import { delay } from '../utils/index.ts' import * as baseEndpoints from '../consts/urlsAndVersions.ts' import { Client } from './client.ts' import { getBuildInfo } from '../utils/buildInfo.ts' export enum HttpResponseCode { Ok = 200, Created = 201, NoContent = 204, NotModified = 304, BadRequest = 400, Unauthorized = 401, Forbidden = 403, NotFound = 404, MethodNotAllowed = 405, TooManyRequests = 429, GatewayUnavailable = 502 } export type RequestMethods = | 'get' | 'post' | 'put' | 'patch' | 'head' | 'delete' export interface QueuedRequest { callback: () => Promise< | { rateLimited: any beforeFetch: boolean bucketID?: string | null } | undefined > bucketID?: string | null url: string } export interface RateLimitedPath { url: string resetTimestamp: number bucketID: string | null } export class RESTManager { client: Client globallyRateLimited: boolean = false queueInProcess: boolean = false pathQueues: { [key: string]: QueuedRequest[] } = {} ratelimitedPaths = new Map() constructor (client: Client) { this.client = client setTimeout(() => this.processRateLimitedPaths, 1000) } async processRateLimitedPaths (): Promise { const now = this.ratelimitedPaths.forEach((value, key) => { if (value.resetTimestamp > now) return this.ratelimitedPaths.delete(key) if (key === 'global') this.globallyRateLimited = false }) } addToQueue (request: QueuedRequest): void { const route = request.url.substring( // eslint seriously? // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/restrict-plus-operands baseEndpoints.DISCORD_API_URL.length + 1 ) const parts = route.split('/') // Remove the major param parts.shift() const [id] = parts if (this.pathQueues[id] !== undefined) { this.pathQueues[id].push(request) } else { this.pathQueues[id] = [request] } } async cleanupQueues (): Promise { Object.entries(this.pathQueues).forEach(([key, value]) => { if (value.length === 0) { // Remove it entirely // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-dynamic-delete delete this.pathQueues[key] } }) } async processQueue (): Promise { if ( Object.keys(this.pathQueues).length !== 0 && !this.globallyRateLimited ) { await Promise.allSettled( Object.values(this.pathQueues).map(async pathQueue => { const request = pathQueue.shift() if (request === undefined) return const rateLimitedURLResetIn = await this.checkRatelimits(request.url) if (typeof request.bucketID === 'string') { const rateLimitResetIn = await this.checkRatelimits( request.bucketID ) if (rateLimitResetIn !== false) { // This request is still rate limited read to queue this.addToQueue(request) } else { // This request is not rate limited so it should be run const result = await request.callback() if (result?.rateLimited !== undefined) { this.addToQueue({ ...request, bucketID: result.bucketID ?? request.bucketID }) } } } else { if (rateLimitedURLResetIn !== false) { // This URL is rate limited readd to queue this.addToQueue(request) } else { // This request has no bucket id so it should be processed const result = await request.callback() if (result?.rateLimited !== undefined) { this.addToQueue({ ...request, bucketID: result.bucketID ?? request.bucketID }) } } } }) ) } if (Object.keys(this.pathQueues).length !== 0) { await delay(1000) // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-floating-promises this.processQueue() // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-floating-promises this.cleanupQueues() } else this.queueInProcess = false } createRequestBody ( body: any, method: RequestMethods ): { [key: string]: any } { const headers: { [key: string]: string } = { Authorization: `Bot ${this.client.token}`, 'User-Agent': `DiscordBot (harmony)` } if (this.client.token === undefined) delete headers.Authorization if (method === 'get') body = undefined if (body?.reason !== undefined) { headers['X-Audit-Log-Reason'] = encodeURIComponent(body.reason) } if (body?.file !== undefined) { const form = new FormData() form.append('file', body.file.blob, form.append('payload_json', JSON.stringify({ ...body, file: undefined })) body.file = form } else if (body !== undefined && !['get', 'delete'].includes(method)) { headers['Content-Type'] = 'application/json' } const data: { [name: string]: any } = { headers, body: body?.file ?? JSON.stringify(body), method: method.toUpperCase() } if ( === false) { // This is a selfbot. Use requests similar to Discord Client data.headers.authorization = this.client.token as string data.headers['accept-language'] = 'en-US' data.headers.accept = '*/*' data.headers['sec-fetch-dest'] = 'empty' data.headers['sec-fetch-mode'] = 'cors' data.headers['sec-fetch-site'] = 'same-origin' data.headers['x-super-properties'] = btoa( JSON.stringify(getBuildInfo(this.client)) ) delete data.headers['User-Agent'] delete data.headers.Authorization headers.credentials = 'include' headers.mode = 'cors' headers.referrerPolicy = 'no-referrer-when-downgrade' } return data } async checkRatelimits (url: string): Promise { const ratelimited = this.ratelimitedPaths.get(url) const global = this.ratelimitedPaths.get('global') const now = if (ratelimited !