diff --git a/smartcord/smartcord.css b/smartcord/smartcord.css index 7c1465d..8b13789 100644 --- a/smartcord/smartcord.css +++ b/smartcord/smartcord.css @@ -1,1537 +1 @@ -/* EnhancedDiscord Theme v2.0.1 by Joe 🎸#7070 */ - -.theme-dark { - --bg: url(https://i.imgur.com/2WHzMbs.jpg); /* background for the whole window. */ - --bg-overlay: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.8); /* overlay for the background, intended for darkening the picture to make text more readable. */ - --accent: #900; /* prominent color in the UI */ - --accent-bright: #f00; /* color of mention text and other miscellaneous text */ - --accent-back: rgba(255, 0, 0, 0.15); /* mention background color and other miscellaneous items */ - --accent-back-bright: rgba(255, 0, 0, 0.4); /* mention background while hovering & bot tag background */ - --icon-color: rgba(250, 166, 26, 0.5); /* color of channel icons, home tab icons, etc. */ - --link-color: #faa61a; /* color of all links */ - --link-color-hover: #fad61a; /* color of all links while hovering */ - --popup-background: #222; /* background of modals and popouts */ - --popup-highlight: #333; /* color of headers and footers of modals and popouts */ - --unread-color: var(--accent-bright); /* color of unread/selected server indicators. */ - --typing-height: 25px; /* height of typing element and margin underneath chat to allow space for it. */ - --gift-button: none; /* nitro gift button in chat */ - --gif-picker: flex; /* gif picker button in chat */ - --discovery: flex; /* server discovery button under server list */ - - --trans02: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.02); - --trans03: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.03); - --trans05: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.05); - --trans07: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.07); - --trans09: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.09); - --trans10: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.10); - --trans15: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.15); - --trans25: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.25); - --trans50: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.50); - --trans75: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.75); - - --background-primary: transparent; - --background-secondary: transparent; - --background-tertiary: transparent; - --deprecated-panel-background: transparent; - --channeltextarea-background: transparent; - --background-floating: var(--popup-background); - --text-muted: var(--trans50); - --text-link: var(--link-color); - --deprecated-card-bg: var(--trans07); - --deprecated-card-editable-bg: var(--trans10); - --interactive-normal: var(--trans50); - --background-modifier-hover: var(--trans10); - --background-modifier-selected: var(--trans10); - --deprecated-store-bg: transparent; - --interactive-muted: var(--trans25); - --activity-card-background: var(--trans07); - --deprecated-text-input-bg: var(--trans05); - --deprecated-text-input-border: var(--trans10); - --deprecated-text-input-border-hover: var(--trans15); - --deprecated-quickswitcher-input-background: var(--trans10); - --header-secondary: var(--trans50); - --background-message-hover: transparent; - --background-floating: var(--popup-background); - --background-secondary-alt: var(--popup-highlight); - --background-accent: var(--trans10); -} -/* ---- BACKGROUND ---- */ -html { - height: 100%; - background: var(--bg) !important; - background-size: cover !important; - background-position: center !important; -} -body { - background: var(--bg-overlay) !important; - margin: 0; -} -/* ---- SCROLLERS ---- */ -/* (scrollerThemed:scroller)::-webkit-scrollbar */ -.scroller-2FKFPG::-webkit-scrollbar { /**/ - background-color: transparent; - width: 7px; - border-radius: 3.5px; - margin: -2px; -} -/* .theme-dark (scrollerThemed:scrollerThemed)(scrollerThemed:themedWithTrack) (scrollerThemed:scroller)::-webkit-scrollbar-thumb */ -.theme-dark .scrollerThemed-2oenus.themedWithTrack-q8E3vB .scroller-2FKFPG::-webkit-scrollbar-thumb { /**/ - background-color: var(--trans10); - border: none; -} -/* .theme-dark (scrollerThemed:scrollerThemed)(scrollerThemed:themedWithTrack) (scrollerThemed:scroller)::-webkit-scrollbar-track-piece */ -.theme-dark .scrollerThemed-2oenus.themedWithTrack-q8E3vB .scroller-2FKFPG::-webkit-scrollbar-track-piece { /**/ - background-color: transparent; - border: none; -} -/* .theme-dark (scrollerThemed:scrollerThemed)(scrollerThemed:themeGhostHairline) (scrollerThemed:scroller)::-webkit-scrollbar-track-piece */ -.theme-dark .scrollerThemed-2oenus.themeGhostHairline-DBD-2d .scroller-2FKFPG::-webkit-scrollbar-thumb { /**/ - background-color: var(--trans10); - border: none; -} -/* ---- TITLE BAR ---- */ -/* (titleBar:titleBar) */ -.titleBar-AC4pGV { /**/ - margin-top: 0px; - padding-top: 4px; - background: var(--trans10); -} -/* (wordmark:wordmark) > svg */ -.wordmark-2iDDfm > svg { /**/ - padding: 0; - height: 13px !important; - width: 136px !important; - background-image: var(--ed-text); - background-size: 135px; - opacity: 0.5; - margin-top: 1px; - margin-left: 17px; -} -/* (wordmark:wordmark) > svg > path */ -.wordmark-2iDDfm > svg > path { /**/ - display: none; -} -/* (wordmark:wordmark) */ -.wordmark-2iDDfm { /**/ - padding: 0; - height: 15px; - width: 15px; - background-image: var(--ed-logo); - background-size: 15px; - left: 5px; - top: 4px; -} -/* ---- TITLE ---- */ -/* .theme-dark (titleWrapper:title), (iconTierNone:clickable) (iconTierNone:header) */ -.theme-dark .title-3qD0b-, .clickable-2ap7je .header-2o-2hj { /**/ - background: var(--trans05); -} -/* (tabBadge:searchBar) */ -.searchBar-6Kv8R2 { /**/ - border-right: 1px solid var(--trans05); - background: var(--trans05); -} -/* ([container,themed]:container)([container,themed]:themed) */ -.container-1r6BKw.themed-ANHk51 { /**/ - background: var(--trans05); -} -/* (themed:children) (themed:icon) */ -.children-19S4PO .icon-22AiRD { /**/ - color: var(--icon-color); -} -/* ---- CHANNEL LIST ---- */ -/* (unreadBar:scroller) */ -.scroller-2wx7Hm { /**/ - background: var(--trans02); -} -/* .platform-win (activityPanel:sidebar) */ -.platform-win .sidebar-2K8pFh { /**/ - border-radius: 0; -} -/* .theme-dark (unread:icon), (unread:modeSelected) (unread:icon), (unread:modeSelected):hover (unread:icon), (unread:modeUnread) (unread:icon), (unread:modeUnread):hover (unread:icon) */ -.theme-dark .icon-1_QxNX, .modeSelected-1zApJ_ .icon-1_QxNX, .modeSelected-1zApJ_:hover .icon-1_QxNX, .modeUnread-1zpFdA .icon-1_QxNX, .modeUnread-1zpFdA:hover .icon-1_QxNX { /**/ - color: var(--icon-color); -} -/* (unread:unread) */ -.theme-dark .unread-3zKkbm { /**/ - background-color: var(--accent); - width: 6px; - height: 10px; - margin-top: -5px; -} -/* (users:wrapper), (users:users) */ -.wrapper-pZmgj4, .users-i_3-kL { /**/ - background-color: var(--trans05); -} -/* (users:users) */ -.users-i_3-kL { /**/ - width: 24px; - padding-right: 3px; -} -/* (users:total) */ -.total-3tKGEB { /**/ - width: 24px; - padding-left: 3px; -} -/* ---- SERVER LIST ---- */ -/* (unreadMentionsBar:scroller) */ -.scroller-2TZvBN { /**/ - background: var(--trans05); - contain: size; /* So stuff like the fixed bottom button underneath server list works */ -} -/* (activityPanel:guilds) */ -.guilds-1SWlCJ { /**/ - bottom: 