import * as baseEndpoints from '../consts/urlsAndVersions.ts' import { Collection } from '../utils/collection.ts' import { Client } from './client.ts' export type RequestMethods = | 'get' | 'post' | 'put' | 'patch' | 'head' | 'delete' export enum HttpResponseCode { Ok = 200, Created = 201, NoContent = 204, NotModified = 304, BadRequest = 400, Unauthorized = 401, Forbidden = 403, NotFound = 404, MethodNotAllowed = 405, TooManyRequests = 429, GatewayUnavailable = 502 } export interface RequestHeaders { [name: string]: string } export interface DiscordAPIErrorPayload { url: string status: number method: string code?: number message?: string errors: object } export class DiscordAPIError extends Error { name = 'DiscordAPIError' error?: DiscordAPIErrorPayload constructor(message?: string, error?: DiscordAPIErrorPayload) { super(message) this.error = error } } export interface QueuedItem { bucket?: string | null url: string onComplete: () => Promise< | { rateLimited: any bucket?: string | null before: boolean } | undefined > } export interface RateLimit { url: string resetAt: number bucket: string | null } const METHODS = ['get', 'post', 'patch', 'put', 'delete', 'head'] export type MethodFunction = ( body?: unknown, maxRetries?: number, bucket?: string | null, rawResponse?: boolean ) => Promise export interface APIMap extends MethodFunction { /** Make a GET request to current route */ get: APIMap /** Make a POST request to current route */ post: APIMap /** Make a PATCH request to current route */ patch: APIMap /** Make a PUT request to current route */ put: APIMap /** Make a DELETE request to current route */ delete: APIMap /** Make a HEAD request to current route */ head: APIMap /** Continue building API Route */ [name: string]: APIMap } /** API Route builder function */ export const builder = (rest: RESTManager, acum = '/'): APIMap => { const routes = {} const proxy = new Proxy(routes, { get: (_, p, __) => { if (p === 'toString') return () => acum if (METHODS.includes(String(p))) { const method = ((rest as unknown) as { [name: string]: MethodFunction })[String(p)] return async (...args: any[]) => await method.bind(rest)( `${baseEndpoints.DISCORD_API_URL}/v${rest.version}${acum.substring( 0, acum.length - 1 )}`, ...args ) } return builder(rest, acum + String(p) + '/') } }) return (proxy as unknown) as APIMap } export interface RESTOptions { /** Token to use for authorization */ token?: string | (() => string | undefined) /** Headers to patch with if any */ headers?: { [name: string]: string | undefined } /** Whether to use Canary instance of Discord API or not */ canary?: boolean /** Discord REST API version to use */ version?: 6 | 7 | 8 /** Token Type to use for Authorization */ tokenType?: TokenType /** User Agent to use (Header) */ userAgent?: string /** Optional Harmony client */ client?: Client } /** Token Type for REST API. */ export enum TokenType { /** Token type for Bot User */ Bot = 'Bot', /** Token Type for OAuth2 */ Bearer = 'Bearer', /** No Token Type. Can be used for User accounts. */ None = '' } /** An easier to use interface for interacting with Discord REST API. */ export class RESTManager { queues: { [key: string]: QueuedItem[] } = {} rateLimits = new Collection() /** Whether we are globally ratelimited or not */ globalRateLimit: boolean = false /** Whether requests are being processed or not */ processing: boolean = false /** API Version being used by REST Manager */ version: number = 8 /** * API Map - easy to use way for interacting with Discord API. * * Examples: * * ```ts * rest.api.users['123'].get().then(userPayload => doSomething) * ``` * * ```ts * rest.api.guilds['123']{ name: 'my-channel', type: 0 }).then(channelPayload => {}) * ``` */ api: APIMap /** Token being used for Authorization */ token?: string | (() => string | undefined) /** Token Type of the Token if any */ tokenType: TokenType = TokenType.Bot /** Headers object which patch the current ones */ headers: any = {} /** Optional custom User Agent (header) */ userAgent?: string /** Whether REST Manager is using Canary API */ canary?: boolean /** Optional Harmony Client object */ client?: Client constructor(options?: RESTOptions) { this.api = builder(this) if (options?.token !== undefined) this.token = options.token if (options?.version !== undefined) this.version = options.version if (options?.headers !== undefined) this.headers = options.headers if (options?.tokenType !== undefined) this.tokenType = options.tokenType if (options?.userAgent !== undefined) this.userAgent = options.userAgent if (options?.canary !== undefined) this.canary = options.canary if (options?.client !