== undefined && now < ratelimited.resetTimestamp) { return ratelimited.resetTimestamp - now } if (global !== undefined && now < global.resetTimestamp) { return global.resetTimestamp - now } return false } async runMethod ( method: RequestMethods, url: string, body?: unknown, retryCount = 0, bucketID?: string | null ): Promise { const errorStack = new Error('Location In Your Files:') Error.captureStackTrace(errorStack) return await new Promise((resolve, reject) => { const callback = async (): Promise => { try { const rateLimitResetIn = await this.checkRatelimits(url) if (rateLimitResetIn !== false) { return { rateLimited: rateLimitResetIn, beforeFetch: true, bucketID } } const query = method === 'get' && body !== undefined ? Object.entries(body as any) .map( ([key, value]) => `${encodeURIComponent(key)}=${encodeURIComponent( value as any )}` ) .join('&') : '' let urlToUse = method === 'get' && query !== '' ? `${url}?${query}` : url if (this.client.canary === true) { const split = urlToUse.split('//') urlToUse = split[0] + '//canary.' + split[1] } const requestData = this.createRequestBody(body, method) const response = await fetch(urlToUse, requestData) const bucketIDFromHeaders = this.processHeaders(url, response.headers) this.handleStatusCode(response, errorStack) // Sometimes Discord returns an empty 204 response that can't be made to JSON. if (response.status === 204) return resolve(undefined) const json = await response.json() if ( json.retry_after !== undefined || json.message === 'You are being rate limited.' ) { if (retryCount > 10) { throw new Error('Max RateLimit Retries hit') } return { rateLimited: json.retry_after, beforeFetch: false, bucketID: bucketIDFromHeaders } } return resolve(json) } catch (error) { return reject(error) } } this.addToQueue({ callback, bucketID, url }) if (!this.queueInProcess) { this.queueInProcess = true // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-floating-promises this.processQueue() } }) } async logErrors (response: Response, errorStack?: unknown): Promise { try { const error = await response.json() console.error(error) } catch { console.error(response) } } handleStatusCode ( response: Response, errorStack?: unknown ): undefined | boolean { const status = response.status if ( (status >= 200 && status < 400) || status === HttpResponseCode.TooManyRequests ) { return true } // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-floating-promises this.logErrors(response, errorStack) if (status === HttpResponseCode.Unauthorized) throw new Error('Request was not successful. Invalid Token.') switch (status) { case HttpResponseCode.BadRequest: case HttpResponseCode.Unauthorized: case HttpResponseCode.Forbidden: case HttpResponseCode.NotFound: case HttpResponseCode.MethodNotAllowed: throw new Error('Request Client Error.') case HttpResponseCode.GatewayUnavailable: throw new Error('Request Server Error.') } // left are all unknown throw new Error('Request Unknown Error') } processHeaders (url: string, headers: Headers): string | null | undefined { let ratelimited = false // Get all useful headers const remaining = headers.get('x-ratelimit-remaining') const resetTimestamp = headers.get('x-ratelimit-reset') const retryAfter = headers.get('retry-after') const global = headers.get('x-ratelimit-global') const bucketID = headers.get('x-ratelimit-bucket') // If there is no remaining rate limit for this endpoint, we save it in cache if (remaining !== null && remaining === '0') { ratelimited = true this.ratelimitedPaths.set(url, { url, resetTimestamp: Number(resetTimestamp) * 1000, bucketID }) if (bucketID !== null) { this.ratelimitedPaths.set(bucketID, { url, resetTimestamp: Number(resetTimestamp) * 1000, bucketID }) } } // If there is no remaining global limit, we save it in cache if (global !== null) { const reset = + Number(retryAfter) this.globallyRateLimited = true ratelimited = true this.ratelimitedPaths.set('global', { url: 'global', resetTimestamp: reset, bucketID }) if (bucketID !== null) { this.ratelimitedPaths.set(bucketID, { url: 'global', resetTimestamp: reset, bucketID }) } } return ratelimited ? bucketID : undefined } async get (url: string, body?: unknown): Promise { return await this.runMethod('get', url, body) } async post (url: string, body?: unknown): Promise { return await this.runMethod('post', url, body) } async delete (url: string, body?: unknown): Promise { return await this.runMethod('delete', url, body) } async patch (url: string, body?: unknown): Promise { return await this.runMethod('patch', url, body) } async put (url: string, body?: unknown): Promise { return await this.runMethod('put', url, body) } }