import { ICacheAdapter } from './adapter.ts' // Not in deps.ts to allow optional dep loading import { connect, Redis, RedisConnectOptions } from '' /** Redis Cache Adapter for using Redis as a cache-provider. */ export class RedisCacheAdapter implements ICacheAdapter { _redis: Promise redis?: Redis ready: boolean = false readonly _expireIntervalTimer: number = 5000 private _expireInterval?: number constructor(options: RedisConnectOptions) { this._redis = connect(options) this._redis.then( (redis) => { this.redis = redis this.ready = true this._startExpireInterval() }, () => { // TODO: Make error for this } ) } private _startExpireInterval(): void { this._expireInterval = setInterval(() => { this.redis?.scan(0, { pattern: '*:expires' }).then(([_, names]) => { for (const name of names) { this.redis?.hvals(name).then((vals) => { for (const val of vals) { const expireVal: { name: string key: string at: number } = JSON.parse(val) const expired = new Date().getTime() > if (expired) this.redis?.hdel(, expireVal.key) } }) } }) }, this._expireIntervalTimer) } async _checkReady(): Promise { if (!this.ready) await this._redis } async get(cacheName: string, key: string): Promise { await this._checkReady() const cache = await this.redis?.hget(cacheName, key) if (cache === undefined) return try { return JSON.parse(cache) } catch (e) { return cache } } async set( cacheName: string, key: string, value: any, expire?: number ): Promise { await this._checkReady() const result = await this.redis?.hset( cacheName, key, typeof value === 'object' ? JSON.stringify(value) : value ) if (expire !== undefined) { await this.redis?.hset( `${cacheName}:expires`, key, JSON.stringify({ name: cacheName, key, at: new Date().getTime() + expire }) ) } return result } async delete(cacheName: string, key: string): Promise { await this._checkReady() const exists = await this.redis?.hexists(cacheName, key) if (exists === 0) return false await this.redis?.hdel(cacheName, key) return true } async array(cacheName: string): Promise { await this._checkReady() const data = await this.redis?.hvals(cacheName) return data?.map((e: string) => JSON.parse(e)) } async deleteCache(cacheName: string): Promise { await this._checkReady() return (await this.redis?.del(cacheName)) !== 0 } }