== undefined) this.client = options.client this.handleRateLimits() } /** Checks the queues of buckets, if empty, delete entry */ private checkQueues(): void { Object.entries(this.queues).forEach(([key, value]) => { if (value.length === 0) { // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-dynamic-delete delete this.queues[key] } }) } /** Adds a Request to Queue */ private queue(request: QueuedItem): void { const route = request.url.substring( Number(baseEndpoints.DISCORD_API_URL.length) + 1 ) const parts = route.split('/') parts.shift() const [id] = parts if (this.queues[id] !== undefined) { this.queues[id].push(request) } else { this.queues[id] = [request] } } private async processQueue(): Promise { if (Object.keys(this.queues).length !== 0 && !this.globalRateLimit) { await Promise.allSettled( Object.values(this.queues).map(async (pathQueue) => { const request = pathQueue.shift() if (request === undefined) return const rateLimitedURLResetIn = await this.isRateLimited(request.url) if (typeof request.bucket === 'string') { const rateLimitResetIn = await this.isRateLimited(request.bucket) if (rateLimitResetIn !== false) { this.queue(request) } else { const result = await request.onComplete() if (result?.rateLimited !== undefined) { this.queue({ ...request, bucket: result.bucket ?? request.bucket }) } } } else { if (rateLimitedURLResetIn !== false) { this.queue(request) } else { const result = await request.onComplete() if (result?.rateLimited !== undefined) { this.queue({ ...request, bucket: result.bucket ?? request.bucket }) } } } }) ) } if (Object.keys(this.queues).length !== 0) { // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-floating-promises this.processQueue() this.checkQueues() } else this.processing = false } private prepare(body: any, method: RequestMethods): { [key: string]: any } { const headers: RequestHeaders = { 'User-Agent': this.userAgent ?? `DiscordBot (harmony,` } if (this.token !== undefined) { const token = typeof this.token === 'string' ? this.token : this.token() if (token !== undefined) headers.Authorization = `${this.tokenType} ${token}`.trim() } if (method === 'get' || method === 'head' || method === 'delete') body = undefined if (body?.reason !== undefined) { headers['X-Audit-Log-Reason'] = encodeURIComponent(body.reason) } if (body?.file !== undefined) { const form = new FormData() form.append('file', body.file.blob, const json = JSON.stringify(body) form.append('payload_json', json) body.file = form } else if ( body !== undefined && !['get', 'delete'].includes(method.toLowerCase()) ) { headers['Content-Type'] = 'application/json' } if (this.headers !== undefined) Object.assign(headers, this.headers) const data: { [name: string]: any } = { headers, body: body?.file ?? JSON.stringify(body), method: method.toUpperCase() } return data } private isRateLimited(url: string): number | false { const global = this.rateLimits.get('global') const rateLimited = this.rateLimits.get(url) const now = if (rateLimited !== undefined && now < rateLimited.resetAt) { return rateLimited.resetAt - now } if (global !== undefined && now < global.resetAt) { return global.resetAt - now } return false } /** Processes headers of the Response */ private processHeaders( url: string, headers: Headers ): string | null | undefined { let rateLimited = false const global = headers.get('x-ratelimit-global') const bucket = headers.get('x-ratelimit-bucket') const remaining = headers.get('x-ratelimit-remaining') const resetAt = headers.get('x-ratelimit-reset') const retryAfter = headers.get('retry-after') if (remaining !== null && remaining === '0') { rateLimited = true this.rateLimits.set(url, { url, resetAt: Number(resetAt) * 1000, bucket }) if (bucket !== null) { this.rateLimits.set(bucket, { url, resetAt: Number(resetAt) * 1000, bucket }) } } if (global !== null) { const reset = + Number(retryAfter) this.globalRateLimit = true rateLimited = true this.rateLimits.set('global', { url: 'global', resetAt: reset, bucket }) if (bucket !== null) { this.rateLimits.set(bucket, { url: 'global', resetAt: reset, bucket }) } } return rateLimited ? bucket : undefined } /** Handles status code of response and acts as required */ private handleStatusCode( response: Response, body: any, data: { [key: string]: any }, reject: CallableFunction ): void { const status = response.status // We have hit ratelimit - this should not happen if (status === HttpResponseCode.TooManyRequests) { if (this.client !== undefined) this.client.emit('rateLimit', { method: data.method, url: response.url, body }) reject(new Error('RateLimited')) return } // It's a normal status code... just continue if ( (status >= 200 && status < 400) || status === HttpResponseCode.NoContent ) return let text: undefined | string = Deno.inspect( body.errors === undefined ? body : body.errors ) if (text === 'undefined') text = undefined if (status === HttpResponseCode.Unauthorized) reject( new DiscordAPIError(`Request was Unauthorized. Invalid Token.