import type { Message } from '../../structures/message.ts' import type { GuildTextBasedChannel } from '../../structures/guildTextChannel.ts' import type { MessageDeleteBulkPayload } from '../../types/gateway.ts' import { Collection } from '../../utils/collection.ts' import type { Gateway, GatewayEventHandler } from '../mod.ts' export const messageDeleteBulk: GatewayEventHandler = async ( gateway: Gateway, d: MessageDeleteBulkPayload ) => { let channel = await gateway.client.channels.get( d.channel_id ) // Fetch the channel if not cached if (channel === undefined) // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-unnecessary-type-assertion channel = (await gateway.client.channels.fetch( d.channel_id )) as GuildTextBasedChannel const messages = new Collection() const uncached = new Set() for (const id of d.ids) { const message = await channel.messages.get(id) if (message === undefined) uncached.add(id) else { messages.set(id, message) await channel.messages._delete(id) } } gateway.client.emit('messageDeleteBulk', channel, messages, uncached) }