0x News vs. smartfridge

So I recently joined 0x News 2.0 after being told this in dm’s

Just clarify something I wasn’t aware of raid plans. Yes I was on raid after few @everyone’s but that’s how just Discord works. I’m not gonna discuss here who abused and gave perms to who here but let’s get to cherry on top. I was already banned there so I had to improvise use my friends and few alts to join. NONE of these screenshots were altered. Some of these messages may get deleted at this point (censorship).

My main points were how he called me toxic but when during raid I got to see various stuff in admin chat like this:

It was kinda obvious I’m going to use it as my main points in this discussion. See we made alliance with 0x News when these messages were posted and wanted to merge. (More stuff on next page i’m new to google docs.)

Me pointing out to TIG (owner) of this whole thing about how he calls me toxic but then proceeds to tell how “he fucking annoys me” in admin chats. After I pointed out these stuff he started ignoring me and setting my usernames as “EarthPol Live supporter” and giving me roles like “Fuck EPLive raiders” or something like that.

Few seconds later this happened. At this point I was just taking screenshots of conversations and saving them in my archive.

Here’s him just being toxic even tho epmc live didn’t participate in raid and none of our team was informed about it.

bng knowing pointing out to TIG while he was raging at me to stop and move on.

Now let’s go to a few things I experienced with TIG during these weeks.

Him just posting his stuff on our server not revelant to anything. Here are few misc screenshots about his behaviour.

Here’s just part of the conversation since I lost most parts of it.