import { Client } from '../client/mod.ts' import { ChannelPayload } from '../types/channel.ts' import { INVITE } from '../types/endpoint.ts' import { GuildPayload } from '../types/guild.ts' import { InvitePayload } from '../types/invite.ts' import { UserPayload } from '../types/user.ts' import { Base } from './base.ts' export class Invite extends Base { code: string guild?: GuildPayload channel: ChannelPayload inviter?: UserPayload targetUser?: UserPayload targetUserType?: number approximatePresenceCount?: number approximateMemberCount?: number /** Number of times Invite was used. This is an Invite Metadata property (not always available) */ uses?: number /** Max number of times this Invite can be used. This is an Invite Metadata property (not always available) */ maxUses?: number /** Max age of the Invite in seconds. This is an Invite Metadata property (not always available) */ maxAge?: number /** Whether Invite is temporary or not. This is an Invite Metadata property (not always available) */ temporary?: boolean /** Timestamp (string) when Invite was created. This is an Invite Metadata property (not always available) */ createdAtTimestamp?: string /** Timestamp (Date) when Invite was created. This is an Invite Metadata property (not always available) */ get createdAt(): Date | undefined { return this.createdAtTimestamp === undefined ? undefined : new Date(this.createdAtTimestamp) } get link(): string { return `${this.code}` } toString(): string { return } constructor(client: Client, data: InvitePayload) { super(client) this.code = data.code this.guild = data.guild = this.inviter = data.inviter this.targetUser = data.target_user this.targetUserType = data.target_user_type this.approximateMemberCount = data.approximate_member_count this.approximatePresenceCount = data.approximate_presence_count this.uses = (data as any).uses this.maxUses = (data as any).maxUses this.maxAge = (data as any).maxAge this.temporary = (data as any).temporary this.createdAtTimestamp = (data as any).createdAtTimestamp } /** Delete an invite. Requires the MANAGE_CHANNELS permission on the channel this invite belongs to, or MANAGE_GUILD to remove any invite across the guild. Returns an invite object on success. Fires a Invite Delete Gateway event. */ async delete(): Promise { const res = await return new Invite(this.client, res) } readFromData(data: InvitePayload): void { this.code = data.code ?? this.code this.guild = data.guild ?? this.guild = ?? this.inviter = data.inviter ?? this.inviter this.targetUser = data.target_user ?? this.targetUser this.targetUserType = data.target_user_type ?? this.targetUserType this.approximateMemberCount = data.approximate_member_count ?? this.approximateMemberCount this.approximatePresenceCount = data.approximate_presence_count ?? this.approximatePresenceCount this.uses = (data as any).uses ?? this.uses this.maxUses = (data as any).maxUses ?? this.maxUses this.maxAge = (data as any).maxAge ?? this.maxAge this.temporary = (data as any).temporary ?? this.temporary this.createdAtTimestamp = (data as any).createdAtTimestamp ?? this.createdAtTimestamp } }