{% extends "base.html" %} {% block content %} {% if not node.subnodes and not node.pushed_subnodes() %}
No node found at [[{{node.uri}}]].

If you contributed a matching subnode with basename '{{node.uri}}' to the Agora (e.g. a note named {{node}}.md or an image named {{node}}.jpg), this node would exist :)

You can try searching or listing all nodes.

Existing permutations are optimistically pulled below.
{% endif %} {% if node.subnodes %}
Node [[{{node.uri}}]] {% for subnode in node.subnodes %}
{{ subnode.render()|linkify|safe }}
{% endfor %}
{% endif %} {% if node.pushed_subnodes() %} {% for subnode in node.pushed_subnodes() %}
Subnode [[@{{subnode.user}}/{{node.uri}}]]
pushed from {{subnode.uri}} by @{{subnode.user}}
{% endfor %} {% endif %} {% for node in pull_nodes %}
Pulled node [[{{node.uri}}]] {% for subnode in node.subnodes %}
{{ subnode.render()|linkify|safe }}
{% endfor %}
{% endfor %} {% include "links.html" %} {% include "node_search.html" %} {% endblock %}