import { Client } from '../models/client.ts' import { ChannelPayload, ChannelTypes, DMChannelPayload, GroupDMChannelPayload, GuildChannelCategoryPayload, GuildNewsChannelPayload, GuildTextChannelPayload, GuildVoiceChannelPayload, TextChannelPayload } from '../types/channel.ts' import { DMChannel } from '../structures/dmChannel.ts' import { GroupDMChannel } from '../structures/groupChannel.ts' import { CategoryChannel } from '../structures/guildCategoryChannel.ts' import { NewsChannel } from '../structures/guildNewsChannel.ts' import { VoiceChannel } from '../structures/guildVoiceChannel.ts' import { Guild } from '../structures/guild.ts' import { GuildTextChannel, TextChannel } from '../structures/textChannel.ts' import { Channel } from '../structures/channel.ts' export type EveryTextChannelTypes = | TextChannel | NewsChannel | GuildTextChannel | DMChannel | GroupDMChannel export type EveryTextChannelPayloadTypes = | TextChannelPayload | GuildNewsChannelPayload | GuildTextChannelPayload | DMChannelPayload | GroupDMChannelPayload export type EveryChannelTypes = | Channel | CategoryChannel | VoiceChannel | EveryTextChannelTypes export type EveryChannelPayloadTypes = | ChannelPayload | GuildChannelCategoryPayload | GuildVoiceChannelPayload | EveryTextChannelPayloadTypes const getChannelByType = ( client: Client, data: EveryChannelPayloadTypes, guild?: Guild ): EveryChannelTypes | undefined => { switch (data.type) { case ChannelTypes.GUILD_CATEGORY: if (guild === undefined) throw new Error('No Guild was provided to construct Channel') return new CategoryChannel( client, data as GuildChannelCategoryPayload, guild ) case ChannelTypes.GUILD_NEWS: if (guild === undefined) throw new Error('No Guild was provided to construct Channel') return new NewsChannel(client, data as GuildNewsChannelPayload, guild) case ChannelTypes.GUILD_TEXT: if (guild === undefined) throw new Error('No Guild was provided to construct Channel') return new GuildTextChannel( client, data as GuildTextChannelPayload, guild ) case ChannelTypes.GUILD_VOICE: if (guild === undefined) throw new Error('No Guild was provided to construct Channel') return new VoiceChannel(client, data as GuildVoiceChannelPayload, guild) case ChannelTypes.DM: return new DMChannel(client, data as DMChannelPayload) case ChannelTypes.GROUP_DM: return new GroupDMChannel(client, data as GroupDMChannelPayload) } } export default getChannelByType