import { User } from '../structures/user.ts' import { GatewayIntents } from '../types/gateway.ts' import { Gateway } from '../gateway/index.ts' import { RESTManager } from './rest.ts' import EventEmitter from '' import { DefaultCacheAdapter, ICacheAdapter } from './cacheAdapter.ts' import { UserManager } from '../managers/users.ts' import { GuildManager } from '../managers/guilds.ts' import { ChannelsManager } from '../managers/channels.ts' import { ClientPresence } from '../structures/presence.ts' import { EmojisManager } from '../managers/emojis.ts' import { ActivityGame, ClientActivity } from '../types/presence.ts' import { ClientEvents } from '../gateway/handlers/index.ts' // import { Application } from "../../mod.ts" /** Some Client Options to modify behaviour */ export interface ClientOptions { /** Token of the Bot/User */ token?: string /** Gateway Intents */ intents?: GatewayIntents[] /** Cache Adapter to use, defaults to Collections one */ cache?: ICacheAdapter /** Force New Session and don't use cached Session (by persistent caching) */ forceNewSession?: boolean /** Startup presence of client */ presence?: ClientPresence | ClientActivity | ActivityGame /** Whether it's a bot user or not? Use this if selfbot! */ bot?: boolean /** Force all requests to Canary API */ canary?: boolean /** Time till which Messages are to be cached, in MS. Default is 3600000 */ messageCacheLifetime?: number /** Time till which Message Reactions are to be cached, in MS. Default is 3600000 */ reactionCacheLifetime?: number /** Whether to fetch Uncached Message of Reaction or not? */ fetchUncachedReactions?: boolean } export declare interface Client { on: (event: U, listener: ClientEvents[U]) => this emit: ( event: U, ...args: Parameters ) => boolean } /** * Discord Client. */ export class Client extends EventEmitter { /** Gateway object */ gateway?: Gateway /** REST Manager - used to make all requests */ rest: RESTManager = new RESTManager(this) /** User which Client logs in to, undefined until logs in */ user?: User /** WebSocket ping of Client */ ping = 0 /** Token of the Bot/User */ token?: string /** Cache Adapter */ cache: ICacheAdapter = new DefaultCacheAdapter() /** Gateway Intents */ intents?: GatewayIntents[] /** Whether to force new session or not */ forceNewSession?: boolean /** Time till messages to stay cached, in MS. */ messageCacheLifetime: number = 3600000 /** Time till messages to stay cached, in MS. */ reactionCacheLifetime: number = 3600000 /** Whether to fetch Uncached Message of Reaction or not? */ fetchUncachedReactions: boolean = false users: UserManager = new UserManager(this) guilds: GuildManager = new GuildManager(this) channels: ChannelsManager = new ChannelsManager(this) emojis: EmojisManager = new EmojisManager(this) /** Whether this client will login as bot user or not */ bot: boolean = true /** Whether the REST Manager will use Canary API or not */ canary: boolean = false /** Client's presence. Startup one if set before connecting */ presence: ClientPresence = new ClientPresence() constructor(options: ClientOptions = {}) { super() this.token = options.token this.intents = options.intents this.forceNewSession = options.forceNewSession if (options.cache !== undefined) this.cache = options.cache if (options.presence !== undefined) this.presence = options.presence instanceof ClientPresence ? options.presence : new ClientPresence(options.presence) if ( === false) = false if (options.canary === true) this.canary = true if (options.messageCacheLifetime !== undefined) this.messageCacheLifetime = options.messageCacheLifetime if (options.reactionCacheLifetime !== undefined) this.reactionCacheLifetime = options.reactionCacheLifetime if (options.fetchUncachedReactions === true) this.fetchUncachedReactions = true } /** Set Cache Adapter */ setAdapter(adapter: ICacheAdapter): Client { this.cache = adapter return this } /** Change Presence of Client */ setPresence(presence: ClientPresence | ClientActivity | ActivityGame): void { if (presence instanceof ClientPresence) { this.presence = presence } else this.presence = new ClientPresence(presence) this.gateway?.sendPresence(this.presence.create()) } /** Emit debug event */ debug(tag: string, msg: string): void { this.emit('debug', `[${tag}] ${msg}`) } // TODO(DjDeveloperr): Implement this // fetchApplication(): Promise /** * This function is used for connect to discord. * @param token Your token. This is required. * @param intents Gateway intents in array. This is required. */ connect(token?: string, intents?: GatewayIntents[]): void { if (token === undefined && this.token !== undefined) token = this.token else if (this.token === undefined && token !== undefined) { this.token = token } else throw new Error('No Token Provided') if (intents === undefined && this.intents !== undefined) intents = this.intents else if (intents !== undefined && this.intents === undefined) { this.intents = intents } else throw new Error('No Gateway Intents were provided') this.gateway = new Gateway(this, token, intents) } }