import type { Client } from '../client/mod.ts' import { InteractionPayload } from '../types/interactions.ts' import { InteractionApplicationCommandData, InteractionApplicationCommandOption, SlashCommandOptionType } from '../types/slashCommands.ts' import type { Dict } from '../utils/dict.ts' import type { Guild } from './guild.ts' import type { GuildTextChannel } from './guildTextChannel.ts' import type { Member } from './member.ts' import type { Role } from './role.ts' import type { TextChannel } from './textChannel.ts' import { User } from './user.ts' import { InteractionUser, InteractionChannel, Interaction } from './interactions.ts' export interface InteractionApplicationCommandResolved { users: Dict members: Dict channels: Dict roles: Dict } export class SlashCommandInteraction extends Interaction { /** Data sent with Interaction. Only applies to Application Command */ data: InteractionApplicationCommandData /** Resolved data for Snowflakes in Slash Command Arguments */ resolved: InteractionApplicationCommandResolved constructor( client: Client, data: InteractionPayload, others: { channel?: TextChannel | GuildTextChannel guild?: Guild member?: Member user: User resolved: InteractionApplicationCommandResolved } ) { super(client, data, others) // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-unnecessary-type-assertion = as InteractionApplicationCommandData this.resolved = others.resolved } /** Name of the Command Used (may change with future additions to Interactions!) */ get name(): string { return } get options(): InteractionApplicationCommandOption[] { return ?? [] } /** Get an option by name */ option(name: string): T { const op = this.options.find((e) => === name) if (op === undefined || op.value === undefined) return undefined as any if (op.type === SlashCommandOptionType.USER) { const u: InteractionUser = this.resolved.users[op.value] as any if (this.resolved.members[op.value] !== undefined) u.member = this.resolved.members[op.value] return u as any } else if (op.type === SlashCommandOptionType.ROLE) return this.resolved.roles[op.value] as any else if (op.type === SlashCommandOptionType.CHANNEL) return this.resolved.channels[op.value] as any else return op.value } }