import { SupabaseClient } from "@supabase/supabase-js"; import { Client, Guild, GuildMember, Message, NewsChannel, TextChannel, User } from "discord.js"; export type Server = { readonly id: string server_id: string locale: string prefix: string[] shortlinks: boolean sourcefinder: boolean embeds: boolean interactiontext: boolean } export type Usage = { readonly id: string name: string, type: string amount: number } export type Command = { name: string; description: string; aliases?: string[]; module?: string; cooldown?: number; guild?: boolean; dev?: boolean; nsfw?: boolean; AuthorPermissions?: string | string[]; hidden?: boolean; } export type Context = { client: Client; args: string[] guild: Guild | null; message: Message; channel: TextChannel | NewsChannel; author: User; member: GuildMember | null; supabase: SupabaseClient; guildSettings: Server; config: Config; isDeveloper: string[] } // ! Config Typings export interface Config { /** * package.json import to autocompltete it's vars */ pkg: Pkg; /** * variables.ts import * Public Variables are defined in here. */ variables: Variables; /** * API Keys for various APIs */ apis: Apis; /** * Discord API Token */ token: string; /** * Config Strings for Supabase * Thaldrin's Database */ supabase: Supabase; } interface Developer { id: string; link: string } interface Supabase { url: string; key: string; } interface Apis { sheri: string; yiffrest: string; } interface Contributor { id: string; link: string nick: string reason: string } interface Variables { prefix: string[]; developers: Developer[]; contributors: Contributor[] // ! Mainly for the Info Command tbh name: string; source: string avatar: string tagline: string color: string, support: { id: string, invite: string } website: string } interface Pkg { name: string; version: string; description: string; main: string; scripts: Scripts; repository: Repository; keywords: any[]; author: string; license: string; bugs: Bugs; homepage: string; dependencies: Dependencies; devDependencies: DevDependencies; } interface DevDependencies { '@types/node': string; '@types/ws': string; } interface Dependencies { '@supabase/supabase-js': string; '@thaldrin/sourcefinder': string; chalk: string; 'discord.js': string; winston: string; 'winston-daily-rotate-file': string; yiff: string; } interface Bugs { url: string; } interface Repository { type: string; url: string; } interface Scripts { build: string; start: string; dev: string; 'update:subs': string; }