60px; -} -/* (listItem:tutorialContainer) > (listItem:listItem):nth-last-child(2) */ -.tutorialContainer-SGrQ1h > .listItem-2P_4kh { /**/ - position: fixed; - bottom: -6px; - background: var(--trans07); - border-top: 1px solid var(--background-modifier-accent); - margin: 0; - height: 60px; - padding-top: 6px; -} -/* (listItem:tutorialContainer) > (listItem:listItem):nth-last-child(2) > (listItem:pill) */ -.tutorialContainer-SGrQ1h > .listItem-2P_4kh > .pill-3YxEhL { /**/ - top: 6px; -} -/* (circleIconButton:circleIconButton) */ -.circleIconButton-jET_ig { /**/ - color: var(--accent); - background: var(--trans09); - color: #fff; -} -/* (circleIconButton:circleIconButton) svg */ -.circleIconButton-jET_ig svg { /**/ - filter: drop-shadow(0 0 5px var(--accent)); -} -/* (circleIconButton:circleIconButton)(circleIconButton:selected) */ -.circleIconButton-jET_ig.selected-ugP_am { /**/ - background-color: var(--accent); -} -/* div[aria-label="Servers"] + (circleIconButton:tutorialContainer) + (circleIconButton:listItem) */ -div[aria-label="Servers"] + .tutorialContainer-SGrQ1h + .listItem-2P_4kh { /**/ - display: var(--discovery); -} -/* ([wrapper,item]:item) */ -.item-2hkk8m { /**/ - background: var(--unread-color); - padding-left: 1px; -} -/* (folder:expandedFolderBackground), (folder:expandedFolderBackground):not((folder:collapsed)) + (listItem:listItem) > div[class=""] */ -.expandedFolderBackground-2sPsd-, .expandedFolderBackground-2sPsd-:not(.collapsed-1GMuSb) + .listItem-2P_4kh > div[class=""] { /**/ - background-color: var(--trans07); - padding: 2.5px; - margin: -2.5px; -} -/* (folder:expandedFolderBackground):not((folder:collapsed)) + (listItem:listItem) > div[class=""] */ -.expandedFolderBackground-2sPsd-:not(.collapsed-1GMuSb) + .listItem-2P_4kh > div[class=""] { /**/ - border-radius: 26.5px 26.5px 0 0; -} -/* (acronym:acronym) */ -.acronym-2mOFsV { /**/ - background-color: var(--trans07); -} -/* (acronym:childWrapper) */ -.childWrapper-anI2G9 { /**/ - background: var(--trans09); -} -/* (acronym:wrapper)(acronym:selected) (acronym:childWrapper), (acronym:wrapper):hover (acronym:childWrapper) */ -.wrapper-1BJsBx.selected-bZ3Lue .childWrapper-anI2G9, .wrapper-1BJsBx:hover .childWrapper-anI2G9 { /**/ - background-color: var(--accent); -} -/* ---- USER SETTINGS AREA ---- */ -/* (activityPanel:panels) */ -.panels-j1Uci_ { /**/ - background-color: transparent; -} -/* (canCopy:container) */ -.container-3baos1 { /**/ - background: var(--trans07); - height: 60px; - margin-bottom: -1px; - padding-top: 1px; - border-top: 1px solid var(--background-modifier-accent); -} -/* (cardPrimary:cardPrimary) */ -.cardPrimary-1Hv-to { /**/ - background: var(--trans10); -} -/* (activityPanel:activityPanel) (liveBadge:panel) */ -.activityPanel-28dQGo, .panel-24C3ux { /**/ - background: var(--trans10); - border-bottom: none; -} -/* (activityPanel:activityPanel) + (canCopy:container), (liveBadge:panel) + (canCopy:container) */ -.activityPanel-28dQGo + .container-3baos1, .panel-24C3ux + .container-3baos1 { /**/ - border-top-color: var(--trans10); -} -/* ---- DM LIST/HOME SECTIONS ---- */ -/* (privateChannels:privateChannels) ([scroller,empty]:scroller) */ -.privateChannels-1nO12o .scroller-1JbKMe { /**/ - background: var(--trans02); -} -/* (linkButtonIcon:linkButtonIcon) */ -.linkButtonIcon-Mlm5d6 { /**/ - color: var(--icon-color); -} -/* .theme-dark ([body,root,scroller]:root) */ -.theme-dark .root-1BQpZw { /**/ - background-color: transparent; -} -/* .theme-dark (tileBuyButton:tile), .theme-dark (tier1Banner:tier1Banner) */ -.theme-dark .tile-QA_yMc, .theme-dark .tier1Banner-1B_WXY { /**/ - background-color: var(--trans10); -} -/* .theme-dark (categoryHeader:categoryHeader), .theme-dark (categoryHeader:premiumApplicationsHeader) */ -.theme-dark .categoryHeader-1D7Tqy, .theme-dark .premiumApplicationsHeader-Zmkm5e { /**/ - border-color: var(--trans10); -} -/* .theme-dark (iconIncluded:iconIncluded) */ -.theme-dark .iconIncluded-2xYFq5 { /**/ - color: var(--accent); -} -/* ---- FRIENDS LIST ---- */ -/* .theme-dark (peopleColumn:container), .theme-dark (friendsTable:container) */ -.theme-dark .container-1D34oG, .theme-dark .container-3gCOGc { /**/ - background: transparent; -} -/* (noIcon:noIcon) */ -.noIcon-1a_FrS { /**/ - background-color: var(--trans10); -} -/* (friendsTable:moreMutualGuildsBtn) */ -.moreMutualGuildsBtn-2VwbkO { /**/ - background-color: var(--trans05); -} -.theme-dark .outer-1AjyKL.active-1xchHY, .theme-dark .outer-1AjyKL.interactive-3B9GmY:hover { - background-color: var(--trans05); -} -.theme-dark .inset-3sAvek { - background-color: var(--trans10); -} -.discriminator-22Okc1 { - visibility: visible; -} -/* ---- ACTIVITY SECTION ---- */ -/* .theme-dark (recentlyPlayedContainer:recentlyPlayedContainer), .theme-dark (inset:inset), .theme-dark (popoutContainer:popoutContainer):hover */ -.theme-dark .recentlyPlayedContainer-2F3MqS, .theme-dark .inset-GQDQYw, .theme-dark .popoutContainer-3WC9HR:hover { /**/ - background-color: var(--trans07); -} -/* .theme-dark (inset:outer)(inset:interactive):hover */ -.theme-dark .outer-2IVh5n.interactive-1BeKSi:hover { /**/ - background-color: var(--trans10); -} -/* .theme-dark (interactive:wrapper) */ -.theme-dark .wrapper-9ppXpy { /**/ - box-shadow: none; - border-top: 2px solid var(--trans10); -} -/* .theme-dark (activitySection:separator) */ -.theme-dark .separator-2c4hi3 { /**/ - height: 2px; - background-color: var(--trans10); -} -/* .theme-dark (popoutContainer:popout) */ -.theme-dark .popout-3G62UL { /**/ - background-color: var(--popup-background); -} -/* .theme-dark (memberListItem:memberListItem):not((memberListItem:popoutDisabled)):hover, .theme-dark ([enabled,text]:enabled):hover; */ -.theme-dark .memberListItem-2ZX2pl:not(.popoutDisabled-xucru2):hover, .theme-dark .enabled-5QKLzu:hover { /**/ - background-color: var(--trans10); -} -/* .theme-dark ([wrapper,discover]:wrapper) */ -.theme-dark .wrapper-3UweLa { /**/ - background-color: var(--trans10); -} -/* ([wrapper,discover]:wrapper) (lookFilled:lookInverted)(lookFilled:colorBrand) */ -.wrapper-3UweLa .lookInverted-2D7oAl.colorBrand-3pXr91 { /**/ - background-color: var(--accent); - color: #fff; -} -/* ([wrapper,discover]:wrapper) (lookFilled:lookInverted)(lookFilled:colorBrand):hover */ -.wrapper-3UweLa .lookInverted-2D7oAl.colorBrand-3pXr91:hover { /**/ - filter: brightness(1.3); -} -/* ---- CHAT TEXTAREA ---- */ -/* (channelTextArea:channelTextArea) */ -.channelTextArea-rNsIhG { /**/ - padding: 7px 0; - margin: 0; - border: none; -} -/* .theme-dark (chat:chat) form */ -.theme-dark .chat-3bRxxu form { /**/ - background: var(--trans05); - margin: 0; - padding: 0; - min-height: 60px; -} -/* (attachButton:attachButtonInner) svg */ -.attachButtonInner-PQjIyk svg { /**/ - display: none; -} -/* (attachButton:attachButtonInner):after */ -.attachButtonInner-PQjIyk:after { /**/ - height: 24px; - width: 24px; - color: #fff; - content: var(--paperclip); -} -/* (attachButton:attachButtonInner):hover:after */ -.attachButtonInner-PQjIyk:hover:after { /**/ - content: var(--paperclip-hover); -} -/* (attachButton:attachWrapper) */ -.attachWrapper-2TRKBi { /**/ - margin-left: 10px; -} -/* (countdown:wrapper) */ -.wrapper-39oAo3 { /**/ - margin: 4px 10px; - width: calc(100% - 35px); -} -/* (textAreaSlate:buttonContainer) > button:not((textAreaSlate:emojiButton)) */ -.buttonContainer-28fw2U > button:not(.emojiButton-pET4wH) { /**/ - display: var(--gif-picker); -} -/* (lookLink:button)[aria-label="Send a gift"] */ -.button-38aScr[aria-label="Send a gift"] { /**/ - display: var(--gift-button); -} -/* ---- SEARCH ---- */ -/* (searchBar:searchBar) */ -.searchBar-3dMhjb { /**/ - background: var(--trans07); -} -/* .theme-dark (queryContainer:container) */ -.theme-dark .container-3ayLPN { /**/ - background-color: var(--popup-background); -} -/* .theme-dark (searchOption:option):after */ -.theme-dark .option-96V44q:after { /**/ - display: none; -} -/* .theme-dark (searchOption:searchOption) (searchOption:answer), .theme-dark (searchOption:option) (searchOption:filter) */ -.theme-dark .searchOption-zQ-1l6 .answer-1n6g43, .theme-dark .option-96V44q .filter-3Y_im- { /**/ - color: var(--trans50); -} -/* .theme-dark (searchOption:option)(searchOption:selected), .theme-dark (searchAnswer:searchAnswer), .theme-dark (searchAnswer:searchFilter) */ -.theme-dark .option-96V44q.selected-rZcOL-, .theme-dark .searchAnswer-3Dz2-q, .theme-dark .searchFilter-2ESiM3 { /**/ - background-color: var(--trans10); -} -/* .theme-dark (hit:searchResultsWrap), .theme-dark (hit:searchHeader) */ -.theme-dark .searchResultsWrap-2DKFzt, .theme-dark .searchHeader-1l-wpR { /**/ - background-color: var(--trans05); -} -/* .theme-dark (hit:channelSeparator) (hit:channelName) */ -.theme-dark .channelSeparator-1X1FuH .channelName-1QajIf { /**/ - background-color: transparent; -} -/* (hit:searchResult) + (hit:channelSeparator) */ -.searchResult-3pzFAB + .channelSeparator-1X1FuH { /**/ - border-top: 2px solid var(--trans10); -} -/* (hit:channelSeparator):before */ -.channelSeparator-1X1FuH:before { /**/ - display: none; -} -/* (hit:searchResult) */ -.searchResult-3pzFAB { /**/ - border-top: 2px solid var(--trans05); -} -/* .theme-dark (hit:searchResult):before, .theme-dark (hit:searchResult):after */ -.theme-dark .searchResult-3pzFAB:before, .theme-dark .searchResult-3pzFAB:after { /**/ - display: none; -} -/* .theme-dark (hit:searchResult) (hit:hit) */ -.theme-dark .searchResult-3pzFAB .hit-NLlWXA { /**/ - background-color: var(--trans10); - border: none !important; - box-shadow: none; - margin: 10px 0 0 0; -} -/* .theme-dark (hit:searchResult) (hit:hit) (hit:messageGroupCozy) */ -.theme-dark .searchResult-3pzFAB .hit-NLlWXA .messageGroupCozy-1BZuO8 { /**/ - margin: 5px 0 5px -10px; - padding: 5px 0; -} -/* ---- MESSAGES ---- */ -/* (emojiSeparator:emojiButton), (emojiSeparator:emojiSeparator) */ -.emojiButton-jE9tXC, .emojiSeparator-10VgEJ { /**/ - display: none; -} -/* (botTagCozy:containerCozy) */ -.containerCozy-jafyvG { /**/ - padding: 15px 0; -} -/* .theme-dark (attachment:attachment) */ -.theme-dark .attachment-33OFj0 { - background: rgba(69, 69, 69, 0.25); - border: none; -} -/* (attachment:cancelButton), (attachment:downloadButton), (attachment:metadata) */ -.cancelButton-3hVEV6, .downloadButton-23tKQp, .metadata-3WGS0M { /**/ - color: var(--trans50); -} -/* (embedFull:embedFull) */ -.embedFull-2tM8-- { /**/ - background: rgba(69, 69, 69, 0.15); - border-left-color: var(--trans10); -} -/* (embedFull:embedFieldName) */ -.embedFieldName-NFrena { /**/ - color: #fff; -} -/* (embedFull:grid) */ -.grid-1nZz7S { /**/ - padding: 0 12px 8px; -} -/* (embedFull:embedFooterSeparator) */ -.embedFooterSeparator-3klTIQ { /**/ - color: var(--trans25); -} -/* (guildInfo:wrapper) */ -.wrapper-35wsBm { /**/ - background: rgba(69, 69, 69, 0.15); - padding: 12px; -} -/* (guildInfo:channelIcon) */ -.channelIcon-11pgiB { /**/ - color: var(--icon-color); -} -/* .theme-dark (guildIconImage:guildIconImage) */ -.theme-dark .guildIconImage-3qTk45 { - background-color: