If you'd like to be automatically redirected from fandom.com to breezewiki.com, follow @italic{one} of the methods below.
@subsection{Browser extension: Redirector}
This will redirect you with no fanfare.
@itemlist[#:style 'ordered
@item{Install the extension: @hyperlink["https://addons.mozilla.org/en-GB/firefox/addon/redirector/" "Firefox"] or @hyperlink["https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/redirector/ocgpenflpmgnfapjedencafcfakcekcd" "Chrome"]}
@item{Download this file: @url{https://docs.breezewiki.com/files/breezewiki-redirector.json}}
@item{Click on the Redirector extension icon, click @italic{Edit Redirects}, click @italic{Import}, then choose the @italic{breezewiki-redirector.json} file you just downloaded. It will say successfully imported.}
@item{Once it's imported, you can delete the @italic{breezewiki-redirector.json} file from your computer.}
@subsection{Browser extension: Violentmonkey}
@nested[#:style (style "block-note" null)]{Violentmonkey executes @italic{userscripts} created by other people, which can do many things to your web browser, more than just redirect you. Some may be helpful, some may be harmful. Make sure you only install userscripts that you trust.}
@itemlist[#:style 'ordered
@item{@hyperlink["https://violentmonkey.github.io/get-it/" "Install the extension"] (or you can choose another userscript manager, like Greasemonkey or Tampermonkey)}
@item{Look at the @Secref["Tools"] section of this website, choose somebody's userscript, and click the link.}
@item{Violentmonkey will show you the code of the userscript, and offer to install it for you. If you want to proceed with the installation, click @italic{Confirm Installation}.}
Bug reports are important, and so are feature requests! Thank you for your interest. Here's how to send in yours.
There is the @italic{mailing list} which is the first line for people like you to report to. Once a bug is confirmed, I will copy it onto the @italic{todo tracker} as a task item.
Please spend one minute @hyperlink["https://todo.sr.ht/~cadence/breezewiki-todo" "checking the todo tracker"] so you don't submit a duplicate of somebody else's report.
For real-time chat with the community, check out @url{https://matrix.to/#/#breezewiki:cadence.moe}.
@subsection{Actually sending a report}
To actually send in your report, compose an email to @hyperlink["mailto:~cadence/breezewiki-discuss@lists.sr.ht" "~cadence/breezewiki-discuss@lists.sr.ht"] with a useful subject line and a description.
Please make sure to include the following information:
@item{Which URL can I visit to see it for myself?}
@item{Which part of the page are you talking about?}
@nested[#:style (style "block-note" null)]{If building in an automated environment, like CI, use the flags @code{--batch --auto --no-docs --skip-installed}.}
If you're running BreezeWiki in production (i.e. not for development) then check out the @secref["Required options"] section of the configuration page.
Configuration options are added to the @code{config.ini} file. It is a regular INI file.
If you do not specify a specific option, the internal default will be used. If the file is missing or empty, all defaults will be used.
If you're using a compiled distribution of BreezeWiki, the main @code{config.ini} file will actually be a symlink to the real location of the file. Make sure not to erase the symlink, or your settings will be ignored!
Here is an example configuration file. It shows all the available settings and all their defaults.
Whether to put more URLs through the proxy. If false, just a minimal set is proxied. If true, additionally proxies page stylesheets and links to image files, thereby reducing the potential for end-users to connect to Fandom servers.