export default { /** * Default Prefixes */ prefix: ['thal', "<@434662676547764244>", "<@!434662676547764244>"], /** * Developers of the Bot */ developers: [ { /** * Discord ID of the Developer */ id: "318044130796109825", // Lio link: "https://kji.tf/twitter" } ], /** * Contributors, in one way or another, that helped me make Thaldrin */ contributors: [ { id: "150745989836308480", link: "https://github.com/Cynosphere", nick: "Cynthia", reason: "Letting me copy HiddenPhox' Shortlink feature." }, { id: "356323373443448843", link: "https://twitter.com/ThalLycal", nick: "Zuroth", reason: "Letting me use his Sona as a Mascot. <:lioLove:760165648063397942> " }, ], /** * Name of the Bot */ name: "Thaldrin Beta", source: `[t8.pm/source](https://t8.pm/source)`, avatar: "https://thaldrin.media/avatar.png", support: { id: "828978320279863306", invite: "https://thaldr.in/" }, tagline: "A Random Image and Utility Bot", color: "#ff995d", website: "thaldr.in", invite: "https://t8.pm/legacy-invite" }