import { Client, Intents } from '../../mod.ts' import { SlashCommandOptionType } from '../types/slash.ts' import { TOKEN } from './config.ts' const client = new Client() client.on('ready', () => { console.log('Logged in!') client.slash.commands .create( { name: 'eval', description: 'Run some JS code!', options: [ { name: 'code', description: 'Code to run', type: SlashCommandOptionType.STRING, required: true } ] }, '783319033205751809' ) .then(console.log) }) client.on('interactionCreate', async (d) => { if ( === 'eval') { if ( !== '422957901716652033') { d.respond({ content: 'This command can only be used by owner!' }) } else { const code = => === 'code') ?.value as string try { // eslint-disable-next-line no-eval let evaled = eval(code) if (evaled instanceof Promise) evaled = await evaled if (typeof evaled === 'object') evaled = Deno.inspect(evaled) let res = `${evaled}`.substring(0, 1990) while (client.token !== undefined && res.includes(client.token)) { res = res.replace(client.token, '[REMOVED]') } d.respond({ content: '```js\n' + `${res}` + '\n```' }) } catch (e) { d.respond({ content: '```js\n' + `${e.stack}` + '\n```' }) } } return } await d.respond({ content: `Hi, ${d.member.user.username}!`, flags: 64 }) }) client.connect(TOKEN, Intents.None)