import type { GuildChannel } from '../structures/channel.ts' import type { Emoji } from '../structures/emoji.ts' import type { CategoryChannel } from '../structures/guildCategoryChannel.ts' import type { NewsChannel } from '../structures/guildNewsChannel.ts' import type { VoiceChannel } from '../structures/guildVoiceChannel.ts' import type { Role } from '../structures/role.ts' import type { GuildTextChannel, GuildTextBasedChannel } from '../structures/guildTextChannel.ts' import type { ApplicationPayload } from './application.ts' import type { ChannelPayload, ChannelTypes, GuildCategoryChannelPayload, GuildNewsChannelPayload, GuildTextBasedChannelPayload, GuildTextChannelPayload, GuildVoiceChannelPayload } from './channel.ts' import type { EmojiPayload } from './emoji.ts' import type { PresenceUpdatePayload } from './gateway.ts' import type { RolePayload } from './role.ts' import type { UserPayload } from './user.ts' import type { VoiceStatePayload } from './voice.ts' import type { WebhookPayload } from './webhook.ts' export interface GuildPayload { id: string name: string icon?: string icon_hash?: string splash?: string discovery_splash?: string owner?: boolean owner_id: string permissions?: string region: string afk_channel_id?: string afk_timeout: number widget_enabled?: boolean widget_channel_id?: string verification_level: Verification default_message_notifications: MessageNotification explicit_content_filter: ContentFilter roles: RolePayload[] emojis: EmojiPayload[] features: GuildFeatures[] mfa_level: string application_id?: string system_channel_id?: string system_channel_flags: string rules_channel_id?: string joined_at?: string large?: boolean unavailable: boolean member_count?: number voice_states?: VoiceStatePayload[] members?: MemberPayload[] channels?: ChannelPayload[] presences?: PresenceUpdatePayload[] max_presences?: number max_members?: number vanity_url_code?: string description?: string banner?: string premium_tier: number premium_subscription_count?: number preferred_locale: string public_updates_channel_id?: string max_video_channel_users?: number approximate_number_count?: number approximate_presence_count?: number } export interface MemberPayload { user: UserPayload nick: string | null roles: string[] joined_at: string premium_since?: string deaf: boolean mute: boolean pending?: boolean } export enum MessageNotification { ALL_MESSAGES = 0, ONLY_MENTIONS = 1 } export enum ContentFilter { DISABLED = 0, MEMBERS_WITHOUT_ROLES = 1, ALL_MEMBERS = 2 } export enum MFA { NONE = 0, ELEVATED = 1 } export enum Verification { NONE = 0, LOW = 1, MEDIUM = 2, HIGH = 3, VERY_HIGH = 4 } export enum PremiumTier { NONE = 0, TIER_1 = 1, TIER_2 = 2, TIER_3 = 3 } export enum SystemChannelFlags { SUPPRESS_JOIN_NOTIFICATIONS = 1 << 0, SUPPRESS_PREMIUM_SUBSCRIPTIONS = 1 << 1 } export type GuildFeatures = | 'INVITE_SPLASH' | 'VIP_REGIONS' | 'VANITY_URL' | 'VERIFIED' | 'PARTNERED' | 'PUBLIC' | 'COMMERCE' | 'NEWS' | 'DISCOVERABLE' | 'FEATURABLE' | 'ANIMATED_ICON' | 'BANNER' | 'WELCOME_SCREEN_ENABLED' | 'MEMBER_VERIFICATION_GATE_ENABLED' | 'PREVIEW_ENABLED' export enum IntegrationExpireBehavior { REMOVE_ROLE = 0, KICK = 1 } export interface IntegrationAccountPayload { id: string name: string } export interface GuildIntegrationPayload { id: string name: string type: string enabled: boolean syncing?: boolean role_id?: string enable_emoticons?: boolean expire_behaviour?: IntegrationExpireBehavior expire_grace_period?: number user?: UserPayload account: IntegrationAccountPayload synced_at?: string // Actually a ISO Timestamp, but we parse in constructor subscriber_count?: number revoked?: boolean application?: ApplicationPayload } export interface GuildBanPayload { reason: string | null user: UserPayload } export interface GuildWidgetPayload { id: string name: string instant_invite: string channels: Array<{ id: string; name: string; position: number }> members: MemberPayload[] presence_count: number } export type GuildTextBasedPayloads = | GuildTextBasedChannelPayload | GuildTextChannelPayload | GuildNewsChannelPayload export type GuildChannelPayloads = | GuildTextBasedPayloads | GuildVoiceChannelPayload | GuildCategoryChannelPayload export type GuildTextBasedChannels = | GuildTextBasedChannel | GuildTextChannel | NewsChannel export type GuildChannels = | GuildChannel | GuildTextBasedChannels | VoiceChannel | CategoryChannel export interface GuildCreatePayload { name: string region?: string icon?: string verification_level?: number default_message_notifications?: number explicit_content_filter?: number roles?: GuildCreateRolePayload[] channels?: GuildCreateChannelPayload[] afk_channel_id?: string afk_timeout?: number system_channel_id?: string } export interface GuildCreateRolePayload { id: string name: string color?: number hoist?: boolean position?: number permissions?: string managed?: