import { Client, Intents, Message, Member, Role, GuildChannel, Embed, Guild, EveryChannelTypes, ChannelTypes, GuildTextChannel } from '../../mod.ts' import { TOKEN } from './config.ts' const client = new Client({ clientProperties: { browser: 'Discord iOS' } // bot: false, // cache: new RedisCacheAdapter({ // hostname: '', // port: 6379 // }) // Defaults to in-memory Caching }) client.on('ready', () => { console.log(`[Login] Logged in as ${client.user?.tag}!`) }) client.on('debug', console.log) client.on('channelUpdate', (b: EveryChannelTypes, a: EveryChannelTypes) => { if (b.type === ChannelTypes.GUILD_TEXT) { const before = (b as unknown) as GuildTextChannel const after = (a as unknown) as GuildTextChannel console.log( before.send('', { embed: new Embed({ title: 'Channel Update', description: `Name Before: ${}\nName After: ${}` }) }) ) } }) client.on('messageCreate', async (msg: Message) => { if ( === true) return console.log(`${}: ${msg.content}`) if (msg.content === '!ping') { msg.reply(`Pong! Ping: ${}ms`) } else if (msg.content === '!members') { const col = await msg.guild?.members.collection() const data = col ?.array() .map((c: Member, i: number) => { return `${i + 1}. ${c.user.tag}` }) .join('\n') as string'Member List:\n' + data) } else if (msg.content === '!guilds') { const guilds = await msg.client.guilds.collection() 'Guild List:\n' + (guilds .array() .map((c: Guild, i: number) => { return `${i + 1}. ${} - ${c.memberCount} members` }) .join('\n') as string) ) } else if (msg.content === '!roles') { const col = await msg.guild?.roles.collection() const data = col ?.array() .map((c: Role, i: number) => { return `${i + 1}. ${}` }) .join('\n') as string'Roles List:\n' + data) } else if (msg.content === '!channels') { const col = await msg.guild?.channels.array() const data = col ?.map((c: GuildChannel, i: number) => { return `${i + 1}. ${}` }) .join('\n') as string'Channels List:\n' + data) } }) client.connect(TOKEN, Intents.All) // OLD: Was a way to reproduce reconnect infinite loop // setTimeout(() => { // console.log('[DEBUG] Reconnect') // client.gateway?.reconnect() // }, 1000 * 4)