/* eslint-disable n/no-unpublished-import */ // @ts-check import eslint from "@eslint/js"; import tseslint from "typescript-eslint"; import prettier from "eslint-plugin-prettier"; import n from "eslint-plugin-n"; export default tseslint.config( eslint.configs.recommended, {ignores: ["ts-out", "src/discord/content/js"]}, // REVIEW - investigate discord files a bit before finalizing this - I think these are meant to be run in the app console, and this would be difficult to type ...tseslint.configs.recommendedTypeChecked, ...tseslint.configs.stylisticTypeChecked, n.configs["flat/recommended"], { settings: { n: { allowModules: ["electron"], tryExtensions: [".tsx", ".ts", ".jsx", ".js", ".json", ".node", ".d.ts"] } }, plugins: { prettier, n }, languageOptions: { parserOptions: { project: true, tsconfigRootDir: import.meta.dirname } }, // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-unsafe-assignment rules: { "no-constant-binary-expression": 0, "n/no-unsupported-features/node-builtins": 1, "@typescript-eslint/no-unused-vars": [ 2, { argsIgnorePattern: "^_", varsIgnorePattern: "^_", caughtErrorsIgnorePattern: "^_" } ], // @ts-expect-error - Don't worry about it ...prettier.configs.recommended.rules } } );