const Plugin = require("../core/plugin"); module.exports = new Plugin({ name: "testPlugin idk" /* Human-readable plugin name. */, author: "smartbitch" /* [Optional] Put your name here to give yourself credit for making it :) */, description: "2.0 testing be is deprresion lol" /* Description of what this plugin does. */, preload: false /* [Optional] If true, load this before Discord has finished starting up */, color: "#666" /* [Optional] The color that this plugin shows in logs and in the plugin settings tab. Any valid CSS color will work here. */, disabledByDefault: false /* [Optional] If true, disable the plugin until the user enables it in settings */, load: function () { /* What your plugin does when Discord is loaded, or when the plugin is reloaded. */ }, unload: function () { /* What your plugin does when it is disabled or being reloaded. */ }, });