\n${text}`) ) // At this point we know it is error const error: DiscordAPIErrorPayload = { url: response.url, status, method: data.method, code: body?.code, message: body?.message, errors: Object.fromEntries( Object.entries( (body?.errors as { [name: string]: { _errors: Array<{ code: string; message: string }> } }) ?? {} ).map((entry) => { return [entry[0], entry[1]._errors ?? []] }) ) } // if (typeof error.errors === 'object') { // const errors = error.errors as { // [name: string]: { _errors: Array<{ code: string; message: string }> } // } // console.log(`%cREST Error:`, 'color: #F14C39;') // Object.entries(errors).forEach((entry) => { // console.log(` %c${entry[0]}:`, 'color: #12BC79;') // entry[1]._errors.forEach((e) => { // console.log( // ` %c${e.code}: %c${e.message}`, // 'color: skyblue;', // 'color: #CECECE;' // ) // }) // }) // } if ( [ HttpResponseCode.BadRequest, HttpResponseCode.NotFound, HttpResponseCode.Forbidden, HttpResponseCode.MethodNotAllowed ].includes(status) ) { reject(new DiscordAPIError(Deno.inspect(error), error)) } else if (status === HttpResponseCode.GatewayUnavailable) { reject(new DiscordAPIError(Deno.inspect(error), error)) } else reject(new DiscordAPIError('Request - Unknown Error')) } /** * Makes a Request to Discord API. * @param method HTTP Method to use * @param url URL of the Request * @param body Body to send with Request * @param maxRetries Number of Max Retries to perform * @param bucket BucketID of the Request * @param rawResponse Whether to get Raw Response or body itself */ async make( method: RequestMethods, url: string, body?: unknown, maxRetries = 0, bucket?: string | null, rawResponse?: boolean ): Promise { return await new Promise((resolve, reject) => { const onComplete = async (): Promise => { try { const rateLimitResetIn = await this.isRateLimited(url) if (rateLimitResetIn !== false) { return { rateLimited: rateLimitResetIn, before: true, bucket } } const query = method === 'get' && body !== undefined ? Object.entries(body as any) .filter(([k, v]) => v !== undefined) .map( ([key, value]) => `${encodeURIComponent(key)}=${encodeURIComponent( value as any )}` ) .join('&') : '' let urlToUse = method === 'get' && query !== '' ? `${url}?${query}` : url // It doesn't start with HTTP, that means it's an incomplete URL if (!urlToUse.startsWith('http')) { if (!urlToUse.startsWith('/')) urlToUse = `/${urlToUse}` urlToUse = // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/restrict-plus-operands baseEndpoints.DISCORD_API_URL + '/v' + baseEndpoints.DISCORD_API_VERSION + urlToUse } if (this.canary === true && urlToUse.startsWith('http')) { const split = urlToUse.split('//') urlToUse = split[0] + '//canary.' + split[1] } const requestData = this.prepare(body, method) const response = await fetch(urlToUse, requestData) const bucketFromHeaders = this.processHeaders(url, response.headers) if (response.status === 204) return resolve( rawResponse === true ? { response, body: null } : undefined ) const json: any = await response.json() await this.handleStatusCode(response, json, requestData, reject) if ( json.retry_after !== undefined || json.message === 'You are being rate limited.' ) { if (maxRetries > 10) { throw new Error('Max RateLimit Retries hit') } return { rateLimited: json.retry_after, before: false, bucket: bucketFromHeaders } } return resolve(rawResponse === true ? { response, body: json } : json) } catch (error) { return reject(error) } } this.queue({ onComplete, bucket, url }) if (!this.processing) { this.processing = true // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-floating-promises this.processQueue() } }) } /** Checks for RateLimits times and deletes if already over */ private handleRateLimits(): void { const now = this.rateLimits.forEach((value, key) => { // Ratelimit has not ended if (value.resetAt > now) return // It ended, so delete this.rateLimits.delete(key) if (key === 'global') this.globalRateLimit = false }) } /** Makes a GET Request to API */ async get( url: string, body?: unknown, maxRetries = 0, bucket?: string | null, rawResponse?: boolean ): Promise { return await this.make('get', url, body, maxRetries, bucket, rawResponse) } /** Makes a POST Request to API */ async post( url: string, body?: unknown, maxRetries = 0, bucket?: string | null, rawResponse?: boolean ): Promise { return await this.make('post', url, body, maxRetries, bucket, rawResponse) } /** Makes a DELETE Request to API */ async delete( url: string, body?: unknown, maxRetries = 0, bucket?: string | null, rawResponse?: boolean ): Promise { return await this.make('delete', url, body, maxRetries, bucket, rawResponse) } /** Makes a PATCH Request to API */ async patch( url: string, body?: unknown, maxRetries = 0, bucket?: string | null, rawResponse?: boolean ): Promise { return await this.make('patch', url, body, maxRetries, bucket, rawResponse) } /** Makes a PUT Request to API */ async put( url: string, body?: unknown, maxRetries = 0, bucket?: string | null, rawResponse?: boolean ): Promise { return await this.make('put', url, body, maxRetries, bucket, rawResponse) } }