welcome to place where no sanity check will be ever be able to help you... you may ask is there anything to run on your Gnu system with systemd kernel?... this markdown text may tell `yes...` but you will have to pay... you ask what is price of this magic element... never gona give you up, ah yes you didnt laught... but thats intended... i need to "cringe" you... still want to go to hell?... thats silly question... there is no escape... systemd won... last of bad-initers still live deep in earth mantle in so called "void"... but manjarners with systemd will get them... you dont need to know how... you dont need to know who... preparing desktop for for you 101%... :( you are systemd-wizard good-initer... i need your magicd to help me develop systemd-systemd aka systemd 2.0... it will be not just system init service udev logind homed provider... it will be KERNEL... help me erase linshit from the earthd... that is silly request actually... you are made in systemC programming lang which forces you to use systemd for every ` $ echo hello world` command... you are doomed... ok boomer... # systemd-perfectd aaa # dependency hell mpv,curl,lolcat(ruby),echo,systemd,ps,find,bash,~~powershell~~,espeak,figlet,systemd,~~launchd~~,~~bedrock gnu/linux~~,systemd-systemd,systemd as pid 1,neofetch, bash script with 10k lines, glibc (musl is king), ~~systemd-homed~~