smartfridge cave

the most bruh website on the internet!

Discord: smartfridge#5834

What is this website?

This website is just me posting random html files that I need up online right now. It’s nothing special. It’s like place for articles or files you can download. I will not make indexes of urls since you can always find html files on github repo (smartfrigde/

Is there a way to contact you?

Yes! Just find my Discord in the top right corner. I don’t accept any other contact forms sorry :(

Current projects?

EPMC Live (only to first month of 2021)

Yeah this is my main project right now. Sadly It’s ending soon on my part.

Wio Terminal Apps

I’m basically developing a lot of apps, games and app launcher for this.


I’m constantly building and modifying Arduino projects in my free time so yeah.


Things you like:

Minecraft, pizza, memes, GTA:SA, Lady Gaga, Crystal Castles, Burrata cheese


English, Polish, Russian