import { Command, CommandClient, Intents, CommandContext, Extension, GuildChannel } from '../../mod.ts' import { Invite } from '../structures/invite.ts' import { TOKEN } from './config.ts' const client = new CommandClient({ prefix: ['pls', '!'], spacesAfterPrefix: true, mentionPrefix: true, owners: ['422957901716652033'] }) client.on('debug', console.log) client.on('ready', () => { console.log(`[Login] Logged in as ${client.user?.tag}!`) }) client.on('messageDelete', (msg) => { console.log(`Message Deleted: ${}, ${}, ${msg.content}`) }) client.on('messageUpdate', (before, after) => { console.log('Message Update') console.log(`Before: ${}: ${before.content}`) console.log(`After: ${}: ${after.content}`) }) client.on('messageUpdateUncached', (msg) => { console.log(`Message: ${}: ${msg.content}`) }) client.on('guildMemberAdd', (member) => { console.log(`Member Join: ${member.user.tag}`) }) client.on('guildMemberRemove', (member) => { console.log(`Member Leave: ${member.user.tag}`) }) client.on('guildRoleCreate', (role) => { console.log(`Role Create: ${}`) }) client.on('guildRoleDelete', (role) => { console.log(`Role Delete: ${}`) }) client.on('guildRoleUpdate', (role, after) => { console.log(`Role Update: ${}, ${}`) }) client.on('guildIntegrationsUpdate', (guild) => { console.log(`Guild Integrations Update: ${}`) }) client.on('webhooksUpdate', (guild, channel) => { console.log(`Webhooks Updated in #${} from ${}`) }) client.on('commandError', console.error) client.on('inviteCreate', (invite: Invite) => { console.log(`Invite Create: ${invite.code}`) }) client.on('inviteDelete', (invite: Invite) => { console.log(`Invite Delete: ${invite.code}`) }) client.on('inviteDeleteUncached', (invite: Invite) => { console.log(invite) }) client.on('commandError', console.error) class ChannelLog extends Extension { onChannelCreate(ext: Extension, channel: GuildChannel): void { console.log(`Channel Created: ${}`) } load(): void { this.listen('channelCreate', this.onChannelCreate) class Pong extends Command { name = 'Pong' execute(ctx: CommandContext): any { ctx.message.reply('Ping!') } } this.commands.add(Pong) } } client.extensions.load(ChannelLog) client.on('messageDeleteBulk', (channel, messages, uncached) => { console.log( `=== Message Delete Bulk ===\nMessages: ${messages .map((m) => .join(', ')}\nUncached: ${[...uncached.values()].join(', ')}` ) }) client.on('channelUpdate', (before, after) => { console.log( `Channel Update: ${(before as GuildChannel).name}, ${ (after as GuildChannel).name }` ) }) client.on('voiceStateAdd', (state) => { console.log('VC Join', state.user.tag) }) client.on('voiceStateRemove', (state) => { console.log('VC Leave', state.user.tag) }) client.on('messageReactionAdd', (reaction, user) => { console.log(`${user.tag} reacted with ${}`) }) client.on('messageReactionRemove', (reaction, user) => { console.log(`${user.tag} removed reaction ${}`) }) client.on('messageReactionRemoveEmoji', (message, emoji) => { console.log(`All ${} emoji reactions removed from ${}`) }) client.on('messageReactionRemoveAll', (message) => { console.log(`All reactions remove from Message: ${}`) }) // client.on('raw', (evt: string) => console.log(`EVENT: ${evt}`)) const files = Deno.readDirSync('./src/test/cmds') for (const file of files) { const module = await import(`./cmds/${}`) // eslint-disable-next-line new-cap const cmd = new module.default() client.commands.add(cmd) console.log(`Loaded command ${}!`) } console.log(`Loaded ${client.commands.count} commands!`) client.connect(TOKEN, Intents.create(['GUILD_MEMBERS', 'GUILD_PRESENCES']))