var(--trans10); -} -/* (lookFilled:lookFilled)(lookFilled:colorGreen), (lookFilled:lookFilled)(lookFilled:colorGreen):disabled */ -.lookFilled-1Gx00P.colorGreen-29iAKY, .lookFilled-1Gx00P.colorGreen-29iAKY:disabled { /**/ - background-color: var(--accent); -} -/* (lookFilled:lookFilled)(lookFilled:colorGreen):hover */ -.lookFilled-1Gx00P.colorGreen-29iAKY:hover { /**/ - background-color: var(--accent); - filter: brightness(1.3); -} -/* (barBase:dividerContent):after, (barBase:dividerContent):before */ -.dividerContent-2L12VI:after, .dividerContent-2L12VI:before { /**/ - height: 2px; - background-color: var(--trans15); -} -/* (isUnread:isUnread) */ -.isUnread-3Ef-o9 { /**/ - border-color: var(--accent); -} -/* (isUnread:unreadPill) */ -.unreadPill-2HyYtt { /**/ - background-color: var(--accent); -} -/* (isUnread:unreadPillCapStroke) */ -.unreadPillCapStroke-7rkHbg { /**/ - color: var(--accent); - fill: var(--accent); -} -/* (barBase:newMessagesBar) */ -.newMessagesBar-mujexs { /**/ - background-color: var(--accent); -} -/* (inlineCode:after_inlineCode), (inlineCode:before_inlineCode), (inlineCode:inlineCode) */ -.after_inlineCode-1KfVgj, .before_inlineCode-1G9rTK, .inlineCode-2ngu6Y { /**/ - background-color: var(--trans10); -} -/* (markup:markup) code.inline */ -.markup-2BOw-j code.inline { /**/ - font-size: 84%; -} -/* (markup:markup) code */ -.markup-2BOw-j code { /**/ - background-color: var(--trans10); -} -/* (markup:markup) pre > code */ -.markup-2BOw-j pre > code { /**/ - background-color: var(--trans07); - border: 2px solid var(--trans10); -} -/* (edited:edited) */ -.edited-DL9ECl { /**/ - display: inline-block; - width: 15px; - height: 15px; - overflow: hidden; -} -/* (edited:edited):before */ -.edited-DL9ECl:before { /**/ - margin-left: 1px; - content: var(--pencil); -} -/* .theme-dark (wrapperHover:wrapperHover), .theme-dark (wrapperHover:wrapper) */ -.theme-dark .wrapperHover-1GktnT, .theme-dark .wrapper-3WhCwL { /**/ - background: var(--accent-back); - color: var(--accent-bright); -} -/* .theme-dark (isMentionedCozy:isMentioned) .mention:hover */ -.theme-dark .isMentioned-N-h9aa .mention:hover { /**/ - color: #fff; - text-decoration: none; - background: var(--accent-back-bright) !important; -} -/* .theme-dark (wrapperHover:wrapperHover):hover */ -.theme-dark .wrapperHover-1GktnT:hover { /**/ - color: #fff; - background: var(--accent-back-bright); -} -/* (reaction:reaction)(reaction:reactionMe) */ -.reaction-1hd86g.reactionMe-wv5HKu { /**/ - background: radial-gradient(var(--accent-back), var(--accent-back-bright)); -} -/* (reaction:reactionMe) (reaction:reactionCount), (reaction:reactionMe):hover; (reaction:reactionCount) */ -.reactionMe-wv5HKu .reactionCount-2mvXRV, .reactionMe-wv5HKu:hover .reactionCount-2mvXRV { /**/ - color: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.7); -} -/* (attachment:icon) */ -.icon-1kp3fr { /**/ - filter: invert(0.8); -} -/* (channelTextArea:textAreaEdit) */ -.textAreaEdit-bNLDk3 { /**/ - background-color: var(--trans05); -} -/* (channelTextArea:textAreaEdit) + (channelTextArea:buttons) */ -.textAreaEdit-bNLDk3 + .buttons-205you { /**/ - 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filter: invert(1); - box-shadow: 0 2px 4px 0 rgba(255,255,255,.2); -} -/* .theme-dark ([card,active]:card):before */ -.theme-dark .card-FDVird:before { /**/ - border: none; - background-color: var(--trans10); -} -/* (side:side) (side:themed)(side:selected)(side:item) */ -.side-8zPYf6 .themed-OHr7kt.selected-3s45Ha.item-PXvHYJ { /**/ - background-color: var(--accent); -} -/* .theme-dark (labelText:item) */ -.theme-dark .item-3eFBNF { /**/ - box-shadow: none; - border-bottom: 2px solid var(--trans10); -} -/* (labelText:image) */ -.image-z8whH4 { /**/ - filter: saturate(2); -} -/* .theme-dark (box:checkbox) */ -.theme-dark .checkbox-1ix_J3 { /**/ - border-color: var(--trans25); -} -/* .theme-dark (bar:bar) */ -.theme-dark .bar-2Qqk5Z { /**/ - background: var(--trans10); -} -/* .theme-dark (bar:barFill) */ -.barFill-23-gu- { /**/ - background: var(--accent); -} -/* (bar:defaultValue) (bar:markValue) */ -.defaultValue-3gC7yw .markValue-2DwdXI { /**/ - color: var(--accent-bright); -} -/* .theme-dark (installationPath:installationPath), .theme-dark (game:game) */ -.theme-dark .installationPath-24giJj, .theme-dark .game-1ipmAa { /**/ - box-shadow: none; - border-bottom: 2px solid var(--trans10); -} -/* (lookFilled:lookFilled)(lookFilled:colorPrimary), (lookFilled:lookFilled)(lookFilled:colorPrimary):disabled */ -.theme-dark .lookFilled-1Gx00P.colorPrimary-3b3xI6, .theme-dark .lookFilled-1Gx00P.colorPrimary-3b3xI6:disabled { /**/ - background: var(--trans10); -} -/* (lookFilled:lookFilled)(lookFilled:colorPrimary):hover */ -.theme-dark .lookFilled-1Gx00P.colorPrimary-3b3xI6:hover { /**/ - background: var(--trans15); -} -/* .theme-dark (installationPath:rowBody) */ -.theme-dark .rowBody-10yI-R { /**/ - color: var(--text-muted); -} -/* .theme-dark (installationPath:defaultIndicator), .theme-dark (searchIcon:searchBox) */ -.theme-dark .defaultIndicator-2X8Auf, .theme-dark .searchBox-3Y2Vi7 { /**/ - background-color: var(--trans10); -} -/* (lookFilled:lookFilled) (lookFilled:contents) */ -.lookFilled-1Gx00P .contents-18-Yxp { /**/ - color: #fff; -} -/* .theme-dark (nowPlaying:nowPlaying) */ -.theme-dark .nowPlaying-284llR { /**/ - background-color: var(--trans10); -} -/* .theme-dark (lastPlayed:nowPlaying) (lastPlayed:lastPlayed), .theme-dark (lastPlayed:nowPlaying) (lastPlayed:overlayStatusText) */ -.theme-dark .nowPlaying-284llR .lastPlayed-3bQ7Bo, .theme-dark .nowPlaying-284llR .overlayStatusText-L2IACa { /**/ - color: var(--text-muted); -} -/* (hiddenInput:wrapper) */ -.wrapper-3jrx9n { /**/ - border-color: var(--accent); -} -/* (hiddenInput:selected)(hiddenInput:option), (hiddenInput:option):hover */ -.selected-mKYnfr.option-n0icdO, .option-n0icdO:hover { /**/ - background-color: var(--accent); -} -/* (hiddenInput:option) */ -.option-n0icdO { /**/ - background-color: var(--trans10); -} -/* (hiddenInput:disabled) */ -.disabled-3I9jyo { /**/ - color: var(--trans10); -} -/* .theme-dark (notches:container) */ -.theme-dark .container-3PXSwK { /**/ - background-color: transparent; - border-radius: 10px; -} -/* .theme-dark (notches:progress) */ -.theme-dark .progress-1IcQ3A { /**/ - left: -560px; - width: 560px; - 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background-color: var(--trans10); -} -/* ---- SETTINGS > MEMBERS ---- */ -/* (overflowRolesPopout:actionButton) */ -.theme-dark .actionButton-VzECiy { /**/ - border-color: var(--trans05); - background-color: var(--trans05); - color: var(--trans50); -} -/* (overflowRolesPopout:role) */ -.role-2irmRk { /**/ - background-color: var(--trans03); -} -/* .theme-dark (overflowRolesPopout:overflowRolesPopout), .theme-dark (overflowRolesPopout:overflowRolesPopoutArrow) */ -.theme-dark .overflowRolesPopout-140n9i, .theme-dark .overflowRolesPopoutArrow-2O66oH { /**/ - background-color: var(--popup-background); -} -/* .theme-dark (popoutList:popoutList) */ -.theme-dark .popoutList-T9CKZQ { /**/ - background-color: var(--popup-background); -} -/* .theme-dark (selectableItem:selectableItem):hover */ -.theme-dark .selectableItem-1MP3MQ:hover { /**/ - background-color: var(--trans10); -} -/* .theme-dark (membersHeader:member) (membersHeader:tag) */ -.theme-dark .member-1q7VfX .tag-1YGWN9 { /**/ - color: var(--trans50); -} -/* (membersHeader:searchBar) */ -.searchBar-1YE5UV { /**/ - background-color: var(--trans10); -} -/* (quickSelect:quickSelectLabel) */ -.quickSelectLabel-2r3iJ_ { /**/ - color: #fff; -} -/* ---- SETTINGS > NITRO ---- */ -/* .theme-dark (paymentPane:paymentPane), .theme-dark (paymentPane:paginator) */ -.theme-dark .paymentPane-3bwJ6A, .theme-dark .paginator-166-09 { /**/ - background-color: transparent; -} -/* (paymentPane:paymentRow), (pageActions:pageActions), (payment:payment) */ -.paymentRow-2e7VM6, .pageActions-1SVAnA, .theme-dark .payment-xT17Mq { /**/ - background-color: var(--trans05); -} -/* .theme-dark (payment:payment), .theme-dark (paymentPane:bottomDivider) */ -.theme-dark .payment-xT17Mq, .theme-dark .bottomDivider-1K9Gao { /**/ - border-bottom: 2px solid var(--trans10); -} -/* .theme-dark (payment:payment):last-child, .theme-dark (paymentPane:bottomDivider):last-child */ -.theme-dark .payment-xT17Mq:last-child, .theme-dark .bottomDivider-1K9Gao:last-child { /**/ - border-bottom: none; -} -/* .theme-dark (payment:hoverablePayment):hover, .theme-dark (paymentPane:expandedInfo) */ -.theme-dark .hoverablePayment-Yc6mK7:hover, .theme-dark .expandedInfo-3kfShd { /**/ - 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color: var(--trans50); -} -/* ---- SETTINGS > AUDIT LOG ---- */ -/* .theme-dark (auditLog:auditLog) */ -.theme-dark .auditLog-3jNbM6 { /**/ - border: none; -} -/* .theme-dark (auditLog:headerClickable), .theme-dark (auditLog:headerDefault), .theme-dark (auditLog:changeDetails) */ -.theme-dark .headerClickable-2IVFo9, .theme-dark .headerDefault-1wrJcN, .theme-dark .changeDetails-bk98pu { /**/ - background-color: var(--trans05); -} -/* .theme-dark (auditLog:headerExpanded), .theme-dark (auditLog:divider) */ -.theme-dark .headerExpanded-CUEwZ5, .theme-dark .divider-1pnAR2 { /**/ - background-color: var(--trans10); -} -/* ---- CHANNEL SETTINGS ---- */ -/* .theme-dark ([group,item]:item) */ -.theme-dark .item-3T2z1R { /**/ - border-color: var(--trans10); -} -/* .theme-dark (passthroughSelected:passthroughSelected) */ -.theme-dark .passthroughSelected-1Eq0Kl { /**/ - background-color: var(--trans10); -} -/* (sectionTag:container) (sectionTag:header) */ -.container-VSDcQc .header-2bNvm4 { /**/ - 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background-color: transparent; -} -/* .theme-dark (ctaBar:ctaBar), .theme-dark (perks:perk) */ -.theme-dark .ctaBar-2UsjF2, .theme-dark .perk-2WeBWW { /**/ - background-color: var(--trans10); -} -/* .theme-dark (tierMarker:tierMarkerBackground) */ -.theme-dark .tierMarkerBackground-3q29am { /**/ - background-color: var(--popup-highlight); -} -/* (tierMarker:tierMarkerAccomplished), (tierMarker:tierMarkerInProgress) */ -.tierMarkerAccomplished-2MiXeg, .tierMarkerInProgress-24LMzJ { /**/ - background: var(--popup-background) !important; -} -/* ---- CONNECTING ---- */ -/* (problems:container) */ -.container-16j22k.fixClipping-3qAKRb { /**/ - display: block; - position: absolute; - top: unset; - right: unset; - bottom: unset; - left: unset; - margin: 20% calc(50% - 175px); - padding: 20px; - background-color: var(--popup-background); - box-shadow: 0 0 19px var(--accent); -} -/* (problems:problems)(problems:slideIn) */ -.problems-3mgf6w.slideIn-sCvzGz { /**/ - position: relative; - top: unset; - 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padding: 0; -} -/* (quickswitcher:quickswitcher) */ -.quickswitcher-3JagVE { /**/ - background-color: var(--popup-background); -} -/* (wanderingCubesItem:wanderingCubesItem) */ -.wanderingCubesItem-WPXqao { /**/ - background-color: var(--accent); -} -::selection { - background-color: var(--trans15); -}