import Command from '../../handler/structures/Command'; import { Context } from '../../utils/types'; import lingua from '../../utils/lingua'; import { Folders, Commands } from "../../utils/command.amount"; import { MessageEmbed } from 'discord.js'; export = class Help extends Command { constructor() { super({ name: "help", aliases: ['?', 'h'], description: "Get help with the Bot", cooldown: 1, }) } // ? [ 'developer', 'general', 'images', 'misc', 'roleplay' ] async command(ctx: Context) { let embed = new MessageEmbed().setColor(ctx.config.variables.color).setFooter(`${}`, ctx.config.variables.avatar) if (ctx.args.length === 0) { await (await Folders()).forEach(async folder => { if (!ctx.isDeveloper && folder === 'developer') return // @ts-ignore return embed.addField(`${lingua[ctx.settings.locale].CATEGORIES[folder.toUpperCase()].name || folder} [\`${[...(await Commands(folder, ctx.client))].length}\`]`, `\`${ctx.config.variables.prefix[2]} help ${folder}\``, true) }) embed.setTitle("Help") return } let arg = ctx.args[0] if (await (await Folders()).includes(arg)) { let commands = await (await Commands(arg, ctx.client)).map(command => `\`${}\` - ${command.description}`) embed.addField("Commands", commands.join("\n")) // @ts-ignore embed.setTitle(`${lingua[ctx.settings.locale].CATEGORIES[arg.toUpperCase()].name || arg}`) return } } }