2021-01-24 20:20:18 +01:00

239 lines
7.9 KiB

# Copyright 2020 Google LLC
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
import datetime
from flask import Blueprint, url_for, render_template, current_app, Response, redirect, request
from markupsafe import escape
from slugify import slugify, SLUG_OK
from . import config
from . import db
from . import forms
from . import util
bp = Blueprint('agora', __name__)
G = db.G
# Special
def index():
return redirect(url_for('.node', node='index'))
def help():
current_app.logger.warning('Not implemented.')
return 'If I had implemented help already, here you\'d see documentation on all URL endpoints. For now, please refer to the <a href="">code</a>.'
def latest():
return render_template('subnodes.html', header="Latest", subnodes=db.latest())
def today():
today =
return redirect("" % today.strftime("%Y-%m-%d"))
@bp.route('/search', methods=('GET', 'POST'))
def search():
form = forms.SearchForm()
if form.validate_on_submit():
return render_template('search.html', form=form, subnodes=db.search_subnodes(
return render_template('search.html', form=form)
# Actions
# Simple go.
def go(node):
"""Redirects to the URL in the given node in a block that starts with [[go]], if there is one."""
# TODO(flancian): all node-scoped stuff should move to actually use node objects.
n = db.nodes_by_wikilink(node)
except KeyError:
return redirect("" % node)
if len(n) > 1:
current_app.logger.warning('nodes_by_wikilink returned more than one node, should not happen.')
if len(n) == 0:
# No nodes with this name -- redirect to node 404.
return redirect("" % node)
links = n[0].go()
if len(links) == 0:
# No go links detected in this node -- just redirect to the node.
# TODO(flancian): flash an explanation :)
return redirect("" % node)
if len(links) > 1:
# TODO(flancian): to be implemented.
# Likely default to one of the links, show all of them but redirect to default within n seconds.
current_app.logger.warning('Code to manage nodes with more than one go link is not Not implemented.')
return redirect(links[0])
# Composite go.
# Likely equivalent to [default action](
def composite_go(node0, node1):
"""Redirects to the URL in the given node in a block that starts with [[<action>]], if there is one."""
# TODO(flancian): all node-scoped stuff should move to actually use node objects.
# TODO(flancian): make [[go]] call this?
n0 = db.nodes_by_wikilink(node0)
except KeyError:
return redirect("" % node0)
n1 = db.nodes_by_wikilink(node1)
except KeyError:
return redirect("" % node1)
if len(n0) == 0 and len(n1) == 0:
# No nodes with this name.
# Redirect to composite node, which might exist and provides search.
return redirect(f'{node0}-{node1}')
links = []
if len(n0) != 0:
if len(n1) != 0:
if len(links) == 0:
# No matching links found.
# Redirect to composite node, which might exist and provides search.
# TODO(flancian): flash an explanation :)
return redirect(f'{node0}-{node1}')
if len(links) > 1:
# TODO(flancian): to be implemented.
# Likely default to one of the links, show all of them but redirect to default within n seconds.
current_app.logger.warning('Code to manage nodes with more than one go link is not Not implemented.')
return redirect(links[0])
def push(node, other):
n = G.node(node)
o = G.node(other)
pushing = n.pushing(o)
return Response(pushing)
def jump():
"""Redirects to a context; in "jump" mode, a node *always* exists (nodes map one to one to all possible queries)."""
q = request.args.get('q')
return redirect(url_for('.node', node=slugify(q)))
# Entities
def node(node):
n = G.node(node)
# earlier in the list means more highly ranked.
n.subnodes = util.uprank(n.subnodes, users=['agora', 'flancian'])
search_subnodes = db.search_subnodes(node)
return render_template(
pull_nodes=n.pull_nodes() if n else [],
forwardlinks=n.forward_links() if n else [],
query=n.wikilink.replace('-', '%20')
def subnode(node, user):
n = G.node(node)
n.subnodes = util.filter(n.subnodes, user)
n.subnodes = util.uprank(n.subnodes, user)
search_subnodes = db.search_subnodes_by_user(node, user)
return render_template(
def old_subnode(subnode):
return render_template('subnode_rendered.html', subnode=db.subnode_by_uri(subnode), backlinks=db.subnodes_by_outlink(subnode))
@bp.route('/node/@<user>') # so that [[@flancian]] works.
def user(user):
return render_template('user.html', user=user, readmes=db.user_readmes(user), subnodes=db.subnodes_by_user(user))
def garden(garden):
current_app.logger.warning('Not implemented.')
return 'If I had implemented rendering gardens already, here you would see garden named "%s".' % escape(garden)
# Lists
def nodes():
return render_template('nodes.html', nodes=G.nodes(include_journals=False))
@bp.route('/notes') # alias
def subnodes():
return render_template('subnodes.html', subnodes=G.subnodes())
def users():
return render_template('users.html', users=db.all_users())
def journals():
return render_template('nodes.html', header="Journals", nodes=db.all_journals())
# Searching with GET: potentially useful but probably not a good idea.
# @bp.route('/search/<query>')
# def search(query):
# return render_template('subnodes.html', subnodes=db.search_subnodes(query))
def asset(user, asset):
# An asset is a binary in someone's garden/<user>/assets directory.
# Currently unused.
path = '/'.join(["garden", user, 'assets', asset])
return current_app.send_static_file(path)
def raw(subnode):
s = db.subnode_by_uri(subnode)
return Response(s.content, mimetype=s.mediatype)
def backlinks(node):
# Currently unused.
return render_template('nodes.html', nodes=db.nodes_by_outlink(node))