
216 lines
5.8 KiB

import {
} from '../types/channel.ts'
import { Colors, ColorUtil } from '../utils/colorutil.ts'
import { MessageAttachment } from './message.ts'
/** Message Embed Object */
export class Embed {
title?: string
type?: EmbedTypes
description?: string
url?: string
timestamp?: string
color?: number
footer?: EmbedFooter
image?: EmbedImage
thumbnail?: EmbedThumbnail
video?: EmbedVideo
provider?: EmbedProvider
author?: EmbedAuthor
fields?: EmbedField[]
files: MessageAttachment[] = []
constructor(data?: EmbedPayload) {
this.title = data?.title
this.type = data?.type
this.description = data?.description
this.url = data?.url
this.timestamp = data?.timestamp
this.color = data?.color
this.footer = data?.footer
this.image = data?.image
this.thumbnail = data?.thumbnail
this.video = data?.video
this.provider = data?.provider
this.author = data?.author
this.fields = data?.fields
/** Convert Embed Object to Embed Payload JSON */
toJSON(): EmbedPayload {
return {
title: this.title,
type: this.type,
description: this.description,
url: this.url,
timestamp: this.timestamp,
color: this.color,
footer: this.footer,
image: this.image,
thumbnail: this.thumbnail,
video: this.video,
provider: this.provider,
author: this.author,
fields: this.fields
/** Set Title of the Embed */
setTitle(title: string): Embed {
this.title = title
return this
/** Set Embed description */
setDescription(description: string): Embed {
this.description = description
return this
attach(...files: MessageAttachment[]): Embed {
for (const file of files) {
return this
/** Set Embed Type */
setType(type: EmbedTypes): Embed {
this.type = type
return this
/** Set URL of the Embed */
setURL(url: string | URL): Embed {
this.url = typeof url === 'object' ? url.toString() : url
return this
/** Set Timestamp of the Embed */
setTimestamp(timeString: string): Embed
setTimestamp(unixTimestamp: number): Embed
setTimestamp(dateObject: Date): Embed
setTimestamp(timestamp: string | Date | number): Embed {
this.timestamp = new Date(timestamp).toISOString()
return this
/** Set Color of the Embed */
setColor(hexInt: number): Embed
setColor(r: number, g: number, b: number): Embed
setColor(random: 'random'): Embed
setColor(hexStr: string): Embed
setColor(namedColor: keyof Colors): Embed
color: number | 'random' | string | keyof Colors,
g?: number,
b?: number
): Embed {
if (typeof color === 'number' && g === undefined && b === undefined) {
this.color = color
} else if (typeof color === 'string' && color.toLowerCase() === 'random') {
this.color = ColorUtil.resolveHex(ColorUtil.randomHex())
} else if (typeof color === 'string' && color.startsWith('#')) {
this.color = ColorUtil.resolveHex(color)
} else if (
typeof color === 'number' &&
g !== undefined &&
b !== undefined
) {
this.color = ColorUtil.resolveRGB([color, g, b])
} else if (typeof color === 'string') {
this.color = ColorUtil.resolveColor(color as keyof Colors)
} else
throw new Error(
'Invalid Embed Color. Must be RGB, Hex (string or number), valid color name or a valid CSS color.'
return this
/** Set Footer of the Embed */
setFooter(text: string, icon?: string): Embed
setFooter(footer: EmbedFooter): Embed
setFooter(footer: EmbedFooter | string, icon?: string): Embed {
this.footer =
typeof footer === 'string' ? { text: footer, icon_url: icon } : footer
return this
/** Set Image of the Embed */
setImage(image: EmbedImage | string): Embed {
this.image = typeof image === 'string' ? { url: image } : image
return this
/** Set Thumbnail Image of the Embed */
setThumbnail(thumbnail: EmbedThumbnail | string): Embed {
this.thumbnail =
typeof thumbnail === 'string' ? { url: thumbnail } : thumbnail
return this
/** Set Embed Video */
setVideo(video: EmbedVideo | string): Embed {
this.video = typeof video === 'string' ? { url: video } : video
return this
/** Set Provider of the Embed */
setProvider(name: string, url?: string): Embed
setProvider(provider: EmbedProvider): Embed
setProvider(provider: EmbedProvider | string, url?: string): Embed {
this.provider =
typeof provider === 'string' ? { name: provider, url } : provider
return this
/** Set Author of the Embed */
setAuthor(author: EmbedAuthor): Embed
setAuthor(name: string, image?: string): Embed
setAuthor(author: EmbedAuthor | string, image?: string): Embed {
this.author =
typeof author === 'string' ? { name: author, icon_url: image } : author
return this
setFields(fields: EmbedField[]): Embed {
this.fields = fields
return this
/** Adds a Field to the Embed */
addField(field: EmbedField): Embed
addField(name: string, value: string, inline?: boolean): Embed
addField(name: string | EmbedField, value?: string, inline?: boolean): Embed {
if (typeof name !== 'object' && value === undefined)
throw new Error('field value is required')
const field: EmbedField =
typeof name === 'object' ? name : { name, value: value as string, inline }
if (this.fields === undefined) {
this.fields = [field]
} else {
return this
/** Adds multiple fields to the Embed */
addFields(...fields: EmbedField[]): Embed {
for (const field of fields) {
return this