decoratedEvents === undefined) client._decoratedEvents = {}
const key = name === undefined ? prop : name
client._decoratedEvents[key] = listener
/** Decorator to create a Slash Command handler */
export function slash(name?: string, guild?: string) {
return function (client: Client | SlashClient | SlashModule, prop: string) {
if (client._decoratedSlash === undefined) client._decoratedSlash = []
const item = (client as { [name: string]: any })[prop]
if (typeof item !== 'function') {
throw new Error('@slash decorator requires a function')
} else
name: name ?? prop,
handler: item
/** Decorator to create a Sub-Slash Command handler */
export function subslash(parent: string, name?: string, guild?: string) {
return function (client: Client | SlashModule | SlashClient, prop: string) {
if (client._decoratedSlash === undefined) client._decoratedSlash = []
const item = (client as { [name: string]: any })[prop]
if (typeof item !== 'function') {
throw new Error('@subslash decorator requires a function')
} else
name: name ?? prop,
handler: item
/** Decorator to create a Grouped Slash Command handler */
export function groupslash(
parent: string,
group: string,
name?: string,
guild?: string
) {
return function (client: Client | SlashModule | SlashClient, prop: string) {
if (client._decoratedSlash === undefined) client._decoratedSlash = []
const item = (client as { [name: string]: any })[prop]
if (typeof item !== 'function') {
throw new Error('@groupslash decorator requires a function')
} else
name: name ?? prop,
handler: item
/** Decorator to add a Slash Module to Client */
export function slashModule() {
return function (client: Client | SlashClient, prop: string) {
if (client._decoratedSlashModules === undefined)
client._decoratedSlashModules = []
const mod = ((client as unknown) as { [key: string]: any })[prop]