
134 lines
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import { Client } from '../client/mod.ts'
import { ChannelTypes } from '../types/channel.ts'
import { VoiceStatePayload } from '../types/voice.ts'
import { Base } from './base.ts'
import { Guild } from './guild.ts'
import { VoiceChannel } from './guildVoiceChannel.ts'
import { Member } from './member.ts'
import { User } from './user.ts'
export class VoiceState extends Base {
guild?: Guild
channelID: string | null
channel: VoiceChannel | null
user: User
member?: Member
sessionID: string
deaf: boolean
mute: boolean
selfDeaf: boolean
selfMute: boolean
stream?: boolean
video: boolean
suppress: boolean
client: Client,
data: VoiceStatePayload,
_data: {
user: User
channel: VoiceChannel | null
member?: Member
guild?: Guild
) {
super(client, data)
this.channelID = data.channel_id
this.channel = _data.channel
this.sessionID = data.session_id
this.user = _data.user
this.member = _data.member
this.guild = _data.guild
this.deaf = data.deaf
this.mute = data.mute
this.selfDeaf = data.self_deaf
this.selfMute = data.self_mute
this.stream = data.self_stream
this.video = data.self_video
this.suppress = data.suppress
readFromData(data: VoiceStatePayload): void {
this.sessionID = data.session_id ?? this.sessionID
this.deaf = data.deaf ?? this.deaf
this.channelID = data.channel_id ?? this.channelID
this.mute = data.mute ?? this.mute
this.selfDeaf = data.self_deaf ?? this.selfDeaf
this.selfMute = data.self_mute ?? this.selfMute
this.stream = data.self_stream ?? this.stream
this.video = data.self_video ?? this.video
this.suppress = data.suppress ?? this.suppress
* Disconnects a Member from connected VC
async disconnect(): Promise<Member | undefined> {
const result = this.member?.disconnectVoice()
if (result !== undefined) {
this.channelID = null
this.channel = null
return result
* Moves a Member to another VC
* @param channel Channel to move(null or undefined to disconnect)
async moveChannel(
channel?: string | VoiceChannel | null
): Promise<Member | undefined> {
const result = this.member?.moveVoiceChannel(channel)
if (result !== undefined) {
let channelFetched: VoiceChannel | null
let channelID: string | null
if (typeof channel === 'string') {
channelID = channel
const channelCached = await this.guild?.channels.fetch(channel)
if (channelCached?.type === ChannelTypes.GUILD_VOICE) {
channelFetched = channelCached as VoiceChannel
} else {
throw new Error(`Channel ${channel} is not a VoiceChannel.`)
} else {
channelID = channel?.id ?? null
channelFetched = channel ?? null
this.channelID = channelID
this.channel = channelFetched
return result
* Sets a Member mute in VC
* @param mute Value to set
async setMute(mute?: boolean): Promise<Member | undefined> {
return this.member?.setMute(mute)
* Sets a Member deaf in VC
* @param deaf Value to set
async setDeaf(deaf?: boolean): Promise<Member | undefined> {
return this.member?.setDeaf(deaf)
* Unmutes the Member from VC.
async unmute(): Promise<Member | undefined> {
return await this.setMute(false)
* Undeafs the Member from VC.
async undeaf(): Promise<Member | undefined> {
return await this.setDeaf(false)