boolean mentionable?: boolean } export interface GuildCreateChannelPayload { id?: string name: string type: ChannelTypes parent_id?: string } export interface GuildCreateChannelOptions { id?: string name: string type: ChannelTypes parentID?: string } export interface GuildCreateOptions { name: string region?: string icon?: string verificationLevel?: Verification roles?: Array channels?: Array afkChannelID?: string afkTimeout?: number systemChannelID?: string } export interface GuildPreviewPayload { id: string name: string icon: string | null splash: string | null discovery_splash: string | null emojis: EmojiPayload[] features: GuildFeatures[] approximate_member_count: number approximate_presence_count: number description: string | null } export interface GuildPreview { id: string name: string icon: string | null splash: string | null discoverySplash: string | null emojis: Emoji[] features: GuildFeatures[] approximateMemberCount: number approximatePresenceCount: number description: string | null } export interface GuildModifyPayload { name?: string region?: string | null verification_level?: Verification | null default_message_notifications?: MessageNotification | null explicit_content_filter?: ContentFilter | null afk_channel_id?: string | null afk_timeout?: number icon?: string | null owner_id?: string splash?: string | null banner?: string | null system_channel_id?: string | null rules_channel_id?: string | null public_updates_channel_id?: string | null preferred_locale?: string | null } export interface GuildModifyOptions { name?: string region?: string | null verificationLevel?: Verification | null defaultMessageNotifications?: MessageNotification | null explicitContentFilter?: ContentFilter | null afkChannelID?: string | null afkTimeout?: number icon?: string | null ownerID?: string splash?: string | null banner?: string | null systemChannelID?: string | null rulesChannelID?: string | null publicUpdatesChannelID?: string | null preferredLocale?: string | null } export interface GuildPruneCountPayload { pruned: number | null } export interface GuildGetPruneCountPayload { days?: number include_roles?: string } export interface GuildBeginPrunePayload { days?: number compute_prune_count?: boolean include_roles?: string[] } export enum AuditLogEvents { GuildUpdate = 1, ChannelCreate = 10, ChannelUpdate = 11, ChannelDelete = 12, ChannelOverwriteCreate = 13, ChannelOverwriteUpdate = 14, ChannelOverwriteDelete = 15, MemberKick = 20, MemberPrune = 21, MemberBanAdd = 22, MemberBanRemove = 23, MemberUpdate = 24, MemberRoleUpdate = 25, MemberMove = 26, MemberDisconnect = 27, BotAdd = 28, RoleCreate = 30, RoleUpdate = 31, RoleDelete = 32, InviteCreate = 40, InviteUpdate = 41, InviteDelete = 42, WebhookCreate = 50, WebhookUpdate = 51, WebhookDelete = 52, EmojiCreate = 60, EmojiUpdate = 61, EmojiDelete = 62, MessageDelete = 72, MessageBulkDelete = 73, MessagePin = 74, MessageUnpin = 75, IntegrationCreate = 80, IntegrationUpdate = 81, IntegrationDelete = 82 } export interface AuditLogPayload { /** list of webhooks found in the audit log */ webhooks: WebhookPayload[] /** list of users found in the audit log */ users: UserPayload[] /** list of audit log entries */ audit_log_entries: AuditLogEntryPayload[] /** list of partial integration objects */ integrations: GuildIntegrationPayload[] } export interface AuditLogEntryPayload { /** id of the affected entity (webhook, user, role, etc.) */ target_id: string | null /** changes made to the target_id */ changes?: AuditLogChangePayload[] /** the user who made the changes */ user_id: string /** id of the entry */ id: string /** type of action that occurred */ action_type: AuditLogEvents /** additional info for certain action types */ options?: OptionalAuditEntryInfoPayload /** the reason for the change (0-512 characters) */ reason?: string } export interface OptionalAuditEntryInfoPayload { /** number of days after which inactive members were kicked */ delete_member_days: string /** number of members removed by the prune */ members_removed: string /** channel in which the entities were targeted */ channel_id: string /** id of the message that was targeted */ message_id: string /** number of entities that were targeted */ count: string /** id of the overwritten entity */ id: string /** type of overwritten entity - "0" for "role" or "1" for "member" */ type: string /** name of the role if type is "0" (not present if type is "1") */ role_name: string } /** > info > If `new_value` is not present in the change object, while `old_value` is, that means the property that was changed has been reset, or set to `null` */ export interface AuditLogChangePayload { /** new value of the key */ new_value?: any /** old value of the key */ old_value?: any /** name of audit log [change key](#DOCS_RESOURCES_AUDIT_LOG/audit-log-change-object-audit-log-change-key) */ key: string }