export default { META: { name: ":flag_us: English (US)", locale: "en_US", tranlators: [ "318044130796109825" // Lio ] }, CHANNEL_NOT_NSFW: "This Channel is not marked as NSFW, please mark it as such and rerun this Command.", INSUFFICIENT_PERMISSIONS: `You need \`PERMISSIONS\` Permissions to run this Command `, ON_COOLDOWN: `\`COMMAND\` is on Cooldown.`, ON_COOLDOWN_DESCRIPTION: `\`COMMAND\` has a cooldown of \`COOLDOWN\` \n Wait \`TIME\` before trying to use it again.`, ON_ERROR: `\`COMMAND\` encountered an Error.`, MISSING: { NOT_ENOUGH_TAGS: `Not Enough Tags`, NOT_ENOUGH_TAGS_DESC: "You need to provide Tags for me to search for.", RP_REQUIRE_MENTION: `You need to mention another user.`, MISSING_TITLE: `Missing title. Separate the title and description with a pipe (\`|\`).`, VALUE: { PREFIX: "No Prefix was given.", COUNTRY: "No Country code was given" } }, USER_INFO: { INFO_ON: "Info on USER", STATUS: "Status | STATE", ROLES: "Roles [AMOUNT]", USERNAME: "Username", USERID: "User ID", CREATED_DATE: "Created", JOINED_AT: "Joined", STATES: { ONLINE: "Online", DND: "Do not Disturb", IDLE: "Idle", OFFLINE: "Offline" } }, NOT_ENOUGH_TAGS_DESC: "You need to provide Tags for me to search for.", NOT_ENOUGH_TAGS: `Not Enough Tags`, RP_REQUIRE_MENTION: `You need to mention another user.`, RP_SELF: `Don't you want to ACTION someone other than yourself?`, RP_ME: `Don't ACTION me! ACTION someone else.`, MISSING_TITLE: `Missing title. Separate the title and description with a pipe (\`|\`).`, VALUE_SENT: "VALUE sent.", INVITE_STRING: "You can invite BOT using this Link", ROLL: ":game_die: Rolling AMOUNT DICE...", CATEGORIES: { INFO: { name: "Info", desc: "" }, NSFW: { name: ":underage: NSFW", desc: "Horny Stuff, obviously." }, ANIMALS: { name: "Animals", desc: "Cute Pictures of Animals to brighten your Day!" }, MISC: { name: "Misc", desc: "Miscellaneous Commands" }, FUN: { name: "Fun", desc: "" }, DEVELOPER: { name: "Developer", desc: "Developer only Commands, duh" }, }, DEVELOPER_ONLY: "This Command is only for Developers.", MISC: { ENABLED: "Enabled", DISABLED: "Disabled", }, LOCALE: { LANGUAGE: "Language", CONTRIBUTORS: "AMOUNT Translator(s)", TITLE: "LANGUAGE by TRANSLATOR", COMMAND_DESC: "BOT is available in AMOUNT Languages, you can easily change BOT's current Language by running `PREFIX locale set `\n\n[Translations](https://t8.pm/lingua) are provided by the Community", UPDATED_SETTING: 'Updated SETTING to VALUE', UNSUPPORTED: "BOT does not support VALUE at this Time.", DEFAULT: { LANGUAGES: "Languages", LOCALIZATION: "Localization", CURRENT: `Current Language`, SUB: `• Use \`PREFIX locale set \` to set the Guild's Language` } } }