# teal [![godoc](https://img.shields.io/badge/Documentation-godoc-%23009999)](https://godoc.org/gitea.com/webb/teal) [![pkg.go.dev](https://img.shields.io/badge/Documentation-go.pkg.dev-%23009999)](https://pkg.go.dev/gitea.com/webb/teal) This is a simple library for pxl.blue, an image hosting site. Consider this library extremely unstable as pxl.blue and this library are still very early in development. ## Examples ### Logging in, and uploading a file ``` import ( "fmt" "os" "gitea.com/webb/teal" ) func main() { client, _ := teal.Login("username", "password") file, _ := os.Open("glenda.png") image, _ := client.UploadFile(file, "glenda.png") fmt.Println(image) } ``` ### Getting an upload key with username and password ``` package main import ( "fmt" "gitea.com/webb/teal" ) func main() { client, _ := teal.Login("username", "password") fmt.Println(client.UploadKey) } ``` ### Manually creating a barebones client and uploading a file ``` import ( "fmt" "os" "gitea.com/webb/teal" ) func main() { client := teal.Client{ UserAgent: "teal", UploadKey: "key", } file, _ := os.Open("glenda.png") url, _ := client.UploadFile(file, "glenda.png") fmt.Println(url) } ```