var Desktop = { options: { windowArea: ".window-area", windowAreaClass: "", taskBar: ".task-bar > .tasks", taskBarClass: "" }, wins: {}, setup: function(options){ this.options = $.extend( {}, this.options, options ); return this; }, addToTaskBar: function(wnd){ var icon = wnd.getIcon(); var wID ="id"); var item = $("").addClass("task-bar-item started").html(icon);"wID", wID); item.appendTo($(this.options.taskBar)); }, removeFromTaskBar: function(wnd){ var wID = wnd.attr("id"); var items = $(".task-bar-item"); var that = this; $.each(items, function(){ var item = $(this); if ("wID") === wID) { delete that.wins[wID]; item.remove(); } }) }, createWindow: function(o){ o.onDragStart = function(){ win = $(this); $(".window").css("z-index", 1); if (!win.hasClass("modal")) { win.css("z-index", 3); } }; o.onDragStop = function(){ win = $(this); if (!win.hasClass("modal")) win.css("z-index", 2); }; o.onWindowDestroy = function(win){ Desktop.removeFromTaskBar($(win)); }; var w = $("
").appendTo($(this.options.windowArea)); var wnd = w.window(o).data("window"); var win =; var shift = Metro.utils.objectLength(this.wins) * 16; if ( === "auto" && === "auto" && wnd.options.left === "auto") { win.css({ top: shift, left: shift }); } this.wins[win.attr("id")] = wnd; this.addToTaskBar(wnd); return wnd; }, createArmCordWindow: function(o){ o.onDragStart = function(){ win = $(this); $(".armwindow").css("z-index", 1); if (!win.hasClass("modal")) { win.css("z-index", 3); } }; o.onDragStop = function(){ win = $(this); if (!win.hasClass("modal")) win.css("z-index", 2); }; o.onWindowDestroy = function(win){ Desktop.removeFromTaskBar($(win)); }; var w = $("
").appendTo($(this.options.windowArea)); var wnd = w.window(o).data("window"); var win =; var shift = Metro.utils.objectLength(this.wins) * 16; if ( === "auto" && === "auto" && wnd.options.left === "auto") { win.css({ top: shift, left: shift }); } this.wins[win.attr("id")] = wnd; this.addToTaskBar(wnd); return wnd; } }; Desktop.setup(); var w_icons = [ 'rocket', 'apps', 'cog', 'anchor' ]; var w_titles = [ 'rocket', 'apps', 'cog', 'anchor' ]; function createWindow(){ var index = $.random(0, 3); var w = Desktop.createWindow({ resizeable: true, draggable: true, width: 300, icon: "", title: w_titles[index], content: "
This is desktop demo created with Metro 4 Components Library
" }); } function aboutMe() { var index = $.random(0, 3); var w = Desktop.createWindow({ resizeable: true, draggable: true, width: 300, icon: "", title: "About Me", content: "
An enthusiastic programmer. Likes to tweak Electron apps to his liking. Loves to experiment with new ideas and such.
", }); } function createWindowWithCustomButtons(){ var index = $.random(0, 3); var customButtons = [ { html: "", cls: "sys-button", onclick: "alert('You press rocket button')" }, { html: "", cls: "alert", onclick: "alert('You press user button')" }, { html: "", cls: "warning", onclick: "alert('You press cog button')" } ]; Desktop.createWindow({ resizeable: true, draggable: true, customButtons: customButtons, width: 360, icon: "", title: w_titles[index], content: "
This is desktop demo created with Metro 4 Components Library.

This window has a custom buttons in caption.
" }); } function createWindowModal(){ Desktop.createWindow({ resizeable: false, draggable: true, width: 300, icon: "", title: "Modal window", content: "
This is desktop demo created with Metro 4 Components Library
", overlay: true, //overlayColor: "transparent", modal: true, place: "center", onShow: function(win){ win = $(win); win.addClass("ani-swoopInTop"); setTimeout(function(){ $(win).removeClass("ani-swoopInTop"); }, 1000); }, onClose: function(win){ win = $(win); win.addClass("ani-swoopOutTop"); } }); } function armcord() { Desktop.createArmCordWindow({ resizeable: false, draggable: true, width: 600, //icon: "", title: "
", //content: `ArmCord`, content: "", clsContent: "bg-dark", }); } function createWindowYoutube(){ Desktop.createWindow({ resizeable: true, draggable: true, width: 500, icon: "", title: "Meme of a week (Polish)", content: "", clsContent: "bg-dark", }); } function createTetrisWindow() { Desktop.createWindow({ resizeable: true, draggable: true, width: 500, icon: "", title: "Tetris", content: '', clsContent: "bg-dark", }); } function openCharm() { var charm = $("#charm").data("charms"); charm.toggle(); } $(".window-area").on("click", function(){ Metro.charms.close("#charm"); }); $(".charm-tile").on("click", function(){ $(this).toggleClass("active"); });