const rgb = (r, g, b, msg) => `\x1b[38;2;${r};${g};${b}m${msg}\x1b[0m`; const log = (...args) => console.log(`[${rgb(88, 101, 242, "arRPC")} > ${rgb(254, 231, 92, "ipc")}]`, ...args); const {join} = require("path"); const {platform, env} = require("process"); const {unlinkSync} = require("fs"); const {createServer, createConnection} = require("net"); const SOCKET_PATH = platform === "win32" ? "\\\\?\\pipe\\discord-ipc" : join(env.XDG_RUNTIME_DIR || env.TMPDIR || env.TMP || env.TEMP || "/tmp", "discord-ipc"); // enums for various constants const Types = { // types of packets HANDSHAKE: 0, FRAME: 1, CLOSE: 2, PING: 3, PONG: 4 }; const CloseCodes = { // codes for closures CLOSE_NORMAL: 1000, CLOSE_UNSUPPORTED: 1003, CLOSE_ABNORMAL: 1006 }; const ErrorCodes = { // codes for errors INVALID_CLIENTID: 4000, INVALID_ORIGIN: 4001, RATELIMITED: 4002, TOKEN_REVOKED: 4003, INVALID_VERSION: 4004, INVALID_ENCODING: 4005 }; let uniqueId = 0; const encode = (type, data) => { data = JSON.stringify(data); const dataSize = Buffer.byteLength(data); const buf = Buffer.alloc(dataSize + 8); buf.writeInt32LE(type, 0); // type buf.writeInt32LE(dataSize, 4); // data size buf.write(data, 8, dataSize); // data return buf; }; const read = (socket) => { let resp =; if (!resp) return; resp = Buffer.from(resp); const type = resp.readInt32LE(0); const dataSize = resp.readInt32LE(4); if (type < 0 || type >= Object.keys(Types).length) throw new Error("invalid type"); let data =; if (!data) throw new Error("failed reading data"); data = JSON.parse(Buffer.from(data).toString()); switch (type) { case Types.PING: socket.emit("ping", data); socket.write(encode(Types.PONG, data)); break; case Types.PONG: socket.emit("pong", data); break; case Types.HANDSHAKE: if (socket._handshook) throw new Error("already handshook"); socket._handshook = true; socket.emit("handshake", data); break; case Types.FRAME: if (!socket._handshook) throw new Error("need to handshake first"); socket.emit("request", data); break; case Types.CLOSE: socket.end(); socket.destroy(); break; } read(socket); }; const socketIsAvailable = async (socket) => { socket.pause(); socket.on("readable", () => { try { read(socket); } catch (e) { log("error whilst reading", e); socket.end( encode(Types.CLOSE, { code: CloseCodes.CLOSE_UNSUPPORTED, message: e.message }) ); socket.destroy(); } }); const stop = () => { try { socket.end(); socket.destroy(); } catch {} }; const possibleOutcomes = Promise.race([ new Promise((res) => socket.on("error", res)), // errored new Promise((res, rej) => socket.on("pong", () => rej("socket ponged"))), // ponged new Promise((res, rej) => setTimeout(() => rej("timed out"), 1000)) // timed out ]).then( () => true, (e) => e ); socket.write(encode(Types.PING, ++uniqueId)); const outcome = await possibleOutcomes; stop(); log("checked if socket is available:", outcome === true, outcome === true ? "" : `- reason: ${outcome}`); return outcome === true; }; const getAvailableSocket = async (tries = 0) => { if (tries > 9) { throw new Error("ran out of tries to find socket", tries); } const path = SOCKET_PATH + "-" + tries; const socket = createConnection(path); log("checking", path); if (await socketIsAvailable(socket)) { if (platform !== "win32") try { unlinkSync(path); } catch {} return path; } log(`not available, trying again (attempt ${tries + 1})`); return getAvailableSocket(tries + 1); }; class IPCServer { constructor(handers) { return new Promise(async (res) => { this.handlers = handers; this.onConnection = this.onConnection.bind(this); this.onMessage = this.onMessage.bind(this); const server = createServer(this.onConnection); server.on("error", (e) => { log("server error", e); }); const socketPath = await getAvailableSocket(); server.listen(socketPath, () => { log("listening at", socketPath); this.server = server; res(this); }); }); } onConnection(socket) { log("new connection!"); socket.pause(); socket.on("readable", () => { try { read(socket); } catch (e) { log("error whilst reading", e); socket.end( encode(Types.CLOSE, { code: CloseCodes.CLOSE_UNSUPPORTED, message: e.message }) ); socket.destroy(); } }); socket.once("handshake", (params) => { log("handshake:", params); const ver = params.v ?? 1; const clientId = params.client_id ?? ""; // encoding is always json for ipc if (ver !== 1) { log("unsupported version requested", ver); socket.close(ErrorCodes.INVALID_VERSION); return; } if (clientId === "") { log("client id required"); socket.close(ErrorCodes.INVALID_CLIENTID); return; } socket.on("error", (e) => { log("socket error", e); }); socket.on("close", (e) => { log("socket closed", e); this.handlers.close(socket); }); socket.on("request", this.onMessage.bind(this, socket)); socket._send = socket.send; socket.send = (msg) => { log("sending", msg); socket.write(encode(Types.FRAME, msg)); }; socket.clientId = clientId; this.handlers.connection(socket); }); } onMessage(socket, msg) { log("message", msg); this.handlers.message(socket, msg); } } module.exports = {